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Taerg Ad Ywons

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Everything posted by Taerg Ad Ywons

  1. Do we have AUD prices? I'm curiously optimistic about pricing, and the starter boxes look here to stay, which is a relief.
  2. I hope you're right, I'm just twitchy as every 'Launch Box' for AoS and 40k have been a limited "first-in scalps-best" kinda deal.
  3. I'll be moving interstate, then hopefully will be able to paint up my gloomspite gitz. I'm also planning on getting the Tomb King box for TOW, if I can. I'm keen for jank skellies and classic WHFB. Really keen on getting to a place where the weather is good and I can prime any day. The main hindrance for my painting this year has been location- the weather is always kinda wet and dismal whenever I try to prime. One other plan I have is to re-evaluate my hobby and seeing what I won't ever get around to. Mostly this is 40k stuff, as 10e has soured me on the whole thing. Can't keep up with all the editions and rules churn, so might just get rid of everything bar a small bit of marines.
  4. Do we know if the launch boxes are the new battalions, or will they be the typical fomo box? I ask as I'm keen on tombkings and kinda want to not miss out.
  5. Are we getting plastic blue scribes? Loads of inkwells in the rumour engines.
  6. I would posit they'd release the most recent plastic kit for each unit (if applicable) given plastic costs are less than metal. Given what they've done for Tomb Kings and Bretonnians, I'd say each faction will get a new Lord/Hero centrepiece model.
  7. I got mine already- preordered when it first came up, then picked it up on release day. I've seen others floating in regular game stores. I'm based in Down Under, so I expected if we got them, everyone else did.
  8. I imagine it'll be Bretonnians, given they received no modern updates outside of having metal models turned into finecast. I've seen images of ToW using plastic ironbreakers, etc, so I imagine the models will be from 6th-8th edition.
  9. On the topic of the older kits, I wonder if the 8th ed Chaos Forsaken kit will make its way back into the light, be it for ToW or as some kind of heavy-armour Tzeentch unit
  10. Troll hag? I'd settle for regular fellwaters being in stock in my country. They restocked for all of two seconds and I wasn't fast enough to get some T_T New advent calendar looks a little bit 40k inquisitorial, but hoping it's knightly for AOS.
  11. I know it's pitted armour, but the new vampire's armour looks like it's leopard print >.> As for the Old World, I'm changing my tune about it. I'm hoping that the launch box for Orcs and Gobbos, and Dwarfs are pretty hefty if the Tomb King one is anything to go by.
  12. It looks organic and seems to be a trident, so I'd put money on it being A fyreslayer foot character! Something for Idoneth, they need something new. Maybe it's a fish herder, and a team of two Idoneth herd a bunch of fish/sea critters at the enemy!
  13. Could be a plastic Festus the Leechlord? Then again the hand is pretty slim, so perhaps it's something for Warcry.
  14. Nah, as @Lord Krungharrsaid, it's more inspired by Persia and Arabia a little bit. That said, I do like the aesthetic, as the pleasure cult lore in WHFB was kinda fun- a little dark underbelly of High Elf culture. I do agree with @Sception with Cities- the amount of kits replaced makes the army more uniform and less like the hodge podge of WHFB kits it was. Less a refresh and more 'Army as originally intended'. I'd like to see an Ogors refresh, but that would entail around seven to nine kits: Splitting Gluttons, Leadbelchers, and Ironguts into separate kits (3). Add in a new butcher (4), as plastic terrain and the resin model is ugly. Gnoblars (5) need redoing as they are ancient and sold in boxes of 24, for a min unit of 20. Removing the last of the resin that's not Beastclaw is a firebelly (6), and Maneaters (7). The need a new, cheaper, and plastic Maneater kit. Something with Lumineth helmets, Fyreslayer crests, Kruleboy Face-Shield armour, etc. If they add in a new named character (seems like every faction is getting one), then that's Eight kits to refresh the line, Nine if you merge the old Hunter and Sabretooths into one kit (Warcry it maybe? One Hunter, 4-5 sabres.). That's a lot of plastic and a very, very, sorry wallet for me.
  15. I voted yes, as I think they have to pull the pin on the factions they constantly tease. I'd like a new army (Chaos Dwarfs) as they've been teased on and off for a while now. I won't collect them, but I want to seem them on the table. Ancient Middle-Eastern flavoured armies are few and far between. Hell, even such mundane magic as the flying carpet comes to mind as being absent. I reckon if they do Chorfs it'll be a bunch of multi-kit vehicle options, so Kit A will build a Hellcannon, Demon Tractor or whatever. Kit B, will build the magma bombard/some other things. Sort of like how the Mega Gargant kit builds five models, only with less obviousness about it. Given that Skaven and Stormcast 1e are set for range refreshes with the upcoming edition launch, I'd hope that 4e focuses on getting the last few armies out with a sprinkling of refreshes. Seraphon, Cities, Slaves, and others have all been revamped this edition, so I guess we'll see maybe one new army prior to edition launch, then see the remaining factions needing refreshing get refreshed, then we'll see another new army either towards the end of 4th, or at the end of 4th.
