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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Ah, my unwavering champion of hate against Aelves. Never change! In the meantime will be here, defending the Mountain Realm and doing hammers and bovine themed imagery and monsters better than Chaos Dwarfs ever could.
  2. What's the problem with NMM?! It's a rather complex technique as far as I'm aware, though I've never been a judge on anything, mind you. And if I'm not mistaken the gold parts on the Skink are NMM as well. So by your own logic the Skink should have been automatically disqualified as well.
  3. True, but after seeing that fantastic dark chrome Sigvald that came second I can unterstand the salt a little. That thing looked like straight from some 80s Heavy Metal album cover.
  4. Interesting theory. But the amber and starlight drakes circling the horned god of stone could also just be Karazai (who is reddish of colour and has a stronger connection to Ghur) and Krondys (who is blue and white and more connected to Azyr) fighting Kragnos. In regards to the Incarnates I'd assume the next one we'll see will be from Ulgu, since that is rumoured to be the next realm to be in the narrative's focus.
  5. I noticed that current 40K codices also don't have painting guides in them anymore. I sincerely hope that trend won't become true for AOS.
  6. Nice try, but Triple H is actually from New Hampshire. Now back to topic, please.
  7. Just what we needed: a new major release of a system about Space Marines betraying Space Marines. But this time they look more generic because half of them didn't have the time to simmer in the warp for millenia and develop a distinct flavor. Good thing that we are already intimately familiar with the lore because 40K and Black Library never shut up about HH in the first place.
  8. I think the Exiled Dead are pretty boring. When they showed Coil I hoped he would end up being the least interesting of the bunch instead of the most interesting. Standard Soulblight zombies have more flavor than these. Happy for Nighthaunt though. Getting a new unit and a named character in addition to the mandatory hero is a pretty big deal. Now they just need some new cover art. Not sure what to feel about the Thondia set. I wish they'd do more for GA: Destruction instead of focussing on stuff that'll just be around for a soecific setting.
  9. Well, sadly AOS has been not exactly been blessed with new and exciting models since Stormcast got their new stuff and Kruleboyz came out. All the new tome releases since then - meaning Maggotkin, Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers - only got one new infantry hero. Fyreslayers seems to have got an even shorter end of the stick as many players feel they were significantly nerfed. Their tome didn't even get new cover art. The infantry hero trend is scheduled to continue with Daughters of Khaine. Nighthaunt at least get a new unit in addition to the mandatory hero, although these ghosts with crossbows aren't quite blowing the roof off in terms of creativity. At this point most people expect Skaven and Sylvaneth to follow this trend, though they aren't exactly confirmed yet. We just know the armies in summer will be one for order and one for Chaos. Welcome to the forums, and my apologies if I wasted your time with things you already knew.
  10. I did bring up Morathi because, while you usually can't get her with a discount, she is less expensive than for example Teclis or Archaon but still acounts for nearly a third of your army. That's just a lot of bang for your buck, and also well spend because she's an amazing model and insanely powerful.
  11. If you run Morathi and Bloodstalkers it's not that bad. Between the Start Collecting, Shadow & Pain and the upcomimg dual box DOK have some nice discounts going on.
  12. So basically the same approach they took with the Sylvaneth bundle from a few weeks ago.
  13. I keep hearing that the app isn't really that accurate in many cases. You did well by double-checking with the forums. Man, Teclis is so awesome! I can't wait to try him out on the table with a ton of Stoneguard. 😊
  14. He's the God of Magic. He knows all the spells. And it's pretty clear that he'll know all the spells of the River and Zenith lores as well, once they are out.
  15. We had our big release. We had the Era of the Beast. Dragons and new armour type for Stormcast Eternals. Kruleboyz as a new type of Orruks with awesome minis. Kragnos as god of destruction. That'll be it till Broken Realms cycle 2: Malerion boogaloo. However... T'au Empire got almost no new models, but what they got was a codex that seems fun to play and lets things be good which are supposed to be good. So something like that maybe in the cards for AOS as well.
  16. Kaleb Daark... finding ways to sprinkle in shots against the Archmage since the times Chaos Dwarfs were more than hopium-induced dillusions by people on fringe wargaming forums.
  17. That's basically what I've said two hours earlier. Please try to keep up, will you? 😉 Or I guess you could try to spice it with up some of that sweet, sweet inside knowledge, Fangy, old chap.. 😊
  18. Gotta brush up on that Sylvaneth lore then. Search her on Lexicanum or something like that. My mobile phone somehow can't embed the link right now. Anyway, she's supposedly something like a loyalist counterpart to Drycha.
  19. Now that you say that and created those images in my head ... I want it! 😍
  20. But why though? I think Sylvaneth are awesome and a really cool army, but apart from more shooting or maybe cavalry I don' t feel they need that much. That Lady of the Vines from the lore would be nice I guess. Rules on the other hand need some cleaning-up. Those are very scattered through tome, Broken Realms and FAQs.
  21. So, I'm thinking about getting a Lord Regent and converting him to make him look a little more Ymetrican.. Did someone maybe try and look whether a Stone Guard champion head looks decent on the Lord Regent's torso?
  22. Oh, there's the sea in the background. Though I liked the clean white of 2nd edition, I do kind of of dig faction-specific box backgrounds.
  23. I'm not suprised about Lumineth being rather low, if this forum somewhat resembles the poll sample. Stormcast Eternals and Soulblight Gravelords seem to have significantly more active subforums than Lumineth or Daughters of Khaine.
  24. All your silly hat are belong to us! ... and Nagash, I guess.
  25. The rarest of Pepes!!! And what's best and rarest about them, besides the humour and creativity? These come without racism or misoginy! 😍 #PUDAnon #PepiZharr #ChorfIsComing #Hopenochrome
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