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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Also im not a fan of when they put one piece in a whole other set. Like is this the only way to get this one terrain piece? Silly.
  2. Just noticed this after a 2nd glance, so the stormcast have existing terrain in the bsckground of the box pic. Does this mean we just got a leak of orruk warclans terrain from the ardboyz box pic?... 🤔
  3. I'd like it a lot more if those Ardboyz were updated...😒 Still holding out hope for an elite Kruleboyz Murknob unit to replace them now.
  4. Welp, there goes the hobby budget. 😜 Gratz though, mate. NOW QUIT HOGGING THE RUMOR THREAD!! 😜x2 😄
  5. Check out this really cool take on the gnashtooth by @theempyreanpainter Awesome idea!!
  6. So i just picked up 18 nib spirit hosts on the super cheap. Whats thoughts on spamming msu and fishing for mortals with these spookers?
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRZCttBHB_O/?utm_medium=share_sheet Insane mortis engine conversion from @Mengel Miniatures!! INSANE!! 🤩
  8. @Nezzhil Bring that beaut to plastic and let me love all up on her!! At least I hope this is what that means...😬
  9. Wilst I do agree, they are just shiny new sculpts of the same Orks Gdubs has been pumping out for sooo long. They are nice BUT this just makes me appreciate Kruleboyz that much more as they took a risk on a new design and It turned out amazing imo!!! They are nice but i cant help but to have expected better. There are one or two sculpts amongst those new orks that really, really even catch my eye and even then its just a face or feature here and there. Anyhoo, rule of Krule!!!✊
  10. Just looked at sprue again on Gdubs site, i didn't see any drums on the Hobs sprue. Can someone who has it confirm?
  11. Source? Idk, after looking at the models they seem to be 10 all new as opposed to 2x 5 repeating. Sidenote; my Dominion box says should be delivered today!!!!!! An extra ebay x20 gutrippaz and a bits site x10 / x3 boltboyz have shown as shipped! Finally! So ready to get these under my brush! Just need Gdubs to announce some calvary and an elite Murknob unit now! Let the rule of krule begin!!!😄✊
  12. @Acrozatarim I want to do the same BUT as i plan to slow burn the build of these new fantastic muck mates im going to hold off a awhile and see if another one pops up in Underworlds or something else. I've even been eyeballing that Nurgle sorceress as potential conversion bones... @mrteige I agree. I'll have 12 manskewers eventually and i picked up another 30 dominion gutrippaz. When the multipart drops I'll give half of them hand weapons that way I'll have potential units of 20 of completely different sculpts!! Waaaagh, Mr. Bond. Waaaagh. ✊
  13. Just a shout out to my fellow TGA homies, ive been on here a few years now and as of late I've noticed the negativity picking up. One could argue its inevitable as more and more join the ranks but lets all try to not spoil this place, even if I do find some of the harsh and cynical comments funny at times. Just be cool, paint some models, roll some dice, smoke em if ya got em, and raise your glasses! It can be hard but sometimes you just gotsta be the bigger man/woman and just ignore the negative. And lets all do our part to make this lil digital space a welcome one. 🤜💥🤛 🍻 👽 Now enough hippie talk, WAAAAAAGH!!!!!!
  14. A couple of unique takes that I found on Instagram. not my work. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ7El53H1JC/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ96uuuJ9pO/?utm_medium=copy_link
  15. 5 Kruleboyz a... Kruleing.. 🤔😄 Looks great!! Awesome baseing.
  16. I hope this as well and i dont even collect them. Im thinking rockgut troggoth size.
  17. First off there needs to be a proper Ironjawz model in that pic!! 😜 I think with minimal effort you could probably convert Krulez models to Bonesplitterz with simple weapons swaps, a few snips of some of the spikey bits, and some strategically placed skulls. Take it up a notch and greenstuff some furs if you're really feeling the waaaagh energies!!
  18. Their design, anatomically wise, is night and day difference when compared to Krulez. Their heads are ENORMOUS even compared to Jawz!! I think there is room for them but I'd really like a total range refresh to fall more in line with current aos design direction. It could be done. They are just so much more cartootny thats for sure. I for one am in love with the Krulez design (anatomical proportions and less goof troop), weapons that look like they could actually be lifted,etc, and hope this design trend continues.
  19. Slightly off topic and I've inquired about this before but thought I'd ask again. If i ran the sepulchral guard models (in 10s of course) as reggy skeletons and used the new skellies as sword and board Grave Guard do you think this is enough distinction as not to get confusing? I really dislike the current grave guard models.
  20. Ha, idk but i just ordered one more unit of each though.
  21. After looking at it all day I think its gnashtooth calvary with a kruleboy, not hobgrot, on its back and some kind of trapping contraption coming off the saddle. My bets on rumored gator being something else if even. So excited!! Cant wait to get started on these "kewl"boyz!! Its got a claw like contraption on the end of that stick with what looks like an opening and closing lever.
  22. These! Im also hoping for a pack of gnashtoof, like squig herders, gnashtoof calvary, murknob elite infantry, independent mirebrute troggs, multipart gutrippaz kit with hand weapons! Right meow!!!😁
  23. This is a legitimate concern of mine. I went all in on Nighthaunt in the last starter and they didnt age well through 2nd. As I'm going all in on Krulez this is once again a fear. That being said Im not an overly competitive player so having a gorgeous army of models I really appreciate is more what I'm after. Would be nice to stomp my opponent into the ground every once in awhile though as well. Heh.
  24. Marines also get 44% of the attention. Its a aelf fullfilling prophecy. I reall think that if any other faction was giving the same attention they'd be just as popular. But this is an AoS forum. You space nerds can get to stepping!! 😄
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