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Everything posted by pnkdth

  1. Could be, I dunno, but I think GW reasons they'll get the people who's going to buy regardless first and then win over others when the tome makes it all makes sense again. Appeal to feels and fans first, rules and competitive second. The key is if everyone is talking about, people are drawn to it. I mean, has to be some reason for them to do it over and over.
  2. Step 1: Create controversy and s***posting. Step 2: Make people feel like they're watching a train wreck. Step 3: Deliver a full battletome and thanks to all the attention generated from step 2 & 3 get more people into the book, i.e. deliver the cure to the "pain" people felt before. Alternative title; Dr. Saltmine or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the hype cycle (reference for you movie buffs). NH is likely to have plenty of allegiance abilities and leaders with synergy. I'm so over huffing mopium at this point. Also, least it is something more creative that MWs on 6s. Heh, look at me not getting dry skin from excess salt. 🤗
  3. Yeah, let's go out with a bang! The upbeat language just makes this funnier. Also, lowkey calling it as an April 1st joke since they could just reveal it and make us feel smart for catching it.
  4. I am sure the NH release will raise a few spirits.
  5. I think it is a great rule. What I hate the most about wargaming is having the armies interact with each other. The best part of the hobby is to have your lovingly crafted and painted models simply be removed from play. What we've also learned in the past is how much fun super-swingy and all or nothing rolls are. NPEs are for scrubs, the next cool thing is No Player Experience. Like magic trick, ta-daa, we just made your model... disappear. Can't feel bad if you're not given a chance to feel anything at all. Plus, it makes games faster to get through! Life is suffering and the void is staring back. All bow to Malal! On the flip side, it made me think of one of my favourite movie scenes: Disclaimer: This post is tongue in cheek but also, wow, the lack of creativity and MW spam is too much. The Crossboos, I'm suspecting, will only add more to the MW pile.
  6. I think we also need to consider that AoS is a much smaller community and that if it was at the scale of 40k we'd also see a MUCH more competitive meta. When we look at 40k each big shift is going to be populated by a lot more players so each time something breaks it makes huge waves. I also think the reaction stems from GW setting up expectations of new warscrolls, points changes, and more, and when delivering this it feels like a hit and a miss. It seems they've accidentally made the top tier armies a bit more cautious with what they bring... And I think there's a key insight here. When looking at low tier armies they should instead give bonuses straight out of the gate + extra if they complete kills. Could this hurt the occasional fluffy army in a very casual setting, yes, but in my experience fellow lore nuts tend have very little issues with house rules. This means that on the top you have risks associated with certain units. Going forwards unit combos might be included since rather than ruining both units in a combo because they happen to work as a pair they could add a game cost. Granting extra VPs is also a solid way of representing the army losing key units. At the bottom, you'll have a leg up from the start and can get more into the game if you pull it off. The reason for guaranteed VPs at the start is to force the opponent to act and immediately be on the back foot. More importantly, you're not giving a bonus behind the very reason they're struggling and, in effect, giving the initiative to low tier army. Imagine it like you know your army is not as strong and the initial VP gain is to setting ambushes and whatnot. Not supposed to be a permanent fix but I think something like this would make these armies see the table more often. TL;DR: Reward players for taking the difficult option, not just for killing units they were already struggling with.
  7. While I think you could supply GSG and Khorne with a refresh in allegiance abilities to give them a significant bump, I agree, this update will do more for the top tier + high mid tier to steal some extra wins. These are the armies who actually has the tools to get these points. For the low tier it is a "100% of nothing is still less than 50% of something"-situation.
  8. It is an example of how an idea could spread. The point here is that you don't have to like Rob & CO if TOs starts collabing with them. You do not need to convince everybody since casual players will almost always end up using the same rules as tournament players.
  9. It worked well in WHFB and comp scored tournaments outnumbered official GT rules. It is a matter of how you do it and who you are doing it for. It has to come from the competitive scene and TOs. The community will follow whatever they do, i.e. if Rob and the gang suddenly said "this comp system/tournament pack/etc is the best and this what we'll use" that echo chamber would sound far and wide. I wouldn't put it past them either. As in them deciding, hm, we have all the best data so we're going to do what you (GW) do but better.
