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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. They were the most played tournament army for several months after their AoS battletome came out.
  2. I'm not sure about that. New Dragons and a new Special Character are a pretty big deal. Also they've been following the 40k 9th roll out pretty much beat for beat and they did a codex preview a few weeks after the launch celebration.
  3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/13/white-dwarf-466-gets-nostalgic-to-celebrate-a-legends-final-issue/ Jervis Johnson, the designer of Bloodbowl, Adeptus Titanicus and of course Age of Sigmar has retired. I wish him all the best for the future and whoever takes over as the lead designer of AoS has massive boots to fill.
  4. If that rumour is true, they announced the game way too early. I think they should have waited and announced the game alongside Total Warhammer 3. That would have boosted the signal on both those things considerably. Even the three years from now to release would be a very long time. 40k 10th edition and perhaps even AoS 4th edition will be out by then.
  5. Good question. Definitely Soulblight. Not sure about the others. Hopefully not Slaanesh. But even if none of them are we we'll get every book done if we keep to the schedule set by this year and don't get any all new battletomes. If DoK, Soulblight and Lumineth are considered 3rd edition. We can get three new battletomes and still considered up to date by the end of 3rd edition. I would, however, love it if this edition was 4 years. That would take us up to the 10th anniversary for 4th edition.
  6. The October battletome will be the 7th of the year. One more in November or December makes 8 for this year which is perfect timing to do every battletome in 3 years.
  7. Not necessarily. When GW announces a date it's always the pre-order date. They said the Kill Team box is coming in August too but that also means pre-order. My guess is that we'll see Beast Snaggas, Sisters part 2 and aeronautica in the next three weeks then we'll have a multi week AoS pre-order in August perhaps separated by Kill Team.
  8. A Clan Eshin refresh would be amazing. Skaven have got surprisingly little attention since the start of AoS. Only one regular AoS mini. They seem like the ideal faction to get the AoS treatment. Could they even be the Chaos book coming in October?
  9. There's one; the big dragon. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but you can always still play with your old minis. The 8th edition Warhammer fantasy rulebook is still for sale on Itunes. People regularly play rogue trader even now. Bloodbowl had a thriving tournament scene for years even though it was a 'dead' game. I saw people attending 2nd edition tournaments with Brettonians and Tomb Kings long after they were 'squatted' Gw didn't break into your house and steal all your minis or burn your old books. The idea of giving long term evolving rules support is a pretty new thing in the grand scheme of things. Is there another company that does it better? That's a genuine question. I'm not trying to be rhetorical. There was a tournament just last week were a well known player ran a cities of Sigmar army made entirely of halfings. Why not use the cities of Sigmar rules for your chaos dwarf army if you have one? It would be pretty easy to make some rules for a corrupted city.
  10. The AoS trailer got to about 200,000 views in its first couple of days as well. That said 40k is much more popular than AoS but also has a huge number of people who just read the books, play the videogames or even just watch videos. AoS hasn't built up a fanbase of people who don't play the tabletop games but just like the setting. You only have to look at the ratio of black Library releases. There are about 12 40k books for every one for AoS. The upcoming animations also mirror that balance, with just one dedicated AoS animation announced.
  11. Yes. It's probably Nurgle with an outside chance of being Beasts of Chaos and an even smaller chance of being Chaos Duardin.
  12. Well I, for one, am very excited about the possibility of new Stormcast dragons, large and small. The Stardrake is 80% of a great model ruined by some overly bulky armour plates and awkward leg positioning. From this angle it looks great. If we get more dragons that keep this basic shape but add more slimline armour, I will be very happy. Of course I can understand that fans of other races might feel a bit peeved that the Stormcast are getting the attention, but just like last edition, I see them getting 10 or so kits before moving on to the other factions. Unlike 40k we don't have 9 or 10 Stormcast supplements to 'look forward to'. Quite simply, I love dragons and if this ends up being the dragon edition with Stormcast dragons, a Malerion/dragon combo, Tyrion riding a dragon and a massive new dragon ogor Shaggoth, I will be over the moon.
  13. It's funny how many people still misunderstand this. It was never said that the scare shields represent Kragnos. Only the icon on top of the big banner represents him. The icon on the base of Kragnos itself follows the same design. It is possible that Kragnos may have been changed at some point, but it won't have happened recently. I'm sure stuff gets moved around and altered all the time. That's part of any creative process, but it is important to remember how far ahead GW is. The next year of books are all done. The next two years of minis are already done. The Dominion sprues are dated 2019 for example so the begining of the concept phase was probably 2018 or even earlier. The 40k tenth edition minis are probably already finished, and they are probably prototyping rules changes now. I just don't think last minute shoehorning is something gw is capable of.
