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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. I have found in several test games, having SOME magic is not enough. It gets shut down completely. I felt I had wasted several hundred points trying to get spells off. I went four turns with average rolls getting everything unbound by magic strong armies. So I decided to invest my points elsewhere instead of maybe getting a spell off. It wasn’t worth it to me. This edition has made magic an all in or nothing at all Imo.
  2. ..ok..? Yes you are right. Once per game. I think that’s enough. If you are relying on the cycle of corruption to win games I feel bad for you.
  3. You don’t get extra command points for spending points on battalions. Check the faq.
  4. I can manipulate the wheel with grandfathers blessing. Endless spells are either backfield buffs or gimmicky predatory spells I can move away from me if I need.
  5. Virulent discharge doesn’t give you extra rolls for having multiple units in range. Says “any” units in range. So even 5 units of blightkings is one discharge roll. I figured horribly contagious is one roll as well.
  6. ....and? I didn’t know second edition required a wizard in your army.. @GreenFly how do you get 3 extra command points?
  7. Plague cyst could be fun. Horty tends the garden to brings the demons on ASAP and tanks hits. Gutrot and ten kings (dirty mike and the boys) ambush. LoP and a harbinger bring twenty!! kings to the party..letting them roll two dice for proximity mortal wounds in hero phase, and re roll all hits is nice. Harbinger makes them tough as nails and debuffs hit rolls with wittherstaff. Warriors either stay at home base or screen. LoP gets an artifact. Couple options and I can’t decide. The Subderblade could be good to stack another proximity d3 mortal wounds. Gyhrestrike makes him a beast in combat. 5+ d6 hits for d3 damage... Hypersnsre seeds seem really fun. Rustfang is never a bad choice..especially with blightkings. Would like ipinions on the on the list and artifacts for lord of plagues. Allegiance: Nurgle Mortal Realm: Ghyran Leaders Lord of Plagues (140) - General - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing Harbinger of Decay (160) - Artefact: The Witherstave Gutrot Spume (140) Horticulous Slimux (220) Battleline 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 10 x Chaos Warriors (180) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle Plague Cyst (200) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Wounds: 169
  8. I don’t like favorites pox’s on GUO. If you get a juicy target he can’t move closer or cast either of his two spells! I like it on the poxbringer who can remain static and still be effective with the witherstave. Other then that looks great!
  9. Marauders are the best recipient for glotkin's buffs and blades of putrefaction. Warriors remain one of the most resilient infantry choices in chaos, the sorcerer lords spell is ridiculously good on blightkings, glotkin, soul grinder and other big monsters, chaos knights are a dope flanking unit, combined with a chaos lord on demonic mount can hit REALLY hard on the charge and are GREAT for taking blades of putrefaction themselves (+1 to hit command ability and rte roll charges), and they debuff bravery..combined with a carrion dirge that's one heck of a bravery bomb! I think there are many units in the std line that are perfect in a nurgle army, in my opinion.
  10. I actually think its the absolute WORST summon at this point. Horticulous gives you a FREE tree and the free tree at the begining of the game is all you will need IN MY OPINION. The only use for summoning another tree is two reasons: A. You dont run Horticulous B. You want to plug a whole between terrain features and block an opponent's path. I have done this. Once dropped a tree between two features and blocked 40 plague monks from getting a clean charge on Glotkin!
  11. @Turragor If you take @Avvien's advice and go with the pendulum instead of the spell portal.. which I would agree with.. you also would be able to start the game with a command point. This is important because if you dont go first, you have NO command points for say inspiring presence you may need from an alpha strike. My first game I was toying around a bit and left 100 points off the table. I went first and so had three command abilties. I didnt use one on my first turn. Won priority so start of turn two I had four to use! Popped Morbid Vigor on the harbinger for my block of marauders and many blightkings, and was able to double tap glotkins ability and STILL have a point for an emergency inspiring presence (was playing death who was debuffing bravery! Scary when blightkings could run away due to -2 or -3 three bravery!)
  12. I was curious as to what each summonable unit was in term of efficiency using Contagion Points, so I made this chart. It shows how many matched play points per contagion point each unit being summoned is worth. The higher the points per contagion point.. the more efficient the summon. This doesn't mean "better" because some units have specific roles on the battlefield you cant quantify. You may need a hero on an objective so you summon horticulous...even though 20 plaguebearers costs the same contagion point and is more efficient.. for example. Interesting notes: Each contagion point averages out to be about 8.5 matched play points. Horticulous gives you a free blight tree, which itself will generated about 10 contagion points..which is worth 8.5 each. So Horticulous ESSENTIALLY generates 85 matched play points naturally. If you take this into account against his actual matched play cost.. he is only a 135 point unit! He really shines in 2nd edition.
