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Everything posted by Thostos

  1. Now that GH19 is out,..im not sure what Warscrolls to use for the AoS Terrrain pieces.Im not speaking of the faction specific stuff,those are in the various battletomes,,im talking about pieces like the Baleful Realmgate,Ophidian Archway,ones like that.In GH18 they revised those to be much more basic and pretty much each one just had one of the effects from the terrain chart,,now those revised scrolls are not in the gh19,and if you go to the GW online store site,many of them still have the older,original warscrolls from pre 1st and 1st edition AoS. The new GH rules state that if there is a warscroll for the terrain piece,then that must be used instead of rolling on the terrain table.What warscrolls do we use?
  2. Im still waiting for my FP expansion to be delivered(hopefully next week) But was wondering about how Mercs are going to work..I rem seeing a leaked page image that showed its Fyreslayers and FeC only for now,,but now that Azyr app is updated and it appears that these two factions can be taken as allies for any army in the game.Is this correct? Does this mean I can add a FeC merc unit to my KO`s that would consist of 2x Arcreagents that in turn each could bring in a solid block of Ghouls,Knights or even a Vargulf?.Of course adding 2 solid beatstick heros to my army that each can cast and dispel 2 spells.. Does this sound right?..or am I missing something... I sure hope so as this sounds like it can be abused to heck if they stay on this path adding additional factions to the Mercenary classification.
  3. Had one,,painted it up,even used it in a couple of local tournaments.The biggest complaint from players is that the molded cracks in the ground of it are a nightmare with dice as you end up with several getting cocked landing in them,that and of course the noise. Sold it late last year to buy more models:)
  4. Heres one im thinking of trying out for the lulz. Jumping Beans! Mangler Boss-Gen-Gryphfeather Charm Hopper Boss-Clammy Cowl Skragrott--Itchy Nuisance Fungoid-Squig Lure Battleline-- 5x Hoppers 5xHoppers 5xHoppers 5xHoppers 5xHoppers 40x Stabbas 20xStabbas Behemoth- Mangler Squig Battalion-Squig Rider Stampede Endless Spell--Chonomantic Cogs Ive been occasionally running a single unit of 5 hoppers as flankers and they have actually done quite well,,likely because my opponent knows they are weak and tends to focus on other units,,but the morts add up each time,,finished off a wounded backfield hero even.Got me thinking about running multiple groups. With 3d6 movement and the ability to deal their mortal wounds in the movement phase even after running or falling back(any "normal" move) they can be very annoying.Squig lure combined with Itchy Nuisance seems like a nice combo that would allow for units to jump over,then attack a prime target before it gets a chance to fight back.
  5. Thats great! My wish list-- Loonsmashas at 110 pts(or even less) Troggoth heal goes to a 3+ across the board since regeneration is a staple of Trolls,,having a 50% chance is not very fluffy at all.( I know they wont touch this though) Spider Riders to 80/450 Gobbapalooza to 200 pts..battalion at 80(or 60)..or something here,,just make them usable please. Dankhold Troggs down to 180 pts,,waaay too expensive right now with their damage output being so swingy. Troggoth Battalion down to 120(or less),,its totally useless at 180.
  6. It can be done,yes:) Ive yet to finish mine but have built it without attaching any of the howda,flinger or shrine bits.The Howda is probably the main piece to magnetize and it attatches in several locations so should only need 2-3 contact points magnetized.
  7. Zarbag is actually quite the value for Gitmobs..160 pts gets another caster hero that has a once per game 2+ to cast(handy for early gogs or something along those lines) aslo allowing another spell choice from the spell lore.Then 8 other grots,one of which is a fanatic,one all important netter and 2 cave squigs with their rending maw attacks.
