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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. Fun Fact: this would also qualify for Stoneklaw's Gutstompas (Firestorm), because everything has Ironjawz, Greenskinz or Moonclan keywords Edit: Firestorm cannot include named characters, boo! I'm really interested in lists like this, in fact we were discussing a similar topic in the Destruction WhatsApp last night. I love the explosive potential of the extra Mangler in the Batallion...I do wonder though if those points could just go on extra Boingrots instead? In the version below you would have 10 attacks per Bounder = 300 high quality attacks, plus the Mortal Wound output, plus the Mangler, plus Gordrakk 2 attacks base + 2 from Gordrakk + 1 from Snufflers per unit. Times 2 weapon profiles, times 30 Boingrots (That might be going too far to be fair...you might be better off upgrading at least some the Orruks to Gitmob Grots for screening purposes, or putting in a third Hero). Allegiance: Stoneklaw's GutstompasMortal Realm: UlguLeadersLoonboss on Mangler Squigs (300)- General- Trait: Ravager- Artefact: Doppelganger Cloak Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (580)Battleline10 x Orruks (80)- Choppas & Shields10 x Orruks (80)- Choppas & Shields10 x Orruks (80)- Choppas & ShieldsUnits15 x Boingrot Bounderz (300)15 x Boingrot Bounderz (300)6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)BattalionsSquig Rider Stampede (140)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 141
  2. I guess you mean Mixed Destruction topic? There actually is a thread for that on here:
  3. Yeah, they still have to select a unit then lose the attacks. It's incredibly powerful, which is why it was nerfed to once per game. Still very viable though.
  4. There's a cool mission in the IJ Battletome that revolves around Kunnin' Tricks...well worth a play through for anyone who hasn't done so. There's a neat mini game at the start where you and your opponent are trying to bluff each other,
  5. 3x Spear Chukkas at 360 points Goblin Shaman + 60 Gitmob archers at 350 points I like and use both in Destruction armies...which do you think is the best Ally choice for Gloomspite?
  6. It's certainly not a bad suggestion, although I do think it underlines the original point at the same time. You'll do an average of 3.33 wounds, so just enough to kill one (assuming it's not in cover)...somebody smarter than me can figure out the chances of doing at least 3 wounds, but I don't think it would be much over 60%? So you need a 160 point model plus more output from elsewhere to have a reliable chance of killing it...that doesn't make the Gobba a bad suggestion (at all), but I do think it demonstrates how efficient the Warpfire Thrower itself is at 70 points!
  7. Yeah, 70 points for the Warpfire Thrower teams is just madness. The importance of allocating output to them is way in excess of what a 70 point unit has any right to expect! They're almost an argument for bringing in some Shootas, because that little bit of plink damage could be invaluable.
  8. Nah purely theoryhammer on my part @Mayple Obviously want to be as prepared as possible for when I start facing them though... so I'm interested in hearing how other people would approach it. The parts of the book that stand out to me as difficult to deal with for GG in particular are: Thanquol: deletes hordes, doesn't care about To Hit rolls Verminlord Corruptor: deletes hordes, doesn't care about To Hit rolls, only has to tag one model to blow up the whole unit, can Skitterleap into range for that, has access to Arcane terrain Verminlord Warpseer: functionally invincible, grants wide-ranging immunity to Battleshock Warp Lightening Cannon: can delete our Heroes, and thereby remove our Battleshock immunity (away from the rock) in a way we can't do to them Jezzails: can Skitterleap into position for LOS and delete our Heroes, and thereby remove our Battleshock immunity (away from the rock) There's probably more, but that's a few things off the top of my head that I believe will make this a bad matchup for GG.
  9. @Sahneyoghurt I think that sounds like my list bud, I did a full write up over on The Honest Wargamer which you might be interested in: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/triple-bang-the-monster-mash-they-never-saw-coming/ Unfortunately the list has taken a bit of a kicking with the changes to the Fungoid Cave Shaman (as well as Doppelganger Cloak). My list used his old tech extensively, and it will miss his Command Ability in particular. I'm currently reworking the list for SAGT in Adeliade in a few weeks' time...if you or anyone else reading the thread has any suggestions on where to go with it, list submission is due at the end of this week and I'm open to suggestions!
  10. I really can't think where to start against Skaven. They detonate 60-blocks of Grots with ease. They don't care about minuses To Hit...Hit rolls are for lesser books! If you or anyone else has an idea how to stop them going through us like a dose of the salts, I'm all ears!
