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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I am a sucker for this kind of thing. I played mtg for close to 15 years. I and my wallet would be doomed XD. Edit: They could even do guest artists like John Howe or Alan Lee. They would make them tons of money.
  2. Could even use this concept for warcry and other upcomming things. They could even do booster packs with different art pages so people will trade them to create a better community. It would also be a wallets worst nightmare. It already makes me feel nostalgic. Me: *opens pack* Someone else: Yeey i got a foil Gordrakk page ! ! Me: *looks inside pack* nooo not another deathrattle skeleton
  3. Looks like something Chaos Space Marines or a Blades of Khorne warband.
  4. Its like microtransactions but not digital. If GW sees this it will happen like today.
  5. Ok i think i'll remodel some to arrowboyz if they wont change to much with the upcomming battletome. Or get another box of savages, can never have enough i guess.
  6. What it looks like now, and correct me if i'm wrong, is that we have to pay for warhammer+ to get the builder and also buy the battletome to unlock the digital version. I havent seen them myself but i've read that the digital battletomes are horrible at the moment. It all seems clunky.
  7. With the changes happening with the app and warhammer+ what do u all think about the future of battletomes? I think battletomes are an outdated concept as a whole. If they would put all army rules and warscrolls in the app for all who like to play games. They could have an app with rules/armybuilder and interface to keep track of things needed for your battle. With an option to print those. Then do a separate release for the books with just the lore and art and fluff for the people who are into that. I think all would be happy. They could also do broken realms style books without rules to showcase new lore and models. Could be that they are moving towards that kind of thing now but they really need to upgrade the apps to another level.
  8. I think battletomes are an outdated concept as a whole. If they would put all army rules and warscrolls in the app for all who like to play games and do a separate release for the books with just the lore and art and fluff for the people who are into that. I think all would be happy They could also just do broken realms style books without rules to showcase new lore and models. Edit: Could be that they are moving towards that kind of thing now but they really need to upgrade the apps to another level. Edit: I'll make another topic for this.
  9. What reason would someone have for playing a unit of 2x big stabbas over 10x savage orruks? Edit: Also, i am thinking of building this list for fun. LEADERS Wurrgog Prophet (170) - General - Lore of the Savage Beast Hedrakka, Gob of Mork (235) - Lore of the Savage Beast UNITS 20 x Savage Orruk Morboys (260) 10 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (130) 3 x Hedrakka's Madmob (0) BEHEMOTHS Skitterstrand Arachnarok (200) - Allies TOTAL: 995/1000 WOUNDS: 88
  10. I would love for Gordrakk to do some krumpin but i dont think he will so soon after Kragnos kicked his butt and took his Waaagh!
  11. Yeah it would feel like paying double to get a digital battletome and need warhammer+.
  12. Also if u kill one killaboss u get half the numbers on the other 10 wounds. Comparing apples and oranges.
  13. Do u have to pay for warhammer+ to get the digital battletomes?
  14. I think its a bit ridiculous that we have to pay around 40 euros for a battletome now. Cant sugarcoat this sorry. I dont collect just one large army. I collect many small armies because i like all the different sculpts. I cant justify buying every book again and again over just collecting more models to be honest. Just to play a game a few times a year (same for 40k). The mirebrute is almost the same price XD. I want to support gw with buying all the books and not use other sources. But they are making it damn hard to keep doing it. That being said i am glad they gave information about the battletomes/units and preorders.
  15. I think i would try to change skragott and the snufflers to a fungoid shaman and another dankhold trogg. Could also add the loonboss on giant squig to go with some bounders.
  16. I cant wait to see the battletome. Cant say anything about the new stats without the rules. The delay gives me a bit more time to paint up some more orruks though haha.
  17. Thanks for the info!. What character/leader/unit would u add as an ally to nighthaunt up to 200 points?
  18. I want to try this list for fun but i dont know if i'll get stomped horribly. Havent played any games with my nighthaunt yet. Any comments? LEADERS Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (215)* - General Spirit Torment (115)* Prince Duvalle (200)* - Allies UNITS 3 x Spirit Hosts (125)* 3 x Spirit Hosts (125)* 1 x The Crimson Court (0)* BEHEMOTHS Black Coach (220)* CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment 1000/1000 points
  19. Hi all, i want to buy and paint up some crimson court models and use them as allies in a 1000/1500p nighthaunt list for fun. But i dont own anything about them really. I was wondering what would be the best use for them. I'll probably run them along some spirit hosts and Lady O. Would this be a total waste and should i start a mini soulblight army? Or should i use one of the models as a vampire lord? Dont really know what to do with them. What are their strenghts and weaknesses? Thanks!
  20. I actually like some of those heroes on foot for warcry and 1000 point games. And while some of them may not be usefull i most of the time have a blast painting those characters. Its way more fun than painting savage orruk number 44 with another 16 to go.
  21. Yeah i also think he looks like a unit champion. After all the things kruleboyz joining orruk warclans i am hoping for some wolf riders joining rippas snarlfangs at some point :D.
  22. Thats why i was browsing the old rumours to find some kind of connection. I cant seem to find anything else usefull. I loved the chain of dominion rumours, those where great fun. They should do more like those.
  23. Would be fun if such a dawnbringer crusade stumbles upon a forgotten settlement/stronghold/village that has been left alone since the beginning of AoS while they are being attacked by beastmen or something.
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