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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. Oh, that's always fun! Even though my Slaanesh army doesn't have a regular Khorne opponent, I've made a point of decorating my bases with a few decapitated helmeted heads that I've painted up in Khorne colours.
  2. I assume it's partly because any character in AoS needs an army to be in (or lead). I can't claim to be that knowledgeable about the lore, but from what I've gathered there's been precious little said about who it is that Malerion rules over. So, we're effectively talking about creating and conceptualising a whole new faction.
  3. I remember the first time I got acquainted with the AoS set of rules, one of my immediate thoughts was "oh... so there's no way to get upgrades to heroes at all?" I still think that it's something that's lacking. Like you say, it doesn't have to be on the same level as The Old World.... but some gesture towards it would be nice. Something to make a 'choppy' hero actually choppy.
  4. The Hubcaps of Slaanesh! The only part of Glutos that I've finished thus far. I'm planning to finish off Kyazu before the month is out, though.
  5. They look great! A really natural-looking fit. Well done.
  6. I achieve the iridescent gilded effect on my Slaaneshi Beastmen's horns by painting them with my ex-girlfriend's nail polish.
  7. This sounds like a tasty solution to me. Even if it did involve a fairly steep increase in points. But I guess higher points across the board means less models on the table... and we're all aware that GW is in the business of selling more models, not less.
  8. They could roll the Forsaken and the Spawn into one. Something like whatever that mad possessed/mutant/spawn kit in 40K is.
  9. Hey, that's not true. Anyone remember the horror of the screwtop pots?
  10. I second that... if only for the ease of transport. The current size of a 2000 point army is a comfortable amount to haul around (often using public transport) I feel.
  11. I was gonna say.... if you're painting 40 miniatures a week you've clearly got motivation by the bucketload!
  12. I use Army Painter's primer. But I imagine all the reputable brands do a similar product.
  13. Exactly. Damn well said. Slaanesh as lurking, malevolent, ever-watching, all-powerful threat, biding His time... it's awesome stuff. And a bit Lovecraftian, come to think of it.
  14. He will devour your soul for saying so. No, in reality I like the Slaanesh narrative as it's playing out. It marks Him out as distinct from the other gods, who are really just carrying on with business as usual. There would be no hook for the Pretenders and Godseekers without Slaanesh's incarceration. Plus it means stuff like the siblings, who are magnificent models, if not quite so brilliant in the lore and on the tabletop...
  15. It'll happen. Worry not, my sweetlings... one day soon He will return, and drown these mewling worlds of mediocrity in a tsunami of depravity!
  16. I can have a bash at answering the metal questions. I love painting metal models... there's something about the crispness of the detail and the weight in the hand that just appeals! 1. I assume you mean to remove mould lines? A really small file is great if there's tight spots that need work... but I find that a good sharp knife works for most. 2. Gel super glue is far better than liquid super glue. Might need a visit to a hardware store to find one. I've never used the two-part stuff, but some people swear by it. 3. I always prime metal models with a brush. I find, for some reason, spray primer doesn't cooperate too well with metal models. As for thickness, the old adage of a couple of thin coats is the way to go. 4. I've never varnished after priming. Didn't know that that was a thing, to be honest! But at least two coats of varnish on the finished model is definitely prudent.
  17. I envy anyone who can knock out a good paint job in such a short time-frame! My record for a single model would be a couple of days. I'm such a plodder... slow but steady.
  18. I absolutely agree. To my opponents my Keeper of Secrets is just a Keeper of Secrets. In my head-canon (to borrow a term) though it is Vythaac-Zel, the Grand Vassagonian of Endless Greed.
  19. I love the Path to Glory rules. Trying to get people to play along with it has proved difficult though. I'm surprised at how many players just ignore it entirely. Glad it's not disappearing.
  20. Yes, yes... so everyone keeps saying. I'd be happy if the Anvil of Apotheosis was made a more permanent feature. Just for non-competitive games.
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