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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. Was that back in the day when WHFB was still on a planet lost in a warp storm in the Eye of Terror?
  2. I maths'd the Khorne one with UK prices and the individual costs add up to the same as the bundle. You just get the free picture. Edit: we'll have to see if the bundle prices go up with the general price rises in a few days time.
  3. I just did the maths on the UK prices. No savings on if you bought the SC (£50) Skull Crushers (£60) and Blood Warriors (£37.50) individually, but you do get a free art print if that's your thing.
  4. Isn't this like what they did with Nurgle a while ago? A hint that the summer Chaos Tome will be Khorne perhaps? I'm still hoping for and expecting Skaven though. Edit: there is also a Slaanesh bundle so obz this is not a hint to the Summer Chaos Tome. Unless we're getting Khorne/Slaanesh Soup 😂
  5. My thought - artillery could make it harder to capture/hold objectives e.g. increase the number of models required to occupy an objective if it is within range of enemy artillery (and perhaps even reduce the number if it is in range of friendly)
  6. If that's the pattern then I guess I have until the summer to get myself the Start Collecting Sylvaneth.
  7. Well either the price of on it's own will reduce, or the price of Start Collecting will go up...
  8. Am I missing something, or couldn't you already get them outside of Start Collecting (except for at the same price as Start Collecting so why would you?) https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Auric-Runefather-on-Magmadroth
  9. According to the latest base size document I can find (Jan 2021 on WarCom) Warden Kings go on 25mm bases. However, the one in my start collecting greywater fastness comes with a larger base (which seems more fitting for a king). I'm interested in whether Cities playing/collecting people tend to go with the official 25mm or tend to go bigger?
  10. Where do you get those wings from? My usual go to for parts is Bitzbox but can't find them there. Edit: Found them! Listed as Adeptus Mechanicus Pteraxii Skystalkers Jump Pack.
  11. Citadel Paensil (tm) and Citadel Paperium (tm) surely?
  12. I think the Dawnbringer Crusades, whatever they turn out to be, could be a great opportunity for new artillery and war machines ( I live in hope). I collect more than I play, so please educate me on the issues with the WARMACHINE keyword.
  13. Aesthetically I love artillery and therefore I will always have a place for it in my collection. Lore wise, however, I see the Mortal Realms as a place dominated by magic and where technology has failed to keep up, sadly. (The exception being the dwarfs in their airships)
  14. Glad I'm not the only one that saw it as a glove puppet!😂
  15. Resurrecting an old thread. I arrived here after looking into which gods the Dispossessed, Wanderers and Ironweld in Cities worship. People on Reddit reckoned that at least some of them Worship Sigmar (but Reddit, so no source) which would make them eligible for reforging into SCEs wouldn't it? So, has there been anything more in lore since this thread went to sleep (in June 2020) to confirm or hint if non humans can or can't be Stormcast?
  16. I am well out of touch with lore. Has this happened before, an established character becoming a Stormcast? Would be cool. But doesn't the forging take a looooong time? My head is saying decades or more but not sure where I got that from.
  17. FOMO. There a whole load of models on my "maybe one day" list that I'd snap up while I could if they were about to be discontinued. And will otherwise stay on my "maybe one day" list unbought for the next few years or more. (ps - please don't tell GW I said this...)
  18. Just checking out the articles on WarCom and on closer inspection I'm less impressed by the new Eldar Autarch.
  19. What's the lore now on non thunderstrike SCE? When they are killed are they still stuck floating around, blocked from getting back to Sigmar for reforging?
  20. Even SotW got a 3.0 nerf with the unleash hell related changes.
  21. Yeah, you're right! 😢 And I'm terrible at maths...
  22. Well, for what it's worth I just weighed some Dryad sprues. The spreadsheet shows a 70g increase in weight, this is what 69g looks like: For 4 dryads you get 1 of the top sprue and 1 of the bottom. I just weighed 3 to make up for the bits already removed... So while it is probably just packaging changes I will for now hope for 20s. Edit: as pointed out further down the thread the actual increase is 7g not 70g! So no extra dryads and I'm bad at maths...
  23. Is this a publicly available list, or just to store owners etc?
  24. Have I missed something? What's being said about Magmadroth being unavailable? It still seems available on its own on the webstore (in the UK) Although I admit I never understood why it was the same price as the start collecting.
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