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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. Try stacking hideous visage and the dirge on the same hero next time for a bravery bomb! Also instead of doubling up on plague squall which does you NO good, magnificent buboes is an amazing spell and can’t belive it’s not used more.
  2. Also, I will drop his tree so just a tiny bit is within 3” and place it length wise to really get the most of it. Dont forget he BASICALLY auto heals a wound a turn with “in death there is life” only a single model has to die anywhere on the battlefield. Or can heal nearby demon units, including harbinger, pusgoyles, chaos lords on demonic mounts etc. he is great. I will always run him if I can fit him in. I recently started rolling with 10 knights and usually a chaos lord on demonic mount for that SWEEEET command ability. So I had to bump him. But he is awesome especially when run with a horse-ish unit like maruaders or plaguebearers as Target saturation that hits hard and provides rend!
  3. Remove poxbringer and add a rotbringer sorcerer. How can you have 80 monks and no blades of putrefaction???
  4. No I mean he new core book that was released lol. Not the core rules.
  5. The warscroll is in the Blightwar box. It has points in ghb so it is matched play viable
  6. Well its certainly a shift. You can use the plague priest to have enemy units do mortals back on 5s. I would also take a harbinger automatically with plaguetouched because taking saves does not reduce the damage reflected.. so that becomes the schtik. mystic shield and oracular visions from CSL. I also think Warriors would be a better fit than marauders because of leaps and bound more durable they are. The only reason to take marauders was the mortal wound bomb. Knights on the flank would be dope as well. GA: chaos traits and artifacts are in core book. Also note you give up the tamurkhans abilities with PTWB as well.
  7. Yup! You can use all the abilities and rules for nurgle unit's warscrolls. You cannot use any of the allegiance abilities. So thi includes the feculant gnarlmaw BEFORE THE GAME STARTS (pro tip: horticulous still allows you to drop one tree..nice little work around here), summoning, nurgle artifacts, lores and command traits. GA Chaos command traits, artifacts and allegiance ability (+1 hit on units near general.. GREAt for kings!) are your options.
  8. So I was Really excited to try this list. My friend wanted to go home ..wasnt feeling well. Got a pick up game with another in my group.. he runs gore pilgrims womp womp so the bravery bomb was nullified by the blood douche's portal. I tried to ambush him with gutrot and ten kings. But he parked them in mystical woods so the secretor had 2+/6++ and took 2 turns to kill. By the time he was dead, so was the CLoDM. Got through about 2.5 turns against a nighthaunt player before the store closed. chain rasps (40) charged knights. killed one. knights and CLoDM killed a bunch of rasps. Bravery -5 made the rest of them battleshock. I think it was 12 left. They just evaporated. Lady Olynder came by and smoked the CLoDM though. But it was fun. The knights are SICK on the charge. Gotta find a way to charge in then back off, so I can charge into another unit. Combine them with a tanky unit. Let tank stay while I back out reposition for another charge maybe? Dunno. More testing needed. CLoDM isnt as tanky as I thought and I put him into danger both games and paid the price. Drones for me are great in a dedicated drone bomb list. But I plan on summoning demons and running mortals. Even considereing running a plaguetouched warband with GA: Chaos and forgoing the cycle, summoning, trees, artifacts, lores and command traits. Its THAT GOOD.
  9. I’ll be running this list today against an unknown opponent army. He didn’t tell me which army he would be bringing. Would love to leave 50-100 points for the extra command points. But nothing to remove except festus. And that leaves a random 40 points. Not sure 2 command points and a triumph is worth he 140. Overall I’m disappointed with this list like a father who’s kid forgot to take out the trash. Not major disappointment but definitely not pleased. We will see how it performs. I am excited to try a big unit of knights with the lord on demonic mount. With both hideous visage and carrion dirge and the knights natural bravery debuff..units are -5 bravery. And with the ability to double tap CLoDM command ability for +1 to hit each they are a tremendous recipient of blades. 10” move run and charge with trees I can be really aggressive with them. Allegiance: NurgleMortal Realm: GhyranLeadersChaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140)- General- Trait: Hideous Visage - Artefact: The Carrion Dirge - Mark of Chaos: NurgleThe Glottkin (420)- Lore of Malignance: Blades of PutrefactionGutrot Spume (140)Festus The Leechlord (140)Battleline40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes & Shields- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)Units10 x Chaos Knights (320)- Chaos Glaives- Mark of Chaos: NurgleTotal: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 188
  10. Both options are always free upgrades so always model as many bells and banners as you can. Unit can only be affected by one banner bonus (don’t stack) but always good to have multiples!
