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Darth Alec

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Everything posted by Darth Alec

  1. Also possibly worth noting: that place does not look nearly as ruined as most art depicts. Possible refounded city being fought over? Nice to know that building Ironbreakers won't be a waste of time, at least!
  2. You're right! Good eye for detail! As we see the full picture, I love the framing of the Thaumaturge. And the raw brutality of it. Gaunt summoner looks a bit "hey, I'm here too" though...
  3. That one poor Ironjaw being lit the heck up by three flamers. RIP. Book looks amazing. Everyone is getting on the Tzeench bandwagon. If only the Fyreslayer release had been this good. Is there no new Lord of Change? That was a constant rumour. No talk about it?
  4. Looks like the Kairic Acolyte faction is on it's way. And it's going to look amazing!
  5. ++ Mod post ++ Rather than kill the discussion on power creep, I've decided to split it into it's own thread. Remember kids:
  6. Power creep is a myth. It feels right, but is demonstrably not. It's a nice narrative, but GW does not make the newest factions more powerful to promote sales. If that was the case, Deathwatch and Genestealer Cults should be dominating. Eldar are still on top, despite numerous releases since then. We'd also never have a competetively useless release, like the last time Tyranids got a lot of toys. They were all overcosted, and play little part in high-level tyranid play. The truth is simpler, GW are inconsistent, and much less focused on high-level balance than we think. At least up until now. Stormcast are still the Nr. 1 army, and they were the first release! By the power-creep logic, Fyreslayers should be better... I hope Dispossessed stays as a faction. I love the idea! It's Thorgrim's ideal made manifest in a single faction. Would love to see them given some more toys. They've been mentioned in the background several times, and the Warden King's underground kingdoms beneath Azyrheim are reasonably well established. Getting a second "in-the-realms" Duardin faction, followers of Grungni, would be more interesting. Gives the Duardin three distinct directions.
  7. I don't believe it will be Death aligned. Nagash is Death. That is very much a fact in every bit of story so far. Not that it might not change. Shadow and Death aren't far apart. It just doesn't quite fit, IMO. Malerion trying to get back Aelven souls and stuff though, definitely plausible. Maybe some sort of wraith stone system for returned souls?
  8. You're one crazy dude @MongooseMatt. That collection is insane. I feel that I've painted a lot the last few months, but I don't have anything on you!
  9. Keep in mind that "full fledged factions" as we usually think about it isn't GW's intent. Fyreslayers have no cav/fast options at all. Beastclaw raiders have no basic troops. Bonesplittaz don't have monsters or super characters. The faction will be determined however GW sees fit. Extrapolating trends is a bit meaningless given the wide variety in the factions already present.
  10. ++ Mod hat on ++ I've had to issue two warnings today. Feel free to disagree with each other. However, all opinions on TGA should be expressed in a polite and mature manner. Foul language and aggressive behaviour is not the TGA way. Everyone should feel welcome here, even if not everyone agrees on every topic!
  11. Are you not using the Morghast wings, or just waiting to glue them on?
  12. That's a pretty nice box. Might have to buy it. But I said to myself not to buy any more stuff until Duardin came out... Dang it GW.
  13. I recommend trying it. Just go to whatever place you play, tell the guy "hey man, I want to try out this formation from the books. Doesn't have points, but I reckon about X is fair. You up for it?" I can't garantue it will work, but it very well might. Just like using battleplans outside the GHB. If you ask, a lot of people are up for it.
  14. By going "eh, 100/50/120/whatever points sounds fair, now lets get playing".
  15. If you don't bother with matched play restrictions (and just use points, for example), then you can use any of these. Stormcast one is probably the best.
  16. Remember that Order doesn't mean "Good Guys". It's vaguer than that. It's more akin to "able and willing to build sustainable civilizations worth living in". The various Dark Elf things aren't nice, but thay aren't tearing down civilizations or corrupting the very earth just for the sake of it. Raiding, enslaving and rampant murder, sure. But you could, in theory, live in their society. If people are expecting any points for these batallions, expect to be dissapointed. Will likely be like all other box-set batallions.
  17. I might have to buy 2 of these and make an Eldritch Council army. The rats are cool, but I already bought one set of them... The price is ABSURD. Seriously.
  18. Still loving this army man. Been a while since I saw it on Warseer. Love the princes from various kingdoms. Are you going to use the Sister of Silence for anything in particular?
  19. AoS release gap might have been planned. Drop GHB and the Season of War, then the releases dry up. Gives GW time to write suitable fluff for all 2017 releases. Speculation though. It's not like GW would have struggled to rebox some stuff and dump a book if they just have it lying around.
  20. ++ Mod Hat Engaged ++ This isn't the thread for discussing nick-names and their appropriateness. If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to open a new thread on the subject. This thread is for rumours and relevant speculation. I've warned you guys once already.
  21. Sigmarines can be condecending. No doubt about that. Just as ground marines can. It's mostly about context though. Used on this forum, I expect it to be a fun nickname for the Stormcast, rather than as a dismissal of their unique nature. Which is exactly how I use it here. But this isn't the thread for debating whether or not Sigmarine, Ground Marines or any other epithat is offensive. Let's lay this low and keep talking about the rumours, eh?
  22. I can use Ground Marines if you prefer that On the news/rumour section. I'm really interested in seeing what the narrative campaign they're running for AoS will look like. Will it be set at any particular point? Have unique battleplans? What factions? Will it be canon? SO MANY MYSTERIES. I assume everyone has seen the Warhammer Live announcement, but I'll repost it anyways. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/11/28/warhammer-live-is-coming/
  23. Cross overs are a big nono, IMO. Thankfully the AoS fiction is sufficiently established as being different from 40k that it's not likely. Mechanically similar, sure, but keep the space marines away from my sigmarines.
  24. The next wave of stories is sounding amazing so far. I don't remember Grymn needing rescueing though. Last I remember was him in Ghyran, which went fairly well during the Season of War.
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