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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. I'll just copy this over from the other thread think there are several factors. 1- AoS has had a banging six months. I don't know about anyone else but I've already spent more this year than I usually do in whole year. People might not have any money left. 2- they made a lot. Rumours are that they made as many copies as Indomitus, which is kind of crazy as AoS is growing in popularity but is still much less popular than 40k 3- The Kruleboyz marketing. It's a subfaction which is not going to get its own battletome. Nobody knows how large the faction is going to be or even what a typical 2000 point army will look like. 4- The Kruleboyz models. This is a bit of a Marmite faction which is great for the health of the game but not great for a starter. The Hobgrotz in particular have been a bit divisive and they make up a third of the models in the game. 5- the Stormcast models. They have been well received but they aren't AoS's number one faction which again is good for the health of the game but not good if you want to seek a starter box. 6- people aren't ready for a new edition. We all spent a year not playing games. It might have been wise to wait a year. 7- controversial rules changes. Coherency and unleash hell have caused a stir and not in a good way. 8- Now that the launch day scramble has passed, there is really no rush. They made 33,000 coins. As long as those are still there I don't feel the box well sell out. I might have caved and bought it without that safety net. Ironically the bonus incentive might have made the game sell slower. Edited 4 minutes ago by Chikout
  2. @Enoby I think there are several factors. 1- AoS has had a banging six months. I don't know about anyone else but I've already spent more this year than I usually do in whole year. People might not have any money left. 2- they made a lot. Rumours are that they made as many copies as Indomitus, which is kind of crazy as AoS is growing in popularity but is still much less popular than 40k 3- The Kruleboyz marketing. It's a subfaction which is not going to get its own battletome. Nobody knows how large the faction is going to be or even what a typical 2000 point army will look like. 4- The Kruleboyz models. This is a bit of a Marmite faction which is great for the health of the game but not great for a starter. The Hobgrotz in particular have been a bit divisive and they make up a third of the models in the game. 5- the Stormcast models. They have been well received but they aren't AoS's number one faction which again is good for the health of the game but not good if you want to seek a starter box. 6- people aren't ready for a new edition. We all spent a year not playing games. It might have been wise to wait a year. 7- controversial rules changes. Coherency and unleash hell have caused a stir and not in a good way. 8- Now that the launch day scramble has passed, there is really no rush. They made 33,000 coins. As long as those are still there I don't feel the box well sell out. I might have caved and bought it without that safety net. Ironically the bonus incentive might have made the game sell slower. Edit. I just copied this into the other thread that @Enobystarted.
  3. There's the hint @zilberfrid mentioned. There's also the eggs mentioned in Broken Realms Kragnos which were given to Kroak. It seems those will have been passed on to the Stormcast. Also the Dragon Emperors hinted at in a recent Warhammer community article about Ghur maybe in reference to them. The big question is whether we are just getting a big centrepiece or also a unit of sleeker dragons as flying cavalry. Unfortunately that particular rumour comes from nefarious parts of the internet and not Whitefang.
  4. So.. Stormcast are getting at least one dragon, a new melee focused battleline and ..? Kruleboyz are getting a special character on some kind of flying mount, a big monster which may be a crocodile and....? There will be a chaos Duardin faction and new soup Duardin with new minis??? Dawnbreaker models??? Umbraneth models??? Tyrion??? New Ogors??? Does that about cover the rumours?
  5. I just want to say that @Whitefang has given this thread life at times when the wait for news has felt eternal. Thank you!
  6. My concern is how international this will be. I'm British but live in Japan. Various streaming services deal with this in different ways. Netflix is the best. You sign on in any country and if you go somewhere else, it automatically gives you access to that country's netflix. Prime makes you have a separate account for each country. Disney+ is the worst. You need a Disney account and a local mobile phone carrier's account to access it and it only accepts Japanese cards.Also many shows only play in Japanese despite their original language being English. Warhammer+ throws an extra wrinkle in with the minis. If I sign up to a UK account will they ship the mini to Japan? If I sign up to a Japanese account, will they let me use my British card? Will it be available in Japan at all?
  7. The thing to keep in mind is that the designers thinking pattern is always theme, playability, balance in that order. A unit of archers trying to snap off a shot at a charging monster is very thematic. As @Boar said it also fits the stated aim of decreasing down time, so it also makes the game more playable (in theory).
  8. So, whether is counterable or not, it's clear that unleash hell is very powerful. What would people want to see in a faq? Gw is very unlikely to cut a core rule anytime soon. For me l'd like them to make the range 1inch which would mean you could only shoot a unit which successfully charged you. No screens allowed. You could also make it happen on a 6 like 40k but that might nerf it to the point that it's not worth waisting a command point on.