  10. Composition scores might be worth looking into more seriously. We got a mountain of tournament data already and contrary to the belief comp is for casuals it simply creates a more even, yet very much competitive, field. Player's riding the meta or winning through math hammer will suffer though so some egos might get bruised. Leads to much closer games though and much more varied meta. It does require the community to stop relying on daddy GW to fix everything though. However, as we've seen GW seem neither equipped or willing to step up to the plate in a timely fashion, maybe we'll soon reach a critical mass of people who's just had enough with waiting for nothing much at all. So while perhaps uncomfortable or unpopular, I think you're onto something.
  11. Judging by reaction in discord it does not address any issues and delivered only on the bare minimum of the bare minimum. Big oof.
  12. Looking at the limbs, joints lacking muscle and skin, they look skeletal which is a look many NH units share. We know NH are creeping up too. New NH unit perhaps? Edit: And looking at the new Tyranid model it has exactly the same skeletal/chitinous look. So probably another space bug.
  13. If person X wants to buy unit Y and K yet feel priced out I found a bit tone-deaf to suggest buying even more stuff which didn't get the both unit Y and K. Buying that box would just push the issue of cost further ahead for someone who already stated the price was getting out of reach. I can see that I came off a bit strong and forgot to be more nuanced since the warcry box is a good deal if you want all the models. I'd like to offer an apology to @chosen_of_khaine for that. I think my general frustration over the situation took the better of me. Time to move on.
  14. It usually helps if your reply is actually related to the post you're replying to. The way you argue is incredibly manipulative since you never address any points while also making claims which suggest I believe X or Y. Just own up to the fact you rushed into a discussion without context and misunderstood the situation.
  15. I really didn't consider what you would do when replying to someone else. The person I replied to suggested to buy a warcry box because it was good value for AoS. The rest of it isn't an opinion as much as it is sales tactics, used by retail and e-commerce alike to inflate perceived value. I also do not see how me encouraging people to make more informed decisions means I'm disallowing them doing more research on making better purchases. Yes, GW is a company and they want to sell stuff. Does that mean we should just applaud them and buy anything without critical thought? I'm getting mixed messages here.
  16. He wanted hammer elves and swordmasters not a box containing 2/3rds of models he wasn't looking for. He's effectively paying 50% more for the models he wanted while getting a bunch of stuff wasn't going to buy. That is not a good deal. That's called being had by a salesman. I know you just wanted to help but it is boxes like this which contribute to our "piles of shame" since they trick people into buying stuff they never wanted in the first place while making it seem like an excellent deal. Not to mention it ropes him in to buy those expensive swordy boi later which means he'll pay even more in the end. Because that cost doesn't go away. Point is, if you are paying more and buying more than you intended you're not saving money. Kinda like how GW got tons of people to buy more models than intended (if they intended to buy anything at all) when announcing their price increase. A price increase they probably were going to do regardless. I am sure many a hobbyists piles got larger with a very low chance of ever being assembled. The saddest part of all this is I am hearing a lot of people leaving the hobby now... Often to the tune of "good riddance", "it is a luxury and you don't deserve it", or variations thereof. I'm not painting the entire community with this brush though, not even close, but I haven't seen this much toxic stuff coming from fellow hobbyists before. I'm not 100% but I think I'm done with GW. The decision is somewhat brought on by friends who were on the fence noped out completely now. Admittedly, I was probably half-way on my way out anyway but after having measured the new prices and the reactions it nudged me the rest of the way. Happy hobbying, you all.
