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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @KingBrodd Iirc they are 11 bands total before it was officially announced as season 2. 🤞 Doubled checked and yes, 11. 👍
  2. I find it so odd that herds have two wounds each on a single smaller model compared to hoppers who are larger and are a two model unit with a squig and rider. I don't know if that would be too drastic a change but it's just odd to me.
  3. @woolf I'm the same. Best believe that'll be a great day when I make that happen though!✊
  4. @woolf Did you get a waaagh off with both mires!?!? Oh I bet that would be glorious to witness!!
  5. Good point. It does irk me a bit to see models not reflect the rules or reflect them poorly. There are two grots in the howda so why is this not a two "attack" rule. There are two cages on the sludgeraker so, again, why is this a once per battle "attack"?... Also good points. When Krule troggs get the gloomspite healing buff (they just have to, right? ) this will definitely help to make the unit a great screening and harrassment anvil imo. I've always felt it's a bit underrated. Its drum buff affects itself so grots hitting on 3s and the slogg trogg on 2s are not bad. It does need some tweaks to buff it's actual army in a more meaningful way. If gutrippaz get -1 rend this would definitely be more beneficial. With how these new books have been turning out I'm super excited to see what happens going forward with kruleboyz. And my long term project will definitely be ready. ✊
  6. I'm still working on my force. It's been a long term and take my time project for the bog ninjas and I realize the slogg trogg doesn't have the best scroll but I'm legitimately surprised to have never seen or heard of players using them to do some nasty or dare I say "krule" tricks with coherency and our armies access to "snatch" abilities.
  7. I think Ossiarch are going to be heavy hitters going forward. Perhaps even too much. Initial thoughts from the review vids I've seen have shown some crazy powerful stuff. It'll be fun to run a tomb Kings OBR proxy army once those new minis drop. 😉
  8. With concern to Drukhari ever since folks started custom kharadron armies with votann kits I've been thinking about doing an Idoneth army using drukhari kits and using their ships in place of certain beasts with a wooden spell jammer flying ship feel. Then I started really looking at their kits. Some are great and a few could use a glow up especially wyches. Idk if I'll go through with it or just hold off but I'm really needing to scratch that dark elf itch and current options in AoS just aren't doing it.
  9. I would like to know more simply because is this a company I'd still give my money to if I knew more of these inside details. Best of luck to you, girl!! You have a unique painting style fo sho and I'll check out your content. ✊
  10. I do wonder if we'll see overlap models from TOW and if so Gitmob would be a good choice for this I'd wager.
  11. Alright, alright. 🤘💀🤘 Just saw their new scrolls and they're looking tasty as well. Very cool.
  12. That's cool! Do they take up a hero slot then or hows this work? Like what's the actual benifits?
  13. @Sabush It's the lady sorceress from the Nurgle Underworlds band.
  14. Oh my. Much needed help to Kruleboyz. it's a start. 🤩✊ Also why didn't snarlfang riders get adjusted in points. They still have a 135 where as everything is increments of 10 again. Baaaahhh, just let me stick three in my Kruleboyz list!!!🤬
  15. This is not my work and I found it on pinterest but it's one of my favorite kitbashed shammys. Geedubs really should offer up Mugruk for a week or so like they did with the necron event model. Mugruk da Watcha is such a great and characterful sculpt and for a model commonly taken in multiples it would be great to have access to alternative sculpts. However Mannok da kunnin would make a great shammy base as well.
  16. Who am I missing? I can only think of 5 Belladomma Radukar Annika Kritza Ivya
  17. @Ogregut I cant find it but iirc it was stated early on that each alliance would receive something. 🤔 I may be wrong. Meh.
  18. I really hope Geedubs isnt going to swindle us when they stated something for each grand alliance and we get some destro lovings.
  19. Underguts?...🤔 You mean mole-gors!! 😀😁
  20. I always thought it would be cool if Radakar recieved rules like Morathi where he would start as the wolf and have the ability to turn into the beast during play. Very curious to see if the reggy deathrattle skellies get any change up or deathrattle in general.
  21. Ironjawz. Ignore all others. 😉😁
  22. One of the reasons I like kruleboyz so much. It's so cool to see orc (oruuks) using psychological warfare and guerrilla tactics.
  23. @The Lost Sigmarite Mugruk da Watcha is his name. As @Ogregut pointed out he was a commemorative series model. He's an absolutely fantastic sculpt albeit a bit smaller than the standard swampcalla shammy and was my vote for mini of the year.
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