  9. They used to do it all the time. Several Warhammer fantasy characters never got kits. Recently we have situations like the sisters book which has been out for several weeks but is still waiting for the remainder of their kits, or the Marines and Necrons which took 7 months to get all the kits from the books released.
  10. Unless Whitefang works for the distribution department of GW I don't think even they would know for sure when new releases are coming out. We know the are still considerable delays at GW. The Grey Knight and Thousand sons codexes are already late with no release date in sight. I've always wondered how flexible gw are with these things. Since Dominion hasn't sold out, it might make sense to delay the starter sets and bring out the battletomes first or they might want to bring out some big 40k releases and allow Dominion to trundle along in the background. My feeling about the battletomes is best case - July, worst case - September. We should find out the details next Saturday. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later. I haven't settled in a Dominion pre-order yet and more clarity about future releases would definitely help me decide.
  11. Just to set expectations, the 40k launch stream announced the first two codexes and their launch months (October). They also showed off a new marine tank and the monolith. Finally they did a little teaser video which included models which still aren't out yet. I would expect something very similar for AoS. Don't expect to see full ranges yet.
  12. Time to get that source of yours to tell you all about Kruleboyz!!
  13. As well as AoS, I'm a pretty big halo fan. They just put up a post on their community site detailing the new app and the difference could not be bigger. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/inside-infinite-june-2021 It really is shocking how bad that article from yesterday was. It didn't answer any of the concerns players have and didn't provide a single factual detail about the contents of the new AoS app.
  14. They did confirm on Facebook that you will be able to get just the app, presumably for the same price as the 40k app currently is. No replies to questions about digital battletomes though.
  15. The 40k situation is worse than that. Now if you buy the physical version you get a code which unlocks the rules in the app but only the rules and only in the rather ugly format that the app uses. There is absolutely no way to access the lore or the art digitally. I like to take my iPad with me and read the lore on my lunch break but if they copy the 40k app that won't be possible. That's the big worry.
  16. Here's what they should do. Starting with issue 1, they should add 1 issue of white dwarf a week. That's at least 11 years of content right there. I would subscribe just for that. I'm surprised they didn't add audiobooks. One audio book a week would also give them hundreds of weeks of content at no cost to them. They did deeply discounted audiobooks during lockdown so they could easily do it again without taking books off Audible.
  17. Here's my thoughts. The digital lore vault is great, and almost worth the price for me by itself. I hope they add the really old white dwarfs. The minis are great. I'm glad the are resculpts of existing minis. I hope they continue to do that. It gives an obvious perk but reduces Fomo. I also hope they ship to Japan. The painting video could be great especially if they copy the style of Darren Latham's videos, but those were free so... The battle report video could be great if they invest in the technology. Multiple cameras, good quality graphics, well edited to make it snappy etc. The lore videos sound good and will probably give YouTubers more to work with not less. I hope Wade is well enough to continue. He's a good interviewer who asks appropriate questions and then let's the other person speak. I love Rob (most of the time) but I couldn't watch his interviews. He interrupted way too much. The app is a big concern. If they keep digital battletomes but give a good list building tool, I'll be relieved. Taking away digital battletomes would be a very very bad idea. The animation is fine but probably the least important part for me. The pricing is good, I just hope I can access it all from Japan.
  18. Oops I thought @RuneBrushwas asking people not to discuss legalese. Moved my post to the other thread.
  19. I could imagine Kruleboyz with warclans, Dawnbringers with cities, Umbraneth with DoK, New Duardin with Fyreslayers and/or KO, Chaos Duardin with slaves to darkness and Kurnothi with Slyvaneth. That would give six new factions but possibly one less battletome than we currently have. I'm not sure I actually want this plan but it would make a certain amount of sense. It would let GW add a bunch of new things without making it impossible to keep up with updates in the future.
  20. All the Duardin stories in white dwarf have been great. David Guymer really gets the race. I hope they get released as a collection in the future.
  21. There have been persistent rumours of Hobgrotz cavalry. Also they are said to be mechanical specialists. So I could see a cavalry unit, a warmachine and a hero or two. On the other hand we could get none of those things. As for the Dominion situation. I check every day to see if the coins are still there. If those sell out, I'll have a decision to make but until then there's no rush. I can't be the only person to think like that, can I?
  22. I can only provide the most anecdotal of anecdotes. I'm precisely in the camp of wanting to wait and see. I love the gutrippas and the heroes but I'm not a massive fan of the Hobgrotz. If the army turns out to be 50/50 orruks and Hobgrotz then I'm out, but if they show off some cool centrepieces and orruk cavalry then I will pick up the Dominion box as a starter. I'm sure the number of people in my position isn't insignificant. I'm also sure there are also people wanting to see if they can do a full Thunderstrike army.
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