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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Random thoughts. I think these two may in fact be gitmob. Here's my thoughts. First off the top image has a jaggedy blade but this is also similar to hobgrot weaponry but I think this is more so to reflect the sun (aka: glareface snazzlegit). It also has a round object behind it or on top depending on the angle that looks very similar to a snarlfang shield rim. The second image contains an arm damn near identical to the snarlfang riders and any of the Kruleboyz grots. Both images are very reminiscent of Kruleboyz aesthetic and its pretty obvious the same sculptor(s) did the grots for the kruleboyz and snarlfang kits.so it would make sense that more snarlfang would have similar design wok to a degree or two. Just same rando late night musing from a greenskin fan. Could be wrong but I dd totally get it right on the kroot spear tip markings. 😜🤘
  2. @Pizzaprez That's great list. and your warband ideas are awesome as well. I use the fomoroid crusher for a frost giant, the warcry lion from an early warband, boarboy boars, but overall very similar. I even use necrons too. I want to pick up those ghoul-rillas from the FEC warband for gorillas. I'm also trying to find a way to tweak the rules and play as a dm of sorts with more monsters and have players on a same team. Such a fun game.
  3. Was wondering if the sloggoth would work for a chariot and fantastic news to see it does!!! I think the artst of those pics I shared converted a good portion of the spears to face upwards. I'm curious if the killaboss vulcha or Gobsprakk would fit as a wyvern. Looks damn good though, @Ogregut Edit: Also thought about converting up a gore grunta sorta of like a mini maw grunta with a kruleboy rider and an orruks on each side as a chariot. Edit x2: I'd absolutely love to use the mirebrute but he's just such a beefy boy. Maybe a giant but too small and lose troll rules.
  4. I was looking into this as well. Use these guys as your basic and the steelhelms as their upgrade. Would need to do some kitbashing fo sho. There's two great "wizardy" types in the cursed city heros if you've got those. Damn, haven't played frostgrave in awhile. Need to though. This will show options
  5. In regards to terrain something I just thought of imo could be super fun and sneaky. Imagine four little swampy foxhole looking models. Before deployment place four of these on board and not in opponents terrain. Write down which two contain reserve units and deepstrike so to speak some sneaky boyz right into your opponents face!! Whatcha think?
  6. I think this played more into things then us civilians will ever know. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if come to find out Kruleboyz and snarlfang were initially intended for old world. I mean the easy to build slaves kits came out around that time and they may have intended them to be the third edition other faction. Destro did indeed get their fair share of plastic but took a back seat as usual in the narrative. Very curious to see where the Kruleboyz and Kragnos plot line goes moving forward.
  7. I think this ended up being snarlfang. The grots are the same as on the rest of Kruleboyz line. I'd love for gitmob to be combined with Kruleboyz though. Sorry to disrupt the goat discussion.
  8. @Craze I did consider it as it seems to be a popular choice but ultimately I'll pass. It's a wonderful model though. Also i may just go ahead and use gorgers as horrors and say they're, well, just ogors that have fallen to the curse. Sculpt some back fur and done. The fancy one could even be a courtier.
  9. @Whitefang back me up any chance on a new kroot unit spoiler? Also any news about the two commerative models leaked from warfest, Zagnog Kruleboyz killaboss and wizard SCE?
  10. I'd like some feedback, y'all. So first thing is I'm not the biggest fan of the horrors / flayers kit. It's aged fairly well and all but I just don't like it. I've been trying to figure out suitable proxies or something easy to convert. The theme I'm going for is the "royal beast menageries" so like beasts that have succumb to the delusional curse kinda thing. So far for the flayers I'm considering the ravening direflock BoC endless spell. I'd use the fell bats BUT with the Morbheg knights it's too much overlap. For horrors I'm stuck. I love the "ghoul-rillas" from the warcry kit but they are a tad too small for proxies. Thought abut using those giant space wolves mounts. I'd have to FEC them up a bit but not completely sold. I'm even considering the new krootox rampagers and turning them into bigger ghoul-rillas but not sold on that just yet either. Wish geedubs had a cool bear kit in some form or another. Thoughts? Suggestions? Appreciate it.