  8. My current build is similar to this,and im having a solid amount of success wrapping the Fellwaters with grots for the additional net debuff. My build-- Skragrott-General--Hand of Gork Fungoid-Great Green Spite Troggoth Hag-Gryph Feather 40 Spear grots 20 Spear grots 20 Shootas 3x Fellwater Troggoths 3x Fellwater Troggoths 6x Rockgut Troggoths 5 Squig Hoppers Chonomatic Gogs 2000 pts Im trying out the Hag in this list ,removing the Troggboss,,even though he pounded face last fight,I want to see if the extra utility of the Hag is worth it,,no need for the boss to make Troggs Battleline since I have 3 grot blocks. 3 games now,the shootas with their measly 3 netters with one group of Fellwaters either in the front row or one row back has been a real pain for the opponent to deal with,,last game they held up a Stardrake that moved in and thought it was going to be an easy takedown. Porting the 6 Rockguts around along with the Cog charge bonus is money..the flat 3 damage on the Rockguts is devistating. I was also using a group of 10 Boingrots to port around,,which worked fair enough,but the thing that is turning me off on Boingrots is that they really loose out in the inevitable grinding combat that takes place over the next few turns after they have shot their charge wad..they really dont do much. Ive tried squig centered lists and grot centered lists(60 and 40 size blocks) both have thier strenths but both lack in either mobility or staying power.The Trolls on the other hand,in combination with grot nets,magic and their regeneration seems to be a bit of a sweet spot,,especially in scenarios with fewer objectives were you can send out your 40 block of grots with Trolls and a hero embeded and make for a great anchor for the rest of the army to work with.
  9. I will take a smaller "non monster" Troggboss over a larger one any day,,LOS combined with Gryph charm is very nice:)
  10. Thinking about trying out the Troggboss using Mighty Blow and Ghystrike. 4 attks 2+/2+/-2rnd/ d6 rerollable damage...not sure what the numbers vs a 4+ save are on that but they gotta be rather insane.
  11. Got a game in last night using a net wrap of 20 Shootas with 3 Fellwaters,,,took a charge from 6 Skullcrushers(4 got in)lost some grots but inspired them,,he used one to swing at the Trolls then gave up on that instead concentrating on the grots for 2 combat phases,,in the process the Trolls took out 2 of the Crushers. I will be doing this now in my regular builds,,at least one unit,,possibly 2 or even 3.The combo debuff is friggen huge and speed wise its doable as its not at all an offensive block but just needs to get in cap range of an objective then push in.Also,placing the Trolls at the front and not behind the first row shouldnt be too much of a problem as they can be flanked to either side with a net, then one tucked in behind 2 of them for full coverage.
  12. Plan to try this out in various configurations over my next few game sessions.My pic just shows 20 stabbas as an example,thinking that a block of 40 or even 60 camped midfield or on an objective would be quite hard to shift. This is something ive wanted to see be effective in the game since the release of AoS,,that is taking advantage of the melee weapon ranges with multi-scroll formations,though it just seemed too clunky to make work.Currently though,it seems the game may be ready for something like this,mainly due to many of the power builds out there now use a large block of 20-40 buffed up horde units,,of which Grots can certainly do as well,,but adding in the Trolls,,er "embedding" the Trolls could add considerable punch especially considering that the Trolls themselves will likely be -2 to hit due to stench and nets. The main issue is placement of the unit since its basically an "Anvilstar' of sorts and would only do its job on an objective or possibly an avenue of approach that the opponent would need to get through. Certainly the Troggs could get shot out of the middle,,but in that case they would be getting shot up were ever they were..my goal in this case would be to have a few units of Trolls opperating on the flanks or out front of these blocks as well.
  13. Thats pretty much what im working on now list wise..140 pts does cut down on drops and gives the CP to start with plus another artifact.I think its worth it.