  11. I wonder if you could apply the Doppelganger Cloak to a Hero? Just to maximise that one glorious turn of ass-kicking, if you can tag a couple of units, and attack first with most of your army. That would also soften the blow of splitting up your Mournfang into 2s if that's what you end up having to do.
  12. That's true for BCR in general, but applies to this build with its inbuilt +1s to hit, and units that natively hit on 3+, least of any BCR combat army.
  13. A question on the Yetis, I'm still not clear on why people seem to prefer larger groups. Since you can't really stack buffs on them, aren't you just better off piling in MSU units sequentially? It's not like you will be charging with them either, so you're not getting extra value out of a rerolled charge. With MSU, if you don't wipe something, they will have to activate against only the small unit that is already within 3". This will have big advantages in some edge cases (e.g. a super killy unit can only overkill half your models, and waste some of their output; or you may be able to minimise pile ins by tagging the end of a unit with 3 models and keeping the other 3 in front of the enemy to mess with their "nearest model"). And you still get to swing first with all 6 anyway. Plus the standard MSU benefit of Battleshock having a natural ceiling. The only downside I can see is against other units with a similar rule, where you will not get to swing first with everyone, but I would think that is less likely to occur in practice than the potential upsides?
  14. You could drop the Fungoid to a Madcap , and put in a Troggoth Hag? She is always a good recipient of an Artefact.
  15. I'm not saying it's crime of the century either mind you - if an opponent did it against me, I would let this one slide rather than kicking up a fuss. But with my own models I would use the larger bases.
  16. Yeah I know it's just a guideline - although check tournament packs, because some will enforce it. I would not feel comfortable using a cauldron without taking the recommended larger base though. There's quite a big discrepancy between how many enemy models can swarm around a 40mm base vs a 105 x 70mm base.
  17. They look good! Only comment I have is that I would expect the Butcher with Cauldron to be on the 105 x 70mm base? In the base size guide, they do have different sizes for the Butcher (40mm) and the Butcher with Cauldron (105 x 70mm). If I was taking the better warscroll I feel like I should take the larger base tax.
  18. There's a nice tournament report just gone up by Heywoah, where he ran his BCR at Waaghpaca recently, check it out!
  19. Good analysis Malakree, but I think that's the leap. My belief is that with the 40k Dexes pretty much done, it will be full steam ahead on cranking out books for existing factions, some of them with model updates. Similar to what 40k has had. I don't think it's a certainty that we will get 2 new factions this year.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised to see us get one, I'm a little more optimistic than the other posters here. We have a long track history of being proactively shafted compared to armies like Sylvaneth, whom GW has gone out of their way to support; but I do think we will be part of the wave of updates. I have no sound basis for this other than blind optimism! I do find it frustrating that they have announced a 3rd Khorne Battletome. That should have been our book. But watcha gonna do?
  21. Looks good! Would you consider a switch from the Colossal + Fungoid for a Troggoth Hag, get another source of -1 to hit out there? Also Frank is the most accident prone Squig in the Mortal Realms, I don't think I've seen him make it into combat yet without exploding in some comical fashion on the way in
  22. Unless someone else casts Cogs and she slows it down
  23. You planning on sticking with mostly Spiders @mcbrain? I may have just bought another 20 Spider Riders from The Coach last night I'll be after you for list advice!
  24. Maybe someone has a good Squigalanche list that uses all 3 artefacts...I've usually ended up with bad artefacts on bad heroes, trying to squeeze every drop out of it in the lists I've designed. Being pitched at 90 points, I guess there are a couple of different ways you could look at it: - You could decide that it's cheap enough that the artefact is not priced in, so don't bother going through contortions to try and force it. Just take Skragrott and the units you actually want. Taking the 90 points as paying for the reduced drops and Batallion benefit (but not really for the artefact). - You could decide that it's cheap enough that reliably using the Batallion bonus is not priced in, so forget about Skragrott and let the moon run wild. If you get the 6" pile ins, it's a bonus. Taking the 90 points as paying for the reduced drops and artefact (but not really for the Batallion benefit). Then put in another useful Hero who synergises with the Batallion and benefits significantly from an Artefact: like maybe another Mangler Boss Personally I've not come up with a Squigalanche list I'm really happy with. Interested to see what other people are looking at?
  25. The problem I've found in building lists is that you have to take a Mangler Squig (without Loonboss) for the big batallion. Realistically, you also have to take Skragrott if you want to have any benefit from your Allegiance Ability and the Batallion you are paying for. So that's two expensive models who can't take an artefact. So you are paying for 3 artefacts...but you end up struggling to fit in enough Heroes to actually take them.
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