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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. I don't want to spoil the fun, but for now this Gitmob stuff looks like a mistake, a result of GW second-guessing their own stylistic choices. I really like the Snarlfang models - they would be great for WFB. But the army introduced into AoS was Gloompsite Gitz, subterranean Grots emerging to bring the horror and lunacy under the Bad Moon, with obvious and fitting squig & troggoth assistance. They've already stretched this neat idea by keeping the Spiderfang in the same book (though the aesthetic would put them right next to the Bonespitterz). Now comes the Gitmob, and I can't help but imagine the new book being a mess similar to Orruk Warclans, but with four semi-separate factions.
  2. This is the way 👍 My current plan is to do some more value sketching before the colour is applied - and see how this works out. I’m starting from this:
  3. I will repost my comments from the other thread below, for the sake of clarity. Regarding the scoring - any thoughts on adding points for killing? Like 1 VP for every 500 points killed. My feeling is that, especially for new players, it's a tad weird that you don't get any points for actually killing enemy units in a wargame. This approach would also be easy to implement, since you can count the additional VPs once the game is finished.
  4. 15%, universal for all boxes, so it would be £120 to start with. Still cheaper than the official price - strange, but I will not complain.
  5. I just bought one; they are all priced the same in Poland - and sell for the equivalent of £101.
  6. This may be the first time someone is genuinely surprised that people complain about the AoS release schedule. You serious?
  7. Ok, long time but since I've asked for this, I will also comment. This is really good; the battleplans and scoring are clean and easy to grasp, the moments of glory is a neat idea to get away from battle tactics / grand strategies while still adding something specific to achieve. I would keep the miscast - I've always liked this rule. Save the General is a no-brainer though and will probably be implemented by GW sooner or later. As for the terrain - I've never even bothered with the official rules, it's just too much. Anyway, last time I played it was already too late to introduce this to my mates, which (as always) resulted in a lot of time spent on pondering the battle tactics and playing strictly for the points. It was fun, but also exhausting. It also felt a bit too much... scoring-driven? Maybe it's just me, but a little too often I look at the table and instead of beautifully painted brave soldiers, I see some probability / geometry puzzle to solve.
  8. I would be delighted, but... KO have a plethora of tools, instruments and gadgets on the models, yet I've never seen a single padlock, especially a one so crude. This does not fit the Kharadron technical thought & design.
  9. They definitely should and I would gladly put them on the waiting list if not for the fact that they, along the IDK, were already ignored by GW 😔
  10. The other thing is that the differences between the numbers of scrolls available to factions are wild. If we exclude Orruks, KO are now obvious candidates for a second wave, followed by FEC and OBR.
  11. A quick overview of units' roles in the army (i.e. these guys are rather slow but tough and hard-hitting, while these over here are elite shooters). I also specifically explain special rules regarding movement & teleports and weird rules (Wurrgog Prophet...). All in all, I think this should take approx. 5-10 minutes at most.
  12. I very much like the deck idea; the use of cards adds a certain flavour to the game (yes, I still miss the Winds of Magic deck).
  13. GW can manage that on a two-pager. Remember “the Hunt” battlescroll? This would be a perfect addition to GHB, to test this approach for six months.
  14. There is a solution, though some people seem to really dislike this idea: hard cap on elite units. This sort of restriction may be easily introduced in specific battle pack. 0-1 Blood Sisters, one reinforcement only… But then you touch the underlying problem, which is a shallow roster for many armies.
  15. Please share. I have a game or two scheduled this Sunday and it would be great to try this.
  16. The rules... if I had to pinpoint the problem, I would say Battle Tactics & Grand Strategies. Without them you can explain really quickly what the game is about: control the objectives, kill the enemies - and focus just on that. With them AoS feels like a different game with a lot more thinking involved (and they change every 6 months).
  17. But the lack of GW's attention is. This is less of an issue once you have a solid gaming community, but still. They are updating the army books - a mandatory exercise not really connected with any coherent story and rarely stirring any emotions. They check the meta and react; I applaud this, but the battlescroll is hardly an emotional event. After the Broken Realms hasty conclusion, they left a number of storylines on the back burner and focused on Kragnos & Kruleboyz - a narrative disaster. The rules are fine, people learn in time; instead of the carousel of new editions the game needs a thought-out release schedule within a decent narrative arc.
  18. And if you combine both you can field 10 Doomfire Warlocks. A splendid deal.
  19. They were, but this number of marketing publications can spoil even the good minis.
  20. At the same time, just over a week ago, GW would not allow you - even for a minute - to forget that Warhammer Underworlds is the Perfect Game to Add to Your Board Game Nights and you can Carve Through the Gnarlwood or Conquer the Gnarlwood Your Way with The Gnarlspirit Pack Struggling With Animalistic Fury or The Sons of Velmorn, who Vow To Clear the Gnarlwood of the Living. They really like to shove some stuff in the face while neglecting something else.
  21. We are talking two armies here. One was effectively abandoned approx. 20 years ago - and while I love the Arthurian vibes it's hard to imagine GW releasing all this stuff from 1996 to win the modern market. The other was a fringe army effectively implemented in AoS as Ossiarch Bonereapers. I know there are some differences, but the OBR are still closer to the original aesthetic than the Lumineth are to the High Elves or KO to Dwarfs. They even provided the faction with the obvious reflection of Settra.
  22. Four remaining Deathriders and the Bone-tithe Nexus. If that is done, I will start the Stalkers.
  23. He is weirdly static for this typical mounted lord-general trope… and it has to be on purpose as GW knows very well how to this stuff. Maybe he’s supposed to look tired.
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