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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. Just listened to Facehammer's podcast on Sylvaneth and they talked about shooting being good vs FEC and Slaanesh. I wonder if you'll see a surprise sleeper hit with a tournament (probably Aus,.. weird Wood Elf tournament wins tend to come from there) where Wanderers win or place higher than expected solely from being strong anti-meta. I gather woods will probably be all but dead now? so no LoS blocking terrain really. I like that those Cities will continue to exist with some support. Couple with drastically cheaper battalions from Sylvaneth a classic Wood Elf army isn't too difficult to build granted,.. you will loose Winterleaf's exploding 6s but we'll see. I'm keen to see the book. It will also bring shooting back more (anti-FEC). If you were around long ago Hastings mentioned on Warseer seeing Centigors. When I privately asked him about this he said back in mid 8th ish they had larger Centigor CADs done but I assume the files were never printed. I have always wanted to see those sculpts but they also would be more,.. like a cross between bull centaurs and chaos knights. Less a smaller fast cav like unit. I 100% agree with GG going away. I think Dryads survived from a weird legacy crutch but will probably be gone from Sylvaneth when that army is redone in another 4-5 years. 2005 Era sculpts just don't hold up, legacy 6th ed boxes sold in multiples of 4,.. aesthetic that doesn't fit. I would honestly love Swifthawk to be merged into Wanderer. Dont' post your list in pdf form. Just the bare bones text. Unless you have a really strict tournament regulation don't worry about converting. I just use my Waywatchers as Sisters of the Watch and tell my opponent before hand. You can use Wardancers as Rangers. While I support the death knell of GG, for 2-3 years we have seen random kits sold out and no longer available and they always come back. GG themselves have done this twice. GW is trying to juggle global stock. Don't think anything more than "oh,.. not available now" and if you do want some? click the "Email me when available" as if there is interest GW will make more. Pretty sure Bestigors have also been sold out twice and look at them now. Required in both BoC and Slaanesh
  2. That is probably the larger of the issues with Warherd in general. Even with Dark Walkers they are harder to get into CC fast. I got the voluptuous pink for my old Juan Diaz seekers. I zenithal primed them and one coat looked nice. I'll go shade and highlight them next. Doing 20 at once was pretty dark appealing. If only they made contrast for highlights
  3. I want to try it out. I think for quick games after the munchkins are asleep in bed over at a buddies house will make it appealing. Blades works well on Centigors as they have a +1 to hit and IIRC the Blades is a 6+ not a unmodified 6? Also Centigors are dang fast ensuring alpha strike with that ability (toss in +1W from the Glotkin as well) and you have mini Chaos Knights. Couple that with cogs for Bestigors charging fast and you have two serious threats coming at you fast and hard. The nurgle tree helps them move doesn't it? Or does it just grant run and charge? I think all the 4 chaos god battalions have value.
  4. I don't know if allys and the battalion give you enough room to wiggle. You are crippling the GG, the EG and the PG IMO here. If you want to look at 30 Phoenix Guard as allies perhaps consider not using the Battalion, it can be a fairly tight points squeeze. Just a thought. Also forums and theory-crafting won't be anywhere near as good as game play experience. So try it as much as you can and see how you can make the PG work for you
  5. Nope. 20 are still amazing holding an objective. They hit on 3s, wound on 3s and are pumping lots of shots. Glade guard are good at having a 26" threat range. SotW are good at holding a board section/objective. I find GG plain dismal throughout a game at damage output but good as a tactical threat. I guess to me there is definitively a place for both but I am nonplussed by GG in AoS in general.
  6. I find I'm only healing the cavalry and casting Shield of Thorns. Otherwise,.. without a spell lore meh to caster. Just take more WW heroes I've been using mine on an objective with Sisters of the thorn back a bit hiding and a Spellweaver supporting them further back. You ideally are putting them in a place to bait a charge and/or defend an objective. Also t ry to get them into cover for the +1 save with Shield of Thorns when they get charged. I use mine as Sisters of the Watch.
