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Everything posted by SerialMoM

  1. I played one game yesterday with 4 Prosecutors with 2 Hammers and ist was working quite well. They are extremely quick and you can surgically strike where ever you need to. the feat to geht an extra movement with a Double if an injured friend is in 6“ is so useful. disadvantage is you only have four models. But you won‘t have more than 5 with warrior chambers anyhow. I then played a game with Sacrosanct Chamber. Two Evocators (including leader), two castigators and one sesquitor with two handed hammer. the castigators are really strong and have a very useful feat. The other three are fine in close combat. But they are slow.
  2. I will run an one day event soon too. iHome That 6-8 people participate. today I have a newcomers event in my club
  3. These Ogors are too expensive for thousand points. Maybe you exchange one leadbelcher with a gnoblar?
  4. Thank you, played it wrong until now.
  5. Wäre is this described in the rules? i did not find this.
  6. I just checked them, the knights fit well with toughness 5. but toughness 5 for the infantery would better fit for knights on foot with shields. You could include an Bretonnian ogre though. The OBR Minis are really very much not beautyful.
  7. Nice idea sance. My approach is different I Uwe Slave to dankenswerter rules. The Marauders horseriders are translated in knights ( leader and two normal one). the chosen and knights are foot knights and Marauders on foot are the peasants with different weapons. I tested my witch hunters already and I liked them. Lets see how the Bretonnians will work.
  8. Hello all, I am an old Mordheim nut, so when I learned about Warcry I immediately started thinking about Human Order warbands. GW do not seem to like the concept anymore so I started thinking about alternative rules. First one are witch hunters. For them I chose Bonesplitters as basis, because of the ranged attacks. you see an arrowboy Boss as witch hunter leader 3 arrowboys as witch hunters Orruk morboy with Totem as priest 2 orruk morboys as flagellants 1savage Big Stabs Unit as ogre ( do you remember the Ogre hired swords from Mordheim) and one Savage oruk as brethren. The list is not too strong, but I hope ist will be fun. coming up next: Bretonians
  9. Thanks Xren, I can field nearly everything. Even the Sequitors got shreeded although I attacked. But my Enemy got lucky with a Triumph.
  10. Hi all, Implayed Stormcast eternals in Meeting Engagement rules First Time and I lost clearly twice. My list was not hard ++ Meeting Engagement - Spearhead (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [180pts] ++ + Other + Prosecutors [90pts]: 3 Prosecutors, Paired Celestial Hammers Prosecutors [90pts]: 3 Prosecutors, Paired Celestial Hammers ++ Meeting Engagement - Main Body (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [640pts] ++ + Leader + Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger [220pts]: 0. God-forged Blade, 0. We Cannot Fail, 1. Wind Runner, 2. Celestial Blades, General + Battleline + Judicators [160pts]: 5 Judicators, Shockbolt Bow, Skybolt Bow Sequitors [260pts]: 2x 5 Sequitors, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Greatmace (Sequitor-Prime), Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield + Allegiance + Allegiance . Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals: Hammers of Sigmar + Game Options + Game Type: No Points or Battlerole Validation (Open) ++ Meeting Engagement - Rearguard (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [180pts] ++ + Other + Vanguard-Palladors [180pts]: 3 Vanguard-Palladors, Starstrike Javelin ++ Total: [1,000pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe I wanted to be quick to geht the objektives, but the Units werde just too weak. I played twice against Iron Jaws and got ripped in melee. Can you help me with a more competitive approach and may be some explanations how to play?
  11. I do not mean turn one victories , in 40k, when you shot first every turn, it is a huge advantage, you just make more damage every turn, especially with a shooty army like Tau.
  12. I like the double turn, because in 40k getting the first turn is so important, that sometimes/ quite often the game is lost with the first roll, which decides who starts. In AoS this can change and gives you another chance to turn around the game.
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