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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Took, what felt like, 5 years but hey you did win
  2. Just to be clear. I didn’t say there is one app developer. They opened a job opening for one. (In addition to the clearly horribly understaffed team)
  3. And I just don’t get that from GW. How they handle the app building is insane. every single business that has a bigger than local market gets websites, apps, content etc externally sourced. it truly baffles me that in November they opened up a job position as app developer. how do they see that working? You can’t scale as fast, if someone doesn’t function they are harder to replace, You get not as many specialists on one project and the list goes on. its just so horribly outdated. And just to save money I guess? Which seems weird in hindsight because surely they would have earned that difference back if the 40k app just worked these last few months.
  4. That’s where the monsters are for order 😂
  5. Wouldn’t it be horrible if it turns out to be 40k space vampirates?
  6. Totally forgot about that bad boi. Should have had my vote. Brilliant model. That posing is so good.
  7. For me it’s the shadow stalkers. Not necessarily the most ambitious. But the posing on (most) of the models is just so evoking. if sigvald was an option he would definitely win
  8. Yeah that looks really good. Just now doing the weathering but someone wants to join in. So it’s not going fast 😅 but the first bridge is done
  9. Hehe, I need a big supply of rookworst for energy during converting. 😂
  10. They seem decent to me as well. mostly cool, but decent. what would you combo it with though?
  11. Picture please 😬 yeah I thought about blood spatters. But right now the wood is all quite dark. So I expect not liking it either. But i did add some colour by deciding that If blood rain are a thing, so some of my trees bleed as well. the weathering starts today 💪
  12. You mean so you don’t have to take the astrolith bearer separately anymore
  13. Just to give myself a bit of push in the right direction with 2/3rds of the month down. I just need to figure out the bases for the deepkin and some final touches on the eel riders. Did 5 test bases and still not happy. build, painted and undercoated 5 brutes and 5 Ard boys. ‘Just’ need to paint them. Did finally decide on the look though. I initially couldn’t decide but then realised orruks subsume rival gangs. So it’s going to be a motley crew of survivors. So they will all have the black armour of the brute boss that leads the gang with a sharp iron thumb : Necksnapa. but will have some pieces of their old affiliation showing. So a yellow shoulder plate, checkered blue leg guard, etc. Allowing me to play around a bit with them. also build and undercoated most of the catacombs terrain + a few ladders and bridges for overground to utilise with my excising terrain. lots of half way through projects. Time to finish some of them 💪
  14. Anybody tips on weathering wood? I painted up the first wooden stairs from the Warcry set. just basic contrast wyldwood so far. im thinking off: - a lighter brown in all the cracks and damages - a splotchy wash in several places - diluted nurgles rot in places - a little drybrush over the centre of the stairs where people are most likely to walk. - typhus corrosion on the bottom support beams where they touch ground. any suggestions or feedback?
  15. no it’s not but It’s inherent to competitive gaming no matter the game itself. the only way to counteract it is with restrictions or rewards based on bringing different units. so a battalion that forces you to take different units (like the mawtribes battalions) or the lumineth with the archers only counting as battleline when there is also a spear unit. but that’s not really diversity. Because the moment that battalion is better than the next, every list that attempts to win a tournament with that army will take it. Some Goes for internal balance. in your examples of the gits. How do you balance 3 trolls vs 20 grits? You can give them stats so they do the same average of damage and have the same survivability. You could even make them count as the same number for objectives. But at the end of the day if I think it’s better to swamp my opponent and have a big board presence I’m taking multiples of the grots. and if it works, then other players will try the same to win tournaments. its normal. Now the good thing is that I don’t think your frustration is with the game. I think it is with the people you play and how they approach the game. (Wether that’s a tournament setting or a game with friends I don’t know) but I can tell from experience AoS can be what you describe but you need an opponent with the same approach.
  16. I’m going to do the pillars from a incubi darkness base as well and the outside walls with wraithbone -> Aggoros dune and then a dry brush. Don’t know what yet. Both match the ruined jungle temple colours I used on the basing of my stormcast and Ogors Wood will be a mix of three contrast browns and some weathering. everything else I’m doing after that to see how and what is needed. So it’s all going to be drybushes and contrast and maybe a few details in regular paint. with a bit of luck that allows me to finish the terrain for New Year’s Eve with friends.
  17. if I decide on the alternative arm I’ll send you the flail. dont know which models it is though. First the terrain then the models. but I’ve already built one Mulan’s worth of terrain yesterday:
  18. One day after being proud of my diminished pile of opportunity I can home with this 😂
  19. sucks when people ruin wild theories with facts 😖 I feel you bro.
  20. On a separate note can I just argue that it’s not a bad thing? its amazing that our hobby allows everything from ‘I just want to tell a story’ through ‘ I just want to paint one of each and put them on the table’ all the way to ‘I want me and my opponent to go balls to the walls and put winning on #1’ thr only thing that this hobby requires more than any other is communication about what players expect from it. I have a big sporting background and there you have leagues. And depending on talent but mostly mindset people end up in a league and team with roughly the same reason to play. warhammer isn’t organised enough to do that. while writing this I wonder what would happen if a local club would set up a two tiered league with promotion etc instead of a 24 person two day tournament. That way you could have two poules of 12. Play a game every two weeks in a fixture. Award points in the ‘championed league’ and more fun rules in the other league. A season would take the same time as a school season. I suspect that in a season or two you’ll have a robust system in which you see ‘efficient’ lists in one poule and more diverse lists in the other. and nothing is stopping you the of shifting around the numbers in a poule I’d people prefer one or the other.
  21. Oh I would argue battalions are a big part of the problem. Because the value of the extra Cost, extra artefact and being low drops means that (close to) every tournament (winning) army has one. if change host would require a unit acolytes and a herald extra for example. You might see more of those. But you still see the exact same army across the board but now with a min sized acolyte squad. untill the tax of the diversity becomes to great amd spamming the most efficient units becomes better 😅
  22. I honestly think that you could add 1 or 10 units to an army like fire slayers/KO/DoK or any small unit option army the same will happen that has happened with all the big option army’s: things have no specific role, so you compare them, and one is more efficient. if you want to win tournaments efficiency is king so one unit wins out. add a new boat to KO, and another will lose out the comparison. Etc. You could offer more ally options: the same will happen as before. Only if one thing is better than things in the same role will you ally it in. So if the hurricanum is a better buff piece than the my support character. It’s coming along. mand even then. If I have 100pts of a certain unit. And the buff piece is 100pts and doubles the effectiveness of the unit... im better off getting two units as bodies are worth a lot in an objective game. the point of this ramble is that you can’t prevent people who build a list to win to look at the most effective option for a role. And even an attempt like the Honest Wargamer does with banning units during a tournament, only forces players to reassess what’s most effective for the role they have in mind. like you I prefer diverse and thematic lists, and I would love tournaments to adopt a system where you can decide beforehand if you want to play ‘for the hell of it’ or ‘play for the crown’ and match those people up round one. That way I can play my diverse thematic duardin list without first having to have my ass handed to me round one and two before I play someone with the same mindset as me. and that only works with enough players.
  23. All that’s left off my pile of potential. everything else is either painted or on its way as well. Nothing build as grey plastic 💪 although I should take out the things I’m never going to paint or are just there for bits I guess. Further reduce the stack. anybody else doing an winter cleaning/inventory?
  24. Or will this one of these weird things like where elephants are scared of bees? will the mega gargants do a Johan when they see insectoids...
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