  7. Well GW puts out the yearly survey and "what do you want" thread on FB once a year. make your voice known.
  8. @cranect it's crazy you have no screens, not much to boost (no secrator or stoker) and you're just using fairly stock stuff. I love it. I've been trying something different with okay success (mostly I don't get enough games in to really work the details) but I use Darkwalkers, fewer bulls and more Ghorgons and Doombulls.
  9. I guess I assumed automatically you used Dark WAlkers as it pairs well with Minotaurs and KHorne. What is your full list then? Just trying to read how it works.
  10. They did?!?!?! That's huge. 100%. I also don't blame or discredit GW for making AoS its' own thing and the armies really do need to fit in properly. I get that things evolve and companies need to keep making money.
  11. I was just thinking about this... if you house rule Wood Elves as allies and grant them the new Wanderer keyword, Wardancers with Sisters of the Thorn bounce Mortal Wounds back on a 4+. I might try that with a block of 20.
  12. Long standing beef that BoC got Centigors back (which they bloody well should have) and we don't have Wardancers a dragon or Orion. FFS GW figure it out already. I should add that I'm playing my wanderers next and since it is just a pickup game with a friend, I don't play tournaments he's okay with me using older Warscrolls where Wood Elves had the Wanderer keyword so I can play an army with my collection. I think people need to stop chasing the 2-3 Tournament top players in these threads and revisit what their aim in the game is. I'm playing friends and we don't care for the meta. GW is pushing narrative and open play but they need to remember, in those games people still use Matched Play points nad get caught up with "oh this doesn't have points so I can't use it"
  13. IMO that is a better combo. I have 10 SotW and probably 20 2005-era Waywatchers which I'm using also as SotW. I'm sure you can score some old WW as well. I would also suggest if cash is a problem any old HE or WE archers are fine so long as they aren't specifically the same models as your GG.
  14. Does anyone know the ally list in GHB2019?
  15. The last/current Sylvaneth Battletome was so good I hated that idea. Now that they've made the unreleased/sold-for-one-day Sylvaneth Battletome built on the same template as the Beast of Chaos I am 100% into this idea again. Did you really take 5 of Sisters of the Watch? Centigors are 80 points and plain better in every way and then some more than WRs. 100 points for WRs still is too much. Maybe if Orion had his Wanderer keyword and they got a pretty big boost. I see no reason that unit doesn't have MW dmg on the charge given it is stags hitting at high impact. Fixed that for you Past arcane bodkins points-wise in 2018 GHB SotW were better in turns 2-5 than GG consistently. for 3 years I have wanted the Treelord,.. okay fine since 2006 I have wanted the Treelord to be good. the ASL is a 4+ still. Which is dumb since the Keeper is 2+. At least make it a 3+ GW,.. c'mon. I've been thinking a couple units of 3 sword hunters or two treelords aren't a terrible option either. They have MW output now. If you don't get first turn (your opponent has 1st turn, deploys out of effective range of the GG shooting) all that needs to happen is each of those 4 units of GG needs to be sneezed at to become ineffective vs 2x10. 19 is a bad number of GG and a hand you can't get in Crib so... yeah. maybe 2 x 30 and 2 x 10? Makes the 30 more effective and the 10 usable to kinda snipe off and hang around supporting or screen. Just my opinion/gameplay, others probably have success running 20. Nope and yup. The classic Aelves are a horde in AoS which is the issue. And Wanderers have no synergy or buffs or real merit. I would say the issue isn't a comparison between them but 10-man infantry shooting units don't work well (historically they really haven't either) and yet that is somehow the backbone of our army. We shouldn't need 30 GG to be a unit. We should be able to drop 2-3 SotW and it be effective and scary. heh nice. To you as well
  16. I love Brass Despoilers Minotuars. Very swingy, with dice spiking like crazy but when it hits, units are removed. What are you doing with your Cygors? I'm such a fan of Ghorgons I struggle to not try to max them out.
  17. While I always side with "rend is king" you don't think there is any mileage with the 3" reach of the whips even with a big unit, you may get them all in attacking. Just a random thought i had while reading warscrolls.