  13. Im PRETTY sure the magnetic sheets will work. BTW if you live near a home depot.. they have INCREDIBLE prices on magnets. I bought these exact size... https://www.homedepot.com/p/Magcraft-Rare-Earth-1-4-in-x-1-16-in-Disc-Magnet-80-Pack-NSN0657/204721317?cm_mmc=hd_email-_-Pickup_Reminder-_-20180628_PP_ET_Merch_Pickup_Reminder_3129959-_-product_image__W928746812 they ship to a nearby store for free and you can just pick them up!
  14. Well when "mortals" are talked about that can mean with the rotbringers (putrid blightkings, glotkin, lord of plagues, blight and afflictions...etc! But it can also mean anything from the slaves to darkness line as well. So the Slaves to darkness start collecting is GREAT! warriors, knights, chaos sorcerer and a chariot!! All can be marked and taken in a nurgle army. If you want the rot bringers, I would say couple boxes of putrid blightkings for battleline and a hero like the lord of plagues or the harbinger of decay. HoD makes the blightkings ridiculously tough.
  15. Links to both: https://www.containerstore.com/s/storage/stacking-modular-storage/grey-modular-stackable-crates/12d?productId=11004082&green=644153D6-4308-54B9-910B-7A79453C6FD1 I got the large one..not the small one. Cookie sheet from target. Although any cookie tray/crate combo will work just make sure it fits well and doesn’t move around to much but these two for perfect with only about 1/2” movement https://www.target.com/p/12-x-17-jumbo-cookie-sheet-threshold-153/-/A-16999573
  16. What I did for them, and other big models like my glotkin, blight trees and such is to put magnets underneath the bases and attach them to a cookie tray... and then I bought a plastic case from “The container store” that’s like a big milk crate. They don’t move around in the care cause magnets and the case is easy to carry. I needed to maximize the space in he tray, so I bought some threaded bolts and put two through the opening on the side and put washers and nuts to secure it. I got another cookie tray and put that on top like a “second level.” Put my blightkings and poxwalkers marauders on bottom and the tall stuff (glotkin, trees and drones) on top. They exceed the height crate, but that’s fine for me as I’m careful. The crates stack so I can always do another one and put that underneath if I need! Just sharing my solution.
  17. Is that a stone horn or thundertusk? also the lord of the rings War Mumak of Harad would work as well!
  18. I’m both a competetive player and do quite well. I know what I’m talking about.. CWM is an absolute beatstick (10 attacks at -2 rend and d3 damage - d3 mortal wounds per 4+ roll on 5 dice) that now benefits from harbinger and ALL warshrine buffs. Buffed to a 4+ save and synergies with all Nurgle healing...if you think that isn’t worth one unit of ten Kings your high.
  19. But you HAVE to take the woefully poor command trait and woefully mediocre artifact so it is a trade-off. I'm not sure its worth it to get a -1 run/charge enemy debuff. It would mean you cant take the AWESOME Grandfathers blessing command trait, or the BROKEN endless gift, witherstave, carrion dirge etc... I probably WONT be using the extra Tamurkhans allegiance ability for this reason.
  20. I correct myself earlier, the EGUO is now 460 (40 point reduction) but essentially the same as GUO. So 120 points more. Didnt notice the reduction. Did anyone else notice the MASSIVe buff to chaos war mammoth? Im converting one ASAP!!! 320 points
  21. +140 actually. Also, technically, the Exalted has a WORSE noxious bile shooting attack because it will eventually degrade down to a 5+ to wound, where as the GW version only degrades down to 4+ to wound.
  22. 8” charge is 42% chance on 2d6. I have a reputation in my group for getting this charge off a lot so lol Two scenarios. He and his band of merry men come in. The Kings make the EIGHT inch charge (plus one to charge on Kings) and do work. I always roll the Kings charge first to make sure if anyone gets in its them. Or you opponent doesn’t have units near the edge or you fail the charge. On heir turn, Your opponent then either ignores them (never happens and they would be foolish to) or diverts a chunk of their force to deal with them. Good luck with that! And now you have added a wrinkle to any plans they had. Its also nice because if your opponent moves away from dirty mike and the boys, then you can move and run, drop a tree if need be and charge! Or now you could summon some demons into their backfield! He just opens up so many options by setting up anywhere on the perimeter. Counter charging an alpha strike, alpha strike of your own. contesting objectives. Ten kings has enough models to thump and stay, but also a decent sized footprint to be able to come in most places.
  23. I will never write a *competetive* 2k Nurgle list without first adding gutrot spume and ten Kings. In my mind, when I’m formulating lists I just keep it to 1540 because the 460 is that automatic for me.
  24. I would only think about the percent increase in effectiveness of the buff if I was basing it off the assumption I am casting BoP. This is because one blightking attack is worth so much more then 1 plaguebearer attack. unless we are going for volume for MW generation through blades. Then its still marauders every day of the week as they can easily get +1 to hit.
  25. As of right now, you can use Glotkin's command ability as many times as you have command points. Simply incredible to lack of fundamental common sense on the part of the rules team. I will be exploiting the HELL out of this oversight until it is corrected. Cant wait for my blightkings to roll up with 60 attacks. maybe add in the plague cyst for re-rolling every missed hit roll.
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