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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I’ll have a chat with Ben about it as I know he had plans about reorganising stuff but not sure when as I’m busy with work (team has shrunk and I was already doing job of a few people and trying not to get stressed).
  2. 100% this! It’s your hobby and you need to enjoy it. It’s okay not to do stuff for a bit and come back to it when you want to get enjoyment from it.
  3. I’ll have a look but something weird is going on
  4. Looks Soulblight to me (or something Vampire like)
  5. My guess is Adepticon as Warhammer Fest will most likely be 40K
  6. This is pretty much what I’m expecting. Just covering stuff we will see over next few months. I’m quite excited for the Seraphon reveal though but I’m thinking more about what we might see at Adepticon and Warhammer Fest
  7. Or evidence they are working on Epic:Horus Heresy…. 😉
  8. Probably. I can’t remember as it feels like ages ago! Looking at the roadmap again, think you’re right. Looks like a flurry of releases with book and character (guessing Seraphon, Hedonites, Blades, Soulblight and Bonereapers). I think Seraphon will get a bit more with a unit model update.
  9. The LVO is at the end of the month and I think there is a preview then. I suspect most AOS content will be just reveals about the stuff for next few months which has been confirmed as Beast of Chaos and Gloomspite Gits. They might show some Cities stuff but I’m expecting that around March with Adepticon or in May with Warhammer Fest.
  10. To my knowledge they weren’t however there’s nothing stopping them appearing to act out the old ones plan 😁 If I remember the Great War against chaos didn’t change for years and wasn’t really explored. It’s quite cool they are choosing it as a setting as there’s a big scope to do stuff. So they could have Lizardmen appearing but probably more as isolated appearances which nobody believes.
  11. I think it’s a combination of the following… # Not giving any advantage to competitors # Not upsetting customers by saying the mechanics of the game are X but they end up doing Y # Limit people going down the 3D printer route or using alternative models. # Internal resource issues ie - is it a small team working on it as well as other projects. I didn’t think I would be as excited as I would be, but when I heard the rumours last week I got very excited. Now hopefully we see a bit more over next few months and fingers crossed we will see a release over next year. I suspect not as the AOS road map looks busy and it looks like 10th edition of 40K is on the way.
  12. Spotted this on War of Sigmar https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/6426 Mixed thoughts if this is true (and chances are, they are as Hastings has been a rumour dropper for years). I think if done right, this will be good but I would rather have new models
  13. Maybe. I am making an assumption about it being the 40th anniversary of Warhammer next year, so that makes sense to me to do something then. 😁 Again it’s blowing my mind. What they are proposing is a massive range of miniatures in addition to AOS and the logistics are just melting my mind! Originally I was thinking it would be like Warmaster but when they said it would be more refined version of Fantasy and similar sized models, I’m not sure. I’m half thinking they do something where we see individual miniatures like command models and adjusting unit sizes but the core models are like strips a bit like Warmaster. Would probably be easier to produce that way but again no idea.
  14. This is what is blowing my mind at moment as well as how this sits with AOS. The only way I can see it working is there is a core range that straddles both systems which is enhanced with specific kits for each system. I’ll be honest, I’m quite excited and thinking about starting some units now in anticipation for when this comes out (hinting next year). Doesn’t help I’m also looking at Warmaster Revolution at moment!
  15. I’m expecting the army set to be out before December but the rest of the range in Jan 2023.
  16. I think this is the conclusion they may have come to! I was just going to get a few issues to make a small Stormcast force as I had no interest in subscribing on a regular basis.
  17. I think if people subscribe a third time, they won’t. I’ve lost interest but then I’m not the target audience as I would just get issues for cheaper models. It does seem a massive miss though but I do suspect we will see a Horus Heresy one instead of this now.
  18. It’s so they can drop reveals over next few weeks. I’m guessing the set will be out for Christmas but the book and new kits will be next year. Yup and I think it will be similar to the Imperial Knight kits where you have two boxes covering all combos and then the mancrushers. Totally agree although the leaks were a while ago and new players may not have seen them.
  19. @Mattrulesok can see your point of view but we just try and keep topics on topic. It’s a forum so structured to work that way rather than a WhatsApp or discord type group. Ideally if it’s something you are passionate about, just start a new topic. 😉 I’m expecting point tweaks as there’s three or four books out by end of year (depending on Realmlords) with Slaves probably next year. That’s a lot of change already.
  20. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we talk about the Meta Watch in a separate topic please? Thanks
  21. And it was a trial! ☹️ https://www.fauxhammer.com/partworks-magazines/warhammer-stormbringer-it-was-atrial/ Mixed feelings as I understand the need to drum up enough people subscribing but at same time I’m quite annoyed at the time I wasted going around Birmingham looking for this. The short story is, if you want this - subscribe. However, I suspect a lot of people will be just getting issues for things they want.
  22. I get the feeling releases aren’t where they want them to be at moment. Plus I’d rather them keep to a quarterly like schedule for the FAQs else the game would be changing all the time. It’s a horrible pace to keep up with! I think the change is good as still nasty and you need to be wary about but you don’t loose that big model (most of the time). I do wonder what release is coming up though…. 🤣
  23. I have a feeling it’s another stealth trial now as well. I’ve just not seen it anywhere. I’m also wondering if they are going to drop this partially due to how people will change their spending habits but I also have a feeling there will be a Horus Heresy version.
  24. So I’ve had a look through some shops in Birmingham and I’ve purposely not visited any gaming stores to see if it was available. It was not! I couldn’t see any copies of it at all. I even visited Forbidden Planet (not a gaming store 😁) and there was no copies there (saw lots of sisters stuff though with the copies of Imperium they had!). So it’s possible they are sticking to just a subscription or the launch was delayed.
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