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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. Oh, I thought she was updated. I think the main thing about the Exalted is the model still holds up and given GWs pricing not a bad purchase tbh if you don't mind spending 18,000 hours hot water-bending hair and gluing spikes into dreadlocks. Yeah GW is in no rush to show us they are supporting Azyr. What a disheartening move it took 3 days. What's your views on 30-man girls? I only own 60 (juan diaz sculpts) so I'm kinda capped there. I was thinking of trying Epicurean with 6x10 to generate but then,.. I guess hoping they die so I can bring them back onto objectives. I know 30 girls summoned are really good, I suppose because you have just so many that 90 in 3 blocks is the threat in itself? You are pushing me more into buying Glutos. I am keen to see Sigvald long term. Like lots of actual tournaments out there. I still feel he dampens Phoenix Guard so effectively he is a utility piece not to be ignored.
  2. Did you take Darkwalkers? it would probably benefit you more for elite units as it keeps them off the table and helps positioning. Being so light on chaff (the core of our army) means you have to play really cagey. We throw chaff and slow the enemy down to win by objective scoring. YOu win by dying as slowly as you can. The fact your bullgors killed Sigvald is pretty impressive. They dice spike hard. I love them but a 3+ to hit would go so far. Consider going second and never charging. Try to just score objectives and slow your opponent. There is a good Podcast with Joel McGrath on The AoS Coach where he talks about how to learn BoC.
  3. The warscroll isn't outdated as much as people are playing with leaked rules. If this wasn't the case and we weren't under a COVID19 lockdown I would agree. GW updated the warscroll on Azyr last time HoS was released. We have seen Azyr fall far behind in support in the last year. This is slightly true and then negative opinion. AoS has it's own design team. This is 100% false. Model release drives sales and they make the book for that. So this would imply that 6-12 months ago (during a massive COVID19 lockdown) GW had another wave of models being prepared and another book to be done. GW has slowed down their release schedule and things are overlapping (Morathai BR and DoK) closely. How old is the Maggotkin book? Someone is going to say Slaanesh will get 3 books between Nurgle getting 2? Hardly likely.
  4. No they aren't. They are really only comparable to Tzaangor enlightened. The lack of keywords isn't a comparison issue. Otherwise you're just fishing for straws on complaining about them. We get they aren't what people wanted. It's so tiring the constant doom and gloom, and complaining about a release that realistically isn't even in the stores yet. 10-man against FEC is pretty good, cause you can stop the pile-in if you deploy just a titch back. At the very minimum that is handy.
  5. Did you mean to make that pun? 😉
  6. So in Hordes of Chaos 6th ed, was there a means to play a solo DoC list? I thought there was and at the time your general dictated the troops choice (back when you could Mortal, Daemon, Beast and other types got pushed to Elite)? I know there was a PDF with the pre-model Be'Lakor list that ended up being fairly similar to the 7th ed book. Interesting to hear they have more permanence in the stories. I didn't notice that but maybe just didn't clue in as they've more been additional characters milling around. I guess it makes sense since the realms have mostly been under attack and sway of Chaos and now we are in a situation of fighting back for "humanity". The historical lines of AoS got muddle and mishandled with the poor launch and campaign books being so costly at the time.
  7. Combination of a more competent generalship, knowing the full capabilities of the army and dare I say perhaps some luck (no disrespect). I would guess you played hard and outplayed most people? Harvest boon is also an untapped glade. I've had success when using it and was always surprised not to see others initially appreciated it. People maybe aren't expecting a Durthu to have up to 8 attacks. How are you finding the Spites? Since they are pretty much only chaff I've not had a huge desire to pick up a 3rd box at the cost to run the battalion. Owning 70 painted Dryads means I like running them fine enough. You don't think the Treelord offered any value (with stomp, or dmg soaking?) 3 more KHs are always better? Thanks for sharing.
  8. You need to generate 1W and not slay a unit. You are saying this unit cannot achieve this? I dunno, I guess I just see it differently. Being a huge fan of both BoC and HoS I'm disappointed Slaangors are more desirable (pun intended). I also think you are giving them that narrative. I would see them as lithe, graceful and deadly (the latter being metaphorical more than stats wise). As for GWs description,.. heh,.. .shrugs GW has never paralleled lore to stats. What you quoted is literally just a marketing advertisement.
  9. The problem is Bullgors are a can opener and Slaangors are a DP generator. That just means any (traditionally speaking) "ogre model" is a comparison which,.. it isn't.
