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Everything posted by Thebiggesthat

  1. Another great episode. As for having a load of drunk people playing AoS, welcome to a bunch of the UK tournaments 😂
  2. If you want to take this too another thread I'm happy to discuss.
  3. Guess would be Blood and Glory now for a decent AoS reveal
  4. There's no settled top 3 armies yet. Should we all go out and buy Magma dragons? Or normal dragons? Or new Stormcast? Or nighthaunt? Or DoK? The no support comment is utterly ridiculous. It's a new edition drop, with not only two new armys ( two battletome, a full new range) but an expansion and a generals handbook. I do wish people would stop commenting on the state of AoS based on a narrow faction view. Out of interest, blueshirtman, what do you play?
  5. They are Skulkers dude. It's getting late for these 100% confirmed release pics, strange ?
  6. One for the hosts, if you want to see people that live in the frozen wilds and insist on not wearing tops, visit Newcastle
  7. Because we were chatting/bothering him, he's been in the group since the beginning.
  8. He posted the times that the show was live. He made no distinction of content whatsoever.
  9. I'll be stoked, but if it's wishlisting dressed up to score a few likes it's getting hopes up unfairly
  10. How triggering will the goody bags be? That's all I'm coming for...
  11. Could you make it to Newark dude? I know trains go there more frequently and I'll come get you
  12. Cheers dude. So with Nighthaunt, they attack immediately if they get a charge of 10, so do we roll for spooky wood mishaps before this?
  13. So finally got a game with my Sylvaneth (great considering I'm taking them to BOBO!) And have a questions If a unit charges me in a wood, do I roll after each model moves in?
  14. So the Ironjawz rumour comes from one of the open days. In conversation with one of the design team , it seems that a comment along the lines of 'design and production improvements would allow for some diverse modelling, imagine what we could do with Sylvaneth and Ironjawz now, looking at the Deepkin kits. A second wave would definitely be a lot more crazy!' No conformation, more of a conversation about the possible.
  15. Did this ever have the Forgeworld stuff on it? I know Azyr did but it's missing as well
  16. Rumours of a slip from what I've heard. Mainly around the power issues that are plaguing production in the second factory setup. Hopefully not as I'm all in for it..
  17. I think They'll struggle to fit it between Slaneesh and Moonclan. Especially with a campaign for 40k on the horizon, and some big releases there. July will be Stormcast/Nighthaunt and Killteam August will be Genestealer Cult/Space Wolves September Orks, campaign maybe? then Moonclan into October.. With Titanicus So there is maybe a gap for something November, but if Slaneesh is December then it's a small gap. Common sense dictates that darkoath would come after the 4 gods are here, so post-Slaneesh. I hope not, as I'd love some chaos undivided tribe stuff!
  18. 2 Episodes in and this is now my favourite AoS podcast, actual laugh out loud at some bits.
  19. Why make the command abilities 'Hammers Of Sigmar' only. I mean, apart from money? Hey kids, make sure you paint your models gold and blue!
  20. Really enjoyed this guys! Nice to hear something different to the same old stuff currently coming out!
  21. some sort of 40k flame weapon. I'm going Necromunda
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