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Everything posted by Feii

  1. Not sure if it is his blessing. Dark prince has created a whole new body for him so thats his natural body.
  2. Looking at the Slaanesh Sigvald leaks he is a Mortal? I thought he is a demon prince of Slaanesh 😮
  3. Does the carrion empire has a novel out or is it just lore snippets? I think some interesting realm artifacts should return in AoS 3.0 on average they were more useful to underdog armies.
  4. How cool would it be for Ushoran to return and believing he is a god so FEC would get their own God at least rule wise? (I have read his name is also Sumeros so some eastern inspired tyrant god belief would be interesting)
  5. I understand that people need to hate TTS without checking it for themselves BUT if you look at competitive TTS leagues going on or just bigger tournaments vast majority of people play REAL lists. Lists that they would be able to play IRL when we will be again able to. People field 3-6 Salamanders in most seraphon lists which is not a spam list or unreal. Open play is a different thing.
  6. Thats a very dishonest and flawed argument - just because some TTS lists would not materialise in reality it doesnt matter that some of them will. Many new armies dont have any resin models so there is no space for the “20 cockatrice models wont be a thing” argument. Personally the FEC smash bat list looks very nice and got me looking at that faction IRL.
  7. The endless prayer could be very strong. Furthermore the bladewind spell looks very interesting (its focus on the terrainmodifiers might be targetted towards AoS 3 terrain rules) and we do not know its mivement range.
  8. Yep basically 50% dmg reduction from their meele weapons
  9. Well it is strongest against D2 armies - all the SCE great weapons will become half as efficient - or the fyreslayers Heartguard berserkers.
  10. Do comments need to be nice? They were just neutral tethering to being hostile but if somebody keeps their shtick of using unsupported evidence and their feelings to make a point when there are data I just dont think I need to be soft and cuddly to people with antivaxx mindset
  11. Whats the winrate for Syar with teclis and no ither behemoths? Can you filter it ,please?
  12. Ah yes the big brain “ignore half of the input and pretend the whole srgument is flawrd because it doesnt suit my worldview” move you seem to have some private stats that do not correlate with any other real statistics so feel free to enlighten us. (With something else than your anecdotal evidnce thanks)
  13. Well precisely DoT being an older and more popular faction means worse results are less likely to happen due to newet player issue etc.
  14. Ah yes the DoT the most popular tournament faction that consistently do not make top 5 these past months and good luminethplayers have a positive winrates over them. LRL had better shoeing than DoT this past weekend both in tts and real life tournament in australia
  15. Then get better sources. They consistently go 3 0 , 4 1 in bigger TTS events where they havejust few players repping them.
  16. Lumineth are a top 3 armies right now before they get all the goodness that is coming. Would be surprised if they didnt become the next “seraphon” after their next release. that being said they are the hardest army to play correctly (at the highest lvl) in the game imo
  17. That was statistically extremely unlucky to happen even with the bonus for 20+ units has he failed all the stomping charge rolls? (When they charge it is mandatory to roll for D3 damage so if he managed to kill 1 of your models he would have lost the bonus for 20+ models)
  18. Well Teclis is not a beatstick he isnt archaon. He is a utility value monster. I dobt think you should be playing any other behemots uf you decide to bring him to the table sadly. You say that the big cow did his job but lumineth spearsnwith Ethereal Blessing and so on would have traded with the mancrushers in a better more point efficient way.
  19. You need more bodies for teclis. It is simply just a control turtle build if you look at top performing TTS builds often time you see a lot of spears supported by archers and allying 1-2 allopexes with rotarius launchers. (His FNP and 4+ spell deny works on them too!) so you plan on going 5 turns protecting your flanks with spears supported with archers and teclis will keep churning out value.
  20. I have heard about some twitter pro player list of 12 spells cast per turn in an order for maximum effect. Anybody knows what I am talking about lol?
  21. 40k but a similar game system where there were game winning lists playing $500 worth of Beasts + something else of nurgle IRL. (and I believe they got addressed and nerfed in the FaQ)
  22. Just give us a timeline, say the things might get pushed 1-2 months back because of covid but say us that in Broken realms books we are getting points changes for almost all factions and then we will eventually get AoS 3 and so that's why this FaQ is weak.
  23. I was postponing my new army because I was expecting some point changes but this way I am not sure if we arent gonna get another FaQ much sooner than normally or if the uproar won't change their mind so postponing again eh? Really doesn't make sense for me to get an army that isn't that bad only to be destroyed by some point FaQ in 2-3 months... I am not a meta gamer I own a fluffy sempiternal SCE army rn but wanted something more competitive hope it's understandable.
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