  11. I thought about modeling a nurglings dragging (or trying) the bell on the base. Or just acting cheeky around it
  12. Very easy to magnetize! So you could have a nice model to represent rotigus and all the different GUO loadouts. I have always wondered.. If I summon in a GUO or poxbringer.. do I get to immediately choose a spell they know? Where is this stated anywhere? And in the case of GUO.. I assume I just get to pick whatever weapon combinations I want at the time...?
  13. It has to be a Standard GUO. If it was in keyword bold font and all caps (GREAT UNCLEAN ONE) then it could be anything with that keyword. As it is not in all caps and keyword bold.. it refers to the specific name of the warscroll.
  14. I’m disliking the plague cyst more and more I try it. First off the bad fees when I realize the battalion only really gives you reroll 2s because LoP already lets you reroll 1s. If everyone (including him and harbinger) got to reroll hits that would match its point cost. I just found an extra 17% chance at close proximity for D3 Mortal Wounds wasn’t worth 200 points..or 340 because LoP is not *normally* taken in a competetive list. If I’m going to go with a big battalion like that.. I will try blight cyst. I have a feeling battalion-less is the way for me.
  15. nurgle marauders are amazing. They can tarpit (fleshy abundance and harbinger), they can even be one of the most deadly units in the game.. with blades and easy way to get +1 to hit. 80 attacks doing mortals on 5s is INSANE. When plaguetouched warband was alive, they were -1 to hit naturally and kickbacked mortal wounds when your opponent wounded them on a 6.
  16. You need line of sight for plague squall. No range though. So on a balewin he will be able to see almost the entire map, +1 save for balewind and the extra spell. Not worth it for me.. but hey im glad it works for some people. I would rather have 5 more kings for the 160.
  17. @Zplash Awesome! Sorry for thge mix up .. I thought BWV was 60 points.. not 40. I get the idea now and that works great! Crazy that for 20 points more cogs is just so much better!! Yes All actions are ok just remmeber.. that charges, pile in's and retreats count as moves as well. so you can basically shoot and fight but thats all in terms of not undoing favoured poxes. Good luck and let us know your findings!
  18. 3d3 mortal wounds to several enemy units is VERY strong. Along side deluge, rampant disease and other spells..its quite good. Also the sunderblade artifact from gyran would be dope in a thricefold list! Just use Gltokin as the third GUO. About YOUR list though. I dont like favoured poxes on a GUO because if you get it on a juicy target.. you gimp yourself TWO casts. and Cant move. I usually stick FP on a poxbringer with witherstave so even if he immobile he can debuff the enemy in a 12" bubble. And is balewind for the extra LOS for plague squall? The 6" range boost is useless for squall and I think cogs would be better choice for flexibility.
  19. I guess I don’t understand when you can’t have multiple discharge or horribly contagious rolls. Wouldn’t you want a bigger unit for csl buffs? Also a list without gutrot is simply not as competetive as it could be with him in it. Just my opinion.
  20. Good luck finding a mammoth model! The only thing big enough to convert/ proxy would be he squiggoth...and that’s still to small. Lol
  21. That was never in question. But the list you posted had 3 extra commands but was like 1980 or something. Well seems most people here think the plague cyst list is ******. Guess I will try it out anyway.
  22. Core rules designers commentery, last question. You have to not include those points at all to get the command points.
  23. I have found in several test games, having SOME magic is not enough. It gets shut down completely. I felt I had wasted several hundred points trying to get spells off. I went four turns with average rolls getting everything unbound by magic strong armies. So I decided to invest my points elsewhere instead of maybe getting a spell off. It wasn’t worth it to me. This edition has made magic an all in or nothing at all Imo.
  24. ..ok..? Yes you are right. Once per game. I think that’s enough. If you are relying on the cycle of corruption to win games I feel bad for you.
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