  16. Hopefully they're of a more Vengorian/Blood Knighty appearance- I think the Werewolf side of SBGL has enough love at the moment.
  17. I wish Destruction would get the Death treatment, Ushoran has that certain something. He seems to radiate nobility but also he's a hulking brute of a monster. Looking forward to his lore in the new book. Night lords look nice for Kill team, hoping they're not in a boxed set...
  18. The new teasers are solid ghoul'd by my reckoning. Ushoran is WAY larger than I'd thought he'd be. Are Crypt Guard replacing the old Crypt Ghouls? Both kits look like one's just "unarmed" vs "Has weapons".
  19. I have been busy building (and being a "productive and responsible member of society")- all troggs barring the second dankhold are built. Said unbuilt dankhold will become a troggboss, then I'll await the sun to show its face so I can prime things. It has been a little damp this Spring, but I'd rather that than Summer Lite. Not sure how I want to paint the dankholds- the purple scheme on GW's site does not interest me, I'm thinking something that'll allow me to go a bit ham on the mushroom decorations. Building the stone trolls/rockgut troggs were a blast! I enjoyed putting the goat and goblin bits together to make it look like a certain someone was joyriding and got into a bit of a pickle. Only two full torso repeats as I'm a sucker for crystals. Not in a new age healing kinda way but I like the transition metal chemistry behind their colours and also I'm a fantasy goblin modeler and a sucker for crystal caverns. I just love locales like the Elder's Recess, Hollow Bastion, LoZ Ice Caverns, Mor Dhona, etc. My brain just likes clear, translucent things. If anyone knows any places to get translucent 3d prints of crystal growths, help a gobbo out, will ya? I needs 'em for, uh, reasons. Gonna go with classic, or near enough colour-wise for the stone trolls. Trugg, I think I might paint a bit brighter than the usual GW art. Dankhold boss will be done in a similar pale scheme. I also built another Mangler Squig (built as the loonboos) so the squigalanche ones will just be regular manglers. Might be able to cobble up a giant squig or three from the spares once everything is built. So many bitz, I love it! Progress thus far: Painted: Nothing (booo!) Built: Trugg's Great Troggherd Start Collecting: Gitz Loonboss on Mangler Squig Unbuilt: Squigalanche Boingrots Braggit's bottlesnatchas Dankhold Troggboss Still waiting on fellwaters to come back in stock \_(;-;)_/ Still debating on repurposing old WHFB goblins and skip out on ToW As always, stay gloomy and gittish -Taerg
  20. I remember DoW 1... From the librarian being corrupted to the chaos sorcerer turning into a Khorne daemon. Good times. As for the factions, I like them- you have Stormcast, the space marine stand in. Tzeentch, for the clandestine chaos faction. Kruleboyz cuz Orcs. Nighthaunt fill the place of eldar, because ephemeral?
  21. Given how Forge World has been rolled into the general umbrella, would it mean any finecast kits from WHFB coming back for TOW will be made using FW resin? The more I see of TOW, the more I won't partake in it. That's mostly due to it coming across as more nostalgia than anything else. Love the setting, just...I'm not as young as I was and there's other game systems that can be had (like AoS, for one!) If certain models come back, I'll snap them up more for kitbashing and for putting the 'your dudes' back into the hobby. It'll be interesting to see how the extra skus add to keeping things in stock. Edited to add in the forbidden word 'finecast'
  22. Kragnos: "Excuse me old chum, but you do appear to be squatting in the remains of my ancestral home. I am quite incensed at this and will, of course, trample you underfoot. I hope this does not inconvenience you and I offer my sincerest apologies" *Earthquakes happen, everyone dies. Reroll your character, Sigmar* Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth to a lesser degree embody 'order' as in 'My order'/hierarchies whereas other order factions are generally like 'civil society is tight!'
  23. The theridons I can understand as Chaos Ogres have been a thing for a long while, but they definitely could've been ported to Beasts as a less killy, but better armoured, minotaur.
  24. For faction centerpieces, 100% Kragnos would've been better suited to Chaos. Some primal centigor primogenitor/firstborn of a godbeast being freed would make the beastmen kinda relevant again. I think Destruction got Kragnos as there's only four factions under its umbrella, same with Death, and while Death has big centrepiece models, they also have the capstone in Nagash. Destruction has faction leads, but no Alliance lead. With Chaos, this is Archaon. Order...doesn't really have an Alliance leader, but most factions have a faction lead barring of course, the wave 1 armies that are yet to be properly fleshed out. What's done is done, but a giant elemental or idol could've worked for Destruction- a literal embodiment of the realms destructive energy designed to tear down civilisation. Make it Titled, not Named, so the lore can justify a) cross-faction support and b) more than one showing up.
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