  17. 3.0 feels like the bookkeeping edition. I enjoy objective centric games but many of them amount to "you're going to do this anyway so here's a gold star for remembering you're playing your army" and the new tomes + tome celestial have been quite silly in this regard. Heroic actions and monstrous actions has ended up less of an epic combat or monsters being awesome and more going through the motions and making sure you're checking boxes. Knowing GW they're going to change their minds on streamlining the game halfway through the edition too. 🙃 The eternal tug of war between crunchy and streamlined will go on forever. Personally though, I think I just needed to step out of AoS for awhile since I'm in a "crunchy"-phase (Infinity and Malifaux). I can always come back when it feels fresh again. I believe this is something which would make a lot of us enjoy any game more really, step outside of your bubble. Play an awesome board game or do something completely different. Games should never end up feeling like a routine and that pile of potential will be right there waiting for you... Or you do like me and use for other games. Moreover, it is not a pile of shame, it is a pile of a project you WILL finish. If you can't, find a game which makes you 'want it' again. TL;DR: Playing another game won't cause your minis to spontaneously combust and every memory you have will still be yours. I am sure the community will welcome you back with open arms when you're itching for a game again. Sometimes, we get burned out, our priorities change, and what we want is something else. TL;DR 2: When your wargaming give you lemons, play another game and enjoy that lemonade.
  18. Fyreslayers are shorter though, so take up less space.
  19. I'm personally tired of people acting as if everything is going to be awesome without knowing the whole picture. 😛 Seriously though, it is a rumours thread. Of course there will be speculation and reactions.
  20. I'll take almost anything at this point. Which in context of the discussion feels appropriate, sort of. 😏
  21. The DIY community is unlikely to hurt them much but I've already seen people replace GW's overpriced characters with printed models, low model units too, as well as monsters, some even print out armies. So calling it knitting or children at play is providing a fairly limited view on the subject matter. Several posts (and walls of text!) before this has concrete examples. The only thing that needs to change on a large scale production side is production/time becoming more efficient/cheaper than mass production and shipping. We've already seen how vulnerable GW is to global events and how it impact them (and us with this recent price hike). With that also in mind I think GW are keeping both eyes real close on the potential of 3D printing. They are already making use of it for display models and streamlining the production process is always a good thing. Who knows, they have specialist games which could be useful test runs or simply let the community keep "dead" games alive by selling updated rules. That's a lot of in between rather than all or nothing. Just as I do not think 3D printing is going to kill GW. It will probably change how they approach things and given their massive presence on the market and tabletops they can leverage that to become the go-to 3D printing service as well. However it goes, more options for us = good times.
  22. I have never used an airbrush (and have zero plans or concerns about that) in my life. In the case of 3D printing, you won't have to engage with it any more than you do with creating moulds or casting process in the minis you order today. It just another way of creating and ordering a miniature. You've done that plenty of times already.
  23. AoS is about dealing with threats in order to prevent your opponent from scoring while maximising your own scoring, this does involve your ability to remove enemy units. Everyone knows that FS relies on buffing up their units through characters. In other words, I'm not going to bash my head against that 4++ HGB wall if I can remove a comparatively weak character and reduce that save to 6++ in addition to removing all those useful abilities. Look out, sir and forcing my opponent to burn through command points is fine. Especially since ranged MWs are everywhere now. It is not an issue only FS have to deal with but as an army FS relies more than most of their characters supporting their units. Hence why losing bodyguard has been such a big deal for FS.
  24. Downside is they're still low wound/poor save characters who will get killed off immediately by the multitude of different ranged threats.* While it is an interesting option it is going to be nearly impossible to pull off effectively since it will be very obvious to your opponent what you're trying to do. A lot the FS abilities are also fairly short ranged which adds more limitations. * Unless there's some kind of bodyguard rule or something we haven't seen yet. So all hope is not lost... yet.
  25. If the knitting process was automated and I could just input my design I'd be all over that. Sounds awesome. All that the 3D printing industry needs to do is work on accessibility and I'm not talking "a 3D printer in every home" since that is just one way to use a 3D printer. The big shift, I imagine, is when 3D printing is like commissioning any kind of art or like we used to develop film into photos, 3D printing as a service, STLs as a service, etc. I am sure there tons of creative people out there who could make a good living off that and figure out smarter ways than me. One thing that's for sure and that 3D printers will continue to become more efficient and easier to use by each iteration. I would also say it isn't as far off as some seem to believe. The newer printers are much easier to use and once the perception around printing changes there will be a cascading effect. I still think GW will be around because GW will be like WoW, the market for it won't disappear. GW is likely to keep going strong, just not as dominant as they are today but still the dominant force.
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