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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/01/23/sunday-preview-enter-war-zone-nachmund-and-muster-the-might-of-the-tau-empire/ Well, they managed to get to 2:03 in the video before they revealed A NEW SPACE MARINE MODEL!
  2. Well, it gives us something to talk about in the absence of any either official or reliable rumours!
  3. Forget various ruinous powers and mutants and daemons and rotting undead things. These have to be the most disturbing models GW has ever produced!
  4. Yeah, if they do ever actually bring Squats back that'll probably be how they do it. And it'll be a boring wasted opportunity. I want vengeful Squats out for revenge on the Imps for abandoning them to the Nids. (although mainly I just want Squats)
  5. Nah, I reckon Squats will be thier own faction outside the Imperium, not a sub faction of Imp Guards.
  6. If you are predicting Dispossessed going in the Dwarf Soup are you also predicting their removal from Cities? And the Dwarfy bits of Ironweld Arsenal? Maybe dwarf soup will be able to include Dwarf keyworded Cities units as coalition?
  7. If we're talking wallet burning - bring on the Mega Gargant scale Ironweld Arsenal steam powered mechs!
  8. 100% with you on this. Perhaps a move to Chamon. Perfect setting for a Clan Skryre reboot/refresh too.
  9. No firing ranged weapons when you are engaged in melee with an enemy unit. Either ban firing ranged weapons at enemies engaged in melee with a friendly unit. Or allow it but with a random chance of wounding your friends. Agree with overhauling terrain and line of sight rules. More artillery units. Technology should catch up with magic. And rules for wandering monsters.
  10. Can we have Skaven Submarines as a new addition to bring the list up to 6? That's the only thing that interested me in that otherwise meh warcom article.
  11. Just checked and according to the app Thryng can have both Fyreslayer and Cities coalition (but need the duadwarf keyword so no steam tanks, rockets or big gun) which then allows Gotrek to ally. I think I'd rather go the Tempest eye route, to allow tanks and artillery and miss out on Fyreslayer-in-jeans. Edit: beaten to it by Jaskier.
  12. But doesn't taking Gotrek block you from having any other allies?
  13. Sorry, should have said ALL THE (factions of the) DWARVES.
  14. Is there a way to have ALL THE DWARVES? I'm playing around with the idea of a Tempest Eye Cities list, all dwarves (Ironweld crew humies and Steamtank crew models replaced with dwarves) with Kharadron Overlords coalition and Fyreslayers allies. Is there any work around to also include Gotrek? (from what I understand if I have the big G I can't also have Fyreslayers as allies) (Not looking for comments on competitiveness, I know it probably won't be, but it could be FUN)
  15. Is your soup prediction Dwarf Soup? And are you therefore also predicting new Tome for Kharadron Overlords and Dispossessed? And can you soup dwarves without also having a new Cities/Dawnbringer(whatever) Tome?
  16. To me it looks too metallic-mechanical for AoS and my guess would be 40k.
  17. Here's one I made late 1980s/early 1990s. Turns out I was WAY ahead of my time!
  18. Has there been any announcements about a CoS warband? (Really hoping I've missed some announcement)
  19. Which one was that? Was it the semi-naked dwarf with a long orange beard and a huge axe?
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