  14. In the space of six months DoK got three endless spells, a new hero, an Underworlds warband, a new unit from warcry and a bunch of awesome narrative centered around their faction. A lot of armies would love to have that kind of attention.
  15. The most frustrating thing about this is that it is largely a solved problem. With a digital ePub of the battletomes I can do this on my iPad. I can easily zoom in to a size that is comfortable for my eyes. On the app I am limited to this. It takes up the full screen but the only way to zoom in is to take a screenshot and then zoom in in the photos app. If AoS follows 40k there will be no way to do even this with the lore section of the books as it is currently not available digitally at all in 40K. Whether the decision was made to prevent piracy (which doesn’t work) or to push people towards their warhammer+ subscription, it is absolutely an awful decision which makes the game worse for a very large number of people. Eyesight issues are not exactly rare.
  16. I think I have about 8 warmaster armies, 4 epic armies and 3 battlefleet gothic fleets. Do those count? I also have an orc and goblins army, a Chris Fitzpatrick era dark elf army, a small third edition wood elf army, a bunch of classic empire stuff and a few brettonians. I was also building a codex Witch Hunters army before I moved to Japan and stepped away from the hobby for a while.
  17. It doesn't do that though. Firstly it's not a rule. Secondly the intent of the answer is to stop you using something that is clearly one thing and running it as something else without first checking with your opponent. The second edition Stormcast battletome clearly says that you can create your own stormhost and give it rules that suit it. It just doesn't want you to paint a hammers of Sigmar army in gold and blue with the words Hammers of Sigmar on all the banners, but run it as Anvils of Heldenhammer. In a way it actively encourages creativity, since if you create your own colour scheme you can run it as anything, but if you slavishly copy a GW scheme, you are encouraged to run it as the faction GW created.
  18. So is this whole thing technically a rule though? It's not an errata, just an answer to the question. If gw really wanted to enforce it, they would change 1.2. They also don't specify what a proxy model is. A model painted a different colour is pretty much by definition not a different model. This is what I would say to someone who had issues with me playing a particular colour scheme. I could also say that my gold and blue army is not exactly the same shade of gold and blue as the eavy metal colour scheme, so it's not actually a Hammers of Sigmar army. Finally I haven't seen a single person in this thread say they would forbid someone from using an alternative paint scheme. To me it's a non issue simply because what else would GW say? "Yeah f*** Phil Kelly, Nick Horth, all the artists and the eavy metal team. Use what you like."
  19. This story certainly seems to hint at a new kit. Maybe both the Kruleboyz and the Stormcast will get flying cavalry.
  20. The proxy/paint scheme discussion is as old as the hills. Of Course GW wants to discourage proxies. Using proxies means you don't buy the official models. It really as simple as that. From a player point of view there's a bit more nuance. If I turn up to a tournament with a Soulblight army but decide to play it as Lumineth (these deadwalkers are sentinels now) , it would probably raise some eyebrows. Now of I'd taken some deadwalkers mixed them with archer parts and Aelf parts to make an undead Lumineth themed army, that's much more reasonable. Personally as a player, if I was playing a tournament and another player had a unit of wardens and proxied them as sentinels, I'd probably be a bit unhappy, especially if they had a second unit of regular sentinels and another unit of regular wardens. This would definitely cause quite a bit of confusion. With colour schemes it's a bit more complicated. Lots of armies have subfactions and most AoS players don't much the rules to their chosen colour scheme to the rules. For me this is fine as long as it's clear to the other player what sub faction you are using. As a colourblind person I can't tell the difference between blood angels and Salamanders in any case. I understand why gw wants to discourage it though.They are a company that puts theme ahead of anything else. They want to encourage players to invest in the lore of the subfactions they create as much as the rules and that includes using the colour schemes that the eavy metal team painstakingly create. it is discourage and not forbid though. As I said this is hardly a new debate. If they really wanted to enforce it, they could have written it onto the core rules. That fact that they didn't and instead discussed it in the faq strongly suggests to me that they will allow it even at their own official tournaments.
  21. Why do you regret getting Dominion? The Kruleboyz look underwhelming so far but the Stormcast look like they could genuinely be quite good in the early days of AoS 3.
  22. When it comes to digital books the environmental effect is debatable, but that's only part of the problem. GW is decreasing accessibility at a time when they should be doing the opposite. This article explains why ebooks are important. https://www.elsevier.com/connect/technology-brings-new-era-for-readers-with-disabilities
  23. I continued to work on my cursed city heroes, painted to tie in with my Stormcast army and a potential future cities of Sigmar army. While doing this I was listening to the Dominion audiobook.
  24. They've got their of own website especially for digital books. You could also buy full digital books in the old app. If that option remains, all my complaints go away but it isn't an option in the 40k app so I'm not optimistic.
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