  14. I ran this list at a 5 round GT tournament on the West Coast last weekend. Realm of battle--Ghur Wurgogg Porphet -Gen/Squirmy Warpaint spell Brutal Beast Spirits Savage Big Boss- Gryph Feather Charm Maniak Wierdnob-Rockjaws/Kunning Beast Spirits Wardokk-Big wurgogg mask/Hand of Gork 30x Arrow boyz 10 Savage Orruks Choppas 10 Savage Orruks Spears 10 Savage Orruks Spears 2x Big Stabba 2xBig Stabba 2xBig Stabba 2xBig Stabba Kunning Rukk Bonegrindz warclan Quicksilver swords I was leary of bringing this list as this GT had some of the top ITC players in the USA attending,,though I know my Bonesplitterz rules well and have had a good amount of experience with this army since it was released,,though I had only played 3 games since AoS 2.0 with it and that was in a rather casual setting against mid tier lists(2 wins/1 loss against those).I had no intentions of winning the event and was pretty much just playing for fun since my main army for the ITC cycle this year is going to be Gitz but I still have severl models to paint for that. I ended up playing 4 of the 5 rounds(had a drop in the 5th round and I opted to bow out for family issues).Basically I did horrible with them,,which was dissapointing since I usually can count on at least one win.First round was closest game,not really surprised as I was playing a freinds Nighthaunt and he doesnt build really hard lists as he likes to use the cool stuff like me,heh. The next 2 rounds were against Deepkin and DoK,both top tier builds,,niether was even close as,like the first round,,I was double turned both times here as well...I was simply outclassed in every catagorie it seemed,plus my poor rolling.Final round was against BCR however the scenario only had one objective in the middle of the board,,so yeah got rekt there too,lol. I built this army to be one drop so as to garantee first turn,move forward and hop on objective,,screen the Rukk and shoot things...yet lost initiative 3 of 4 times.The other trick I have going,which up until this event had worked very well,was having the smaller units to get more chances for "loadsa Boys" to go off.The way this usually works is by mid late game I can get one unit back onboard into my opponents backfield to cap an objective,,this time though,out of the 24+ units I lost in 4 games,,2 units returned,both in the last game vs BCR..the scenario with one objective in the middle of the board /rolleyes. Anyhow,,ive found that having the single block of Shootas for the Rukk to be the most efficient,,especially since the point increase,,2 units leaves one unbuffed and trying to get hits with 5s.The combination of Kunning Rukk shooting twice per turn and Stabbas moving forward as fast as possible gives this build alot of power,,but it struggles when an opponent can get a unit into melee range with the shooting block.The Stabbas are fun as hell to play with and once players see the d3 morts coming off them when they die,,they think twice about getting their 5 wound melee heros in range of them.
  15. Was just thinking on that last night.. Yes it is,,first off,both models fit on top to satisfy the "remain within 1" rule,secondly in the rules for the cauldron it states that the cauldron and the wizard are treated as one model(then of course goes on about the "remain within 1" thing).
  16. GW really caught me by suprise with this FEC release..I used to run Ghoul patrol using fan comps right after the first book came out.It was actually the first army I used in our first "official points" tournament we had in our area.Kinda funny to see the guy that won LVO running a very similar list to what I did,,though he knows what hes doing with it,and I pretty much got wrecked all the time,lol.Anyhow..at least its all painted except the new models from the spells and CE release. Heres what I came up with using my existing army,adding the Archregent and a couple of the new spells-- Morgaunt Grand Court Realm-Shyish Leaders: Abhorrant Archregent--General ( he seems the best fit for the mandatory command trait) Crypt Ghast Courtier Abhorrant GK on TG Abhorrant GK on ZD Battleline: 40 Crypt Ghouls 10 Crypt Ghouls 10 Crypt Ghouls Battalion--Ghoul Patrol Endless Spells- Chalice of Ushoran -Corpsemare Stampede Extra CP Total 1990 Wounds 101 With the extra CPs and the Throne I should have no problems with keeping my CP count up and getting all three summons out.Regrow possibilities on the Crypt ghouls is nice too. Dont care too much about being top table,just like to give a good game and get a few wins here and there:)
  17. I was just checking it out,,had it for a year now but havent built it yet.I had forgotten that it comes with a Nightgoblin Shaman in a really cool pose:)
  18. In my 8th edition army,I never had to show on my list what unit they were in,,just that they were payed for and in the army.