  11. I think it's more the narrative than the setting. 3rd could have been filled with so much more.
  12. I really don't know what I'd like for endless spells?... Sylvaneth have some interesting ones that could be used as inspiration. A summoned swamp bug A nuisance hoard of swamp insects. A "living" murderous swamp tree. As far as terrain goes I'd prefer traps that can be used in actual gameplay as opposed to something we just plop on the table. Or some kind of watchtower we can "build" to place boltboys in for a fat range bonus.
  13. Here's one for you. A rumor of a return to endless spells and faction terrain returning was recently shared. What could Kruleboyz get for these?
  14. Really hope to see a refresh on their design. The current ones aren't that great imo. I'm not particularly a fan of endless spells or faction terrain. They're just off to me. Maybe it's their execution but meh. More so faction terrain. Eh...
  15. I'm considering an Os & Gs army but only using Kruleboyz and a few gitz models. I saw a post on reddit like this and they looked amazing. Just need a calvary kit. Snarlfang work but need orcs! This is not my work but it's really nice. 👍 I'd give credit but don't know the painter.
  16. Genres fluctuate whilst painting but in one of her latest videos Rogue Hobbies recommended a band called "Summoning" and I've been on a binge for awhile now. Symphonic metal group that sings about LotRs. 🤘😁
  17. It's subjective I suppose but that doesn't really state that "only" killaboss ride them. Nice list of ideas though. 👍
  18. Badstabbaz: I can see a two handed great weapon unit being added but hope it's more than just three. It's pretty ridiculous that boltboyz are three to a box as is, imo, and too expensive for a single sprue kit with zero load out options. Maybe I missed it but were does it say that "only" killaboss ride gnashtoof? I definitely want a three man murknob gnashtoof kit. Also I'd be pleasantly surprised by a stand-alone multi kit with different options but this is orruks we're discussing and not stormies. I wouldn't hold your breath. An idea I had was for a small band or even a single hero of trap grots that could be hidden away like fanatics or used as "go-fer" elixir/potion carriers from a far off swampcalla. Deffspikerz: A murknob ranged veteran hero and whilst continuing with the theme it would have a plink grot companion with a little bolter of its own. More siege equipment. I'd prefer the cogfort stay out my swamp but it's a cool bit of lore. Gitsnatchaz: A big gnarly swamp Buffalo used as a transport and support piece. A sloggoth lurker. A single sloggoth and grot handler that you set up in ambush. Beast Breakaz: I really like the howlaz and I'd love to see a hunting pack of them over gnashtoof actually. Fast attack like new kroot hounds. A midrange scouting / hunting unit of bow weilding kruleboyz. Slightly smaller two model unit of mirebrute troggs with or without riders to accompany the breaka boss. If with rider put two orruks on there like how the stonehorn kit works. Extra: I'd love to see an updated fellwater kit that's cross faction able or some equivalent. 🖤 Mirebrute Hag generic or character model.🖤 The gits have their king so we'll take the queen. 😍 Hobgrot expansion. This is just a few off the top of my head. Keep em krule and keep em comin, geedubs. 🤘💚🤘
  19. I do, I really do! 🖤🤘 My ideal unit would be 3 man unit with an alternate build option with single handler and rider- less toofs. Throw in a third ranged build option and what's the expression all the lil devil kids are saying these days? "TAKE MY $$$$!" 😅
  20. I think sometimes players forget that a unit type or soldier is just that. It doesn't have to be grand and burdened down with unnecessary details. In this instance of kroot hounds they are, well, just hounds. The unit function is simple and the models represent this. They could of been a bit more dynamic imo but overall I really like them for what they are and their funcion, a war pup. Great job, sculptor(s). Can't wait to start a full kroot collection and I don't even play 40k. It's all subjective in the end.
  21. I really like the new look as well. I'm hoping for a deathrattle update too. Update the black knights as their own kit with build options for ranged and melee and a new grave guard kit or equivalent in the same vein. Maybe the wispered about mummies are what the new GG kit will become. 🖤💀
  22. @Fellman Fantastic color scheme! What colors were used?
  23. Does this mean you can have 3x triple reinforced vamp lord units? It's 1350 points but could be fun. 🤘
  24. That new Kruleboyz swampcalla ability is nice but what an absolutely boring way to get it. 😒 If true its pretty fraking lame our troggs didn't get the same healing that glooms do. Why is consistency such a foreign theme with Geedubs. Bah!!
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