  10. Interesting comment was it was most likely a 2020 summer release. Covid has really slowed things down. The original model had assless chaps. I'm painting it right now. But social media wasn't what it was 10 years ago Too little. I"m okay with them but I love the models and want to paint them. They'll do what they need to (generate a min 1 DP a turn so long as they survive which on the flank,. maybe,.. possibly,.. who knows). This is most of the doom sayers here. The problem is say, Lumineth and Seraphon need to come down, not our books up. I would rather a more squished set of Win Rate over a low floor, high ceiling. That's a poor/ignorant comparison and ppl need to stop making it. They are drastically different. Slaangors are HoS marked Gors. I play Warherd a fair bit and those units suffer from dice spiking like no tomorrow (even with 6 i've hit twice,..). Slaangors won't. Also they are a gor vs minotaur. The units themselves serve different purposes. Also the units in their respective armies will accomplish different things. HoS generate DP, in Warherd Bullgors are the ultimate can opener (being up to -5 rend). When I keep reading this it makes me think people aren't playing the objective or army strength game they are playing "do the stats on this warscroll obliterate my opponent). Ungors and movement awareness win games (well,.. for BoC). It's okay. Maybe in 6 months they'll change their tunes like they did with Orks. WORST ARMY POSSIBLE.. <insert 6 months of winning tournaments> ORKS ARE THE BEST ARMY POSSIBLE. O_o... always take math hammer with a grain of salt. 40k could use some more clean up. I was so happy to see it get AoS rules but it's still a cluster F on a good day. They are a great addition, fill what Ungor Raiders did but before everyone rushes out to load up, there isn't really many army mechanics or synergies built for them. HoS is still a combat army over a shooting army. It is an objective based game. Email GW and ask for another wave of Build-to-order Juan Diaz daemonettes. I bet GW made a killing the last time. I know our local store sold A TON. This can't be stated enough. This thread is being hit really hard with negativity (as happens in all threads when a book is re-released) and mostly... the negative comments aren't backed with games but opinions. When I first read the scroll i rolled up a bunch of hits and wounds and thought "these are great I love them" then Enoby kindly pointed out what my eyes failed on squinting to read. Sadly that means it would take a new book as they rarely re-write warscrolls. The 6th ed DE book is a hilarious example how how the evil High Elves were traitorous murderers to the kind benevolent Dark Elves. But Overread is correct. Story telling dictates the swing of things more than rules. I think to GW all daemons are still summoned in, they just aren't mechanically set to that in-game. It may come out soon. Wade Price does a GW podcast and sometimes the guest is the author of a recent book. No. We all agree tomb? tome? Have you put slaanesh in the grave already? Degeneracy of the commons. TAke any public forum and you'll have the worst comments made. So sayeth the romans... Only Hedonites generate bonus attacks. I would argue the Beasts of Chaos battalion is weaker now. Cause a build like that in BoC is not bad.
  11. If you really like the Sisters of the Thorn go for it. They are mobile, 10W caster (that heals naturally). I'm not sure I would take two units if you haven't bought them consider that. ShadowWarriors are,.. okay. for some bizarre reason people thought they were amazing when the book dropped then everyone realized they were,.. just okay. I would drop one unit of SotT, and change the two units of Shadow Warriors to SotW which are significantly better.. The list is pretty good overall and looks fun and takes advantage of LC well.
  12. You can summon one next to 10 Ambushing Bestigors in Gavespawn and really work something over piling on the CP. I wouldn't even bother comparing them. They are 140 points of sexy models and bad rules. The advantage of them over Bullgors is they have higher number of attacks. So Swingy dice makes the bullgors suffer bad. Also I wouldn't compare a "Gor" to a Bullgor. as rend and high dmg is what makes the Bullgors. Slaangors are just gors with slaaneshes "touch". They are meant to fall in line with Daemonettes (stats profile wise) which are still better and a better comparison. I'm probably going to buy a box to just paint up cause I quite like the models.
  13. I wonder if that's a precursor to the 40k change where buffs only affect certain units and not themselves for AoS 3.
  14. They have an e-mail that can get to the developers and GW constantly advertises it out. Feel free to write a concise, clear, logical letter to them.
  15. They do and I have read and re-read Slaangor and they are,.. tricky,.. and not the worst, not the best. Shrugs, M8 is kinda cool...
  16. Where are you finding much of the warscrolls? I've found 2-3 leaks on reddit but nothing elsewhere...
  17. Opps mis-read that. only one attack wtih the guilded weapon. ouchers,.. that's rough...
  18. It is really,.. weak.... They aren't bullgors/warherd they are marked Gors. It's disappointing they don't have Brayherd. But then I don't know if Tzaangor or Tzaangor enlightened do either. They do have 2" reach on one weapon though for 40mm bases. But at 140 points 280 for 6 isn't doing anything....
  19. Why? Not daemonic? I guess pair him up then. his points is still high, I agree, but his utility could change the "covid" meta.
  20. Sigvald nullifies taking Phoenix Guard in Cities of Sigmar. That's pretty huge and I don't think people see how good that is. I rolled up a random charge and hit/wound/save/ rolls and killed 9 PG. People could math it out for a median set of rolls/dmg but he's going to be really good plus if you can sneak him in on a flank and the PG cannot pile in (locus) he'll grind them away unless they retreat (from an objective, even better). At 260 that's limiting and his points costs is a bit weird for a 6w 3+/4++ model but we may have healing. He doesn't have a command ability but maybe there is still a healing spell. I think the tome has the feeling of balanced with some oddities. TBH it takes 2-6 months to really see where it lands plus a few masters or large US tournaments. If Rhelion shows up here with a list you know it's bent, otherwise balanced. The book plays different and you have to decide what you want. do you want to spam MSU tactics for Depravity generation? that's a different game than taking a hard hitting force of elites or hordes. I feel it will be a thinking man's elite finesse book.
  21. Weird I was told you cannot send endless spells through the portal on the Living City thread... Oh man,.. the points for heroes on chariots really went up...
  22. I think compared to Bullgors they aren't bad. Perhaps in BoC they will be more effective... >.<
  23. Soemthing that I was thinking about was the ability for a faster hero (possibly smaller, maybe Seeker chariot) to get up and turn 2 cast an Endless spell to tag multiple units for a min of 1 MW each. Thinking Pendulum and Gravetide are lower casts that can do this. IF you got 3-5 units that's a lot of Depravity. Just musing based on not knowing if we will have casting buffs. Gemenids would do a good job also cause of the 18" range then movement. Burning head, RAvening Jaws and purple sun are also good options. The DP generation alone seems to make an Endless spell a good include in nearly all lists.
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