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Celestial Rose

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Everything posted by Celestial Rose

  1. I want the tightly packed units, so movement tray would just make them look like full of gaps. Ether in the unit, or on the side. the unit profile and basing is a huge part of the hobby for me, so it’s a huge thing to suddenly change. And if they had said it earlier I would have been more willing, but after investing in the return of the game it hit me hard. just sad now.
  2. I think my enthusiasm has been lost with the update on bases, I have way to much to rebase. And idea of the formation is to tightly rank troops. the minis I found difficult I just thought where bad minis at the time anyway, and would rather them be designing them to fit on the smaller bases better to a more natural scale. Just unhappy with it.
  3. I have a few Hell dorado minis, really some amazing ones in there. Fantastic detail that pictures don’t show well on some of them. getting harder to find now and would use more in my army’s
  4. It really depends what you want, you need a wizard and apprentice. And then it’s up to you how the war and is built. really the only thing that I would suggest is trying to stick as close to standard sizes. not a hard rule, but too big or small can be a huge effect, but it also ads some fun so it’s a feels it out sorta thing. so, beastigors and gors for a beastmen could be cool, if you want a beast group that isn’t the gnolls. Just need to work out wizzie and apprentice, and some shields and swords, daggers and such for specific wargear. Gitz would be easy, but maybe expencive if you want specific one off minis Sylvanath is doable as well, and lots of elf, chaos and undead can fit in with a little work. it may depend a lot on your access to terrain, on a board with lots of buildings bigger and smaller units have less impact so you can go more wild. Only a terrain board that doesn’t have to much height, your big models will die, you will need to be paranoid of every direction, where a small mini like a goblin will be a terrifying foe. So if you want to go with more interesting group I would make sure you have good variance of terrain, tall and wide. With smaller scatter Personally I have minis from everything when I play frostgrave, so plenty of Fantasy/Aos minis make it in at times.
  5. That’s actually a rather nice trophy, clean and elegant. do the certificate have something attached or just a certificate itself? I not at all familiar with these.
  6. Skirmish games I think are great for small projects, if you want the goal of completion. I think the way battletech is set up is great for it as well, since you can set your projects up in small chunks of 4,5 and 6. and RPGs are great for just random projects, so that is always cool! this may also be why the pile of shame spread out from GW games, for many years they had no small games. so you sorta started big, and had to start big. The GW culture, influenced the game culture. necromunda I keep buying for painting, and being able to at some point in the future just say, I can play necromunda makes me happy enough to buy more for personal projects like that. I may have even buy space marines, since kill team is a possibility.! And a lot of historical games will have plenty to play at every stage until you have truly epic army, your project never stop. But you never need to overwhelm yourself ether.
  7. This is a interesting read, as I very often see people talking about the pile of shame. But I don’t really experience it, at least not in a negative way like some players seem to. I do wonder if it’s a bit of a perspective/culture that some in the hobby have. The idea of the pile of shame, feeds into the pile of shame that people collect. For myself I get different projects that I will work on, and pick up kits here and there that may fall into my projects. Often I will get one of minis to paint, and if I don’t feel like working on something specific I will pull something from there. Learn and paint something I can finish in a few days to a week. I haven’t painted all my minis from the privateer press monthly mini subscription, but I have loved getting a mini and going I love this and painted it up and into a project like mordheim, necromunda, frost grave of anything like that. If it’s minis you like, I don’t think it’s something to worry about myself, unless your buying things you know you won’t use in the Hype. my Age of Sigmar has all been purchased for D&D and other RPG stuff first, but it’s working into a point where I am playing Age of sigmar enough for the interest in it to be there now as well. If that’s a pile of shame, then maybe a positive here I think Hello also, hopefully this is ok as a first post here!
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