  18. Try to find the novella Hour of Shadows (... good lord I hope I remembered the correct title). It was from back in 8th edition specifically the magic supplement that everyone freaked out about. Storm of Magic? I keep mentioning it only cause I quite liked the story. One of the pools of power in a glade in Athel Loren was a Keeper who animates and is basically a cross of a Treeman and Keeper. Might be worth a conversion attempt if you didn't want to buy 3 Keepers at full price as Treelords are much cheaper?
  19. It was done before, I've posted photos in the old Slaanesh thread (dunno if they renamed it or made a new one). It was a 40k army and the photos aren't amazing but it was an Armies on Parade winner. who was Malekith's father? Aenerion? There is an old pencil and paper piece of art from the 6th ed HE book of Aenerion fighting a Keeper. You can make the Ghorgon (with some legit green stuff skills) look like that. GeoOrc did a converison with the metal Keeper years ago on his blog.
  20. I'm wondering if we'll see archer Tree Revenants a la Shadespire warband and a Tree Revenant warcaster (in addition to the warband).
  21. Shrugs. A battletome like Beasts of Chaos. Spells and leighlines and bring back the waystone as terrain, a few paired sets of them. Swifthawk agents match well too. If you wanted Wanderers the GG kit doesn't match what they've produced since so if you broaden your gaze and try to think logically you could see an Aelf book come together that does fit AoS lore.
  22. Nice. I've been thinking of trying out a flank of run and charge DOs with re-rolls on the free move plus Centigors for annoying zippiness. There have been a few lists posted over the months, if you have time i encourage you to go back and read them. The usual pairing is Goretide Pilgrim and Brass Despoiler. You are giving up the BoC alliegance for Khorne to stack +1A (from the banner guy), and often +3" movement from the whip guy (AoS is name hell,..). Also the Slaughterpriest brings some unbind ability (which ends up being good from the Goretide). Generally you are trying to stack more attacks onto Bullgors (with naturally high DMG and rend, something you lose when moving away from BoC allegiance). The two re-roll abilities are good and rare in the army. Doing the Brass Despoilers + Goretide is 400 pts in formations and bare bones units. You get some chaff (reavers,..which become your BL), and what units do hit in CC hit hard. I really hope those two formations drop next GHB. I feel it is a valid way to play the army (before the book dropped I was doing well with Warherd), offers some good benefits and, if you don't mind buying and adding Khorne to your army, works. It won't win Masters but is that your goal? Plus it hearkens back to Khorne Minotaurs in 6th ed which was pretty cool and fun. Keep in mind your Warherd aren't BL outside Allegiance Khorne which,.. you want to be to get the Khorne benefits.
  23. They can re-roll run so you lose essentially have a permanently cast Mystic Shield cast on a unit with only a 5+ save for the average of 1" move loss (taking into account the run). You don't want them in CC often. I would just model them how you like and inform your opponent often "they don't have shields even though they are modeled". It is fairly dumb. Centigors get a 4+ save for bucklers and IIRC don't lose movement.
  24. Can they ally? I love chariots in my BoC (granted they re-roll charges and ambush). Swifthawk chariots would be rad to add aesthetically. There is some lore in the BoC battle tome as well as the core rulebook. It seems they have a Orion-like character who Alarielle visits. With just that I feel hope. After BoC I was so badly wanting Sylvaneth and Wanderers to become one but that might cost the Sylvaneth their unique 1-drop plethora of formations which would worry me. What worries me more is Greenskinz and Gitmob grots are now squated a la TK nad Brets. I hope the EG/WR/WWR?SotT/SotW models are all new and distinct enough to warrant keeping. I totally get getting rid of plain old O&G in favour of unique and flavourful. This does make me feel the idea of the old "HE spearmen" is dead in the water. It brings nothing to AoS. They are too historic to GW lore for them to be put in the bin The next Idoneth novel by David Guymer will have a unit of them
  25. Cogs also have the spell ability. In that Faction Focus wasn't there a branchwych trick with Vortex, Throne of Vines and Unleash Spites or uh... the Reaping?
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