  19. Yeah,,how they are deployed is a bit ambiquous,,it certainly happens pre deployement but not sure how TO`s will call it..as to require them be assigned to a certain unit as part of the army list when the list is created or just prior to deployment.I mention this because at many events,players are required to have their army lists documented ,and copies available for their opponents prior to the start of the match,,,having the units with the fanatics designated to them would be lame and ruin the surprise element.
  20. The "Tax" is a bit steep in points,,but its easy to underestimate the potential of fanatics.Having used them with their previous rules I was never let down by them.Though now they did loose their counter charge ability(when coming out on defence)though they still have a ton of utility and power,expecially now with the new command point system coupled with an army that has a fair chance of being flush with CPs to use,,as in rerolling a 6" charge.Other things to consider is that now they auto fight first,so double turn situations can be devistating.Also the deployment flexibility of designating them to your units when you set up the units. Sporesplattas may or may not be a thing,,have to see how they work out.At first glance they appear to be a prime early target for the opponents shooting and may need a shamans spell to protect them with that -1 TH..
  21. Moonclan Srap! -Single drop - 3 Artifacts -3 CPs to start the gamee.at least! -12 units,170 wounds total -Several tricksy options since the fanatics dont need to be designated to units until settup..example..place unit with 20 stabbas then Jump em into postiion for Ball slamming hit on a target of opportunity,,,they all die turn 1or 2,,dont pay a cp for inspiring,and start rolling to bring em back,,the whole unit. -Solid block of Stabbas with nearly full support with potentially mutliple sources of boosting the number of attacks they make. -Solid Magic options ,could even enhance this by switching out the Loonboss w/squig to a basic Loonboss,then add in the cauldron. -Best of all for me!,,,I only need to assemble and paint another 33 models to complete this:) Anyhow,,ive been playing a single drop build with my Bonesplitters for the past few months with a pretty good success rate,,cant wait to see how it works here with these guys! WarscrollBuilderList (1).pdf
  22. Thats were im at as well..I want to have a solid core hammer unit of 60 stabbas ported into position with HoG of course,,then would like to do a Loonboss on Mangler working with 10-15 Boingrots for flankers,,maybe another Mangler working with them.Then of course a caster or two..need to fit this into a battalion somehow though.
  23. Im guessing they must have made some changes to the AK mounted Spider Bosses spell,I read were there is an artifact for Skitterbosses that double the number of Mortals the venom inflicts.If they didnt change his "Gift of the Spider God spell,,then it would double the MW`s twice..this combined with being under the Bad Moon would be rather insane damage potential...of course,thats what the Moon sometime causes so theres that too.... Ahh ok,,looks like there is a spell in the new Spider lore with the same name as the one that was the AK Shaman`s ...though it heals d6 wounds to a friendly monster so thats probably what they did.
  24. Indeed, Im just pointing out that,with the new Bad Moon ability,there is no need for the Spider Boss model at all,,and Gryph Feather locks a player into realm of beasts for artifacts(and spells if thats applicable) which may not be a problem for many,though could be nice having 2 heros with TH debuffs. Certainly running a AK`s with a full Spiderfang list is now much more viable,,but im also seeing alot of benifits to just having a single AK as a solid distracting unit for a great price
  25. You can count on most every Death/Nagash list to be running at least one -1 TH debuff spell. EIther way,im thinking that the Arachnarok will become a staple in many competative lists.Now they can take a flat -1 to hit for incoming attacks(not just shooting) The Bad Moon effect triggering venom on a 5+ and the Shamans easy to cast spell doubling the mortal wound output on the poison.Also the 4 attacks from the fangs do not degrade,,so its 14 wounds behind a 4+ save with a to hit debuff to take it down,,plus any other potential to hit debuffs that can be thrown in.Finally he has 2 spells and now a lore to choose from... Wouldnt be surprised if they raised the point cost because all that at 280 is a steal.
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