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Everything posted by Feii

  1. oh yes got You, thanks! but to be fair doomfire warlocks with 14 MS arent the best unit to pillow foort with your main bubble imo.
  2. You shouldnt be able to reroll the 5++ FNP with cogs you are not saving you have failed a save and you are instead of allocating wound negating it with your FNP. roll
  3. Well FaQ would make us weaker if I understand you. Anyway, fast rolling is only an option (that everybody does) but slow/normal rolling die by die is the default method by the rules.
  4. you can find a smash bat list going online which can be played with 12 crypt horrors to fill it out.
  5. I am gonna say that endless spells are a some kind of spells. RAI Shame you dont have the MElusai girl.
  6. then they rename the faction to Daughters of Morathi. DoMs for short 😄
  7. Also I would like to crosspost Rage's comment from the LRL thread and his data. " I'm going to complete a little bit my data. Syar 57,35% wr in 38 matches Zaitrec 47,83%wr in 46 Illiatha 37,5 in 8 Ymetrica 34,62% wr in 36 unknown sub-faction 56,25%wr in 64" I think with these results we can clearly see how an internal balance of the LRL book has a huge difference of 20+ % between factions in it. I think the new DoK battletome has many factions that have interesting games and their own functioning niches and we might not get a Syar faction but for the health of this game that's good. If all the battletomes had this kind of power balance and still look/be fun to play it would be great for the game! #Positivity
  8. Lovely basing! How did you make those bases? Also how did the new crystal touch perform and what about our shooty sneks?
  9. Thank You for sharing the data! 💓 Got the spread between Syar players and their results?
  10. I think this book might have one of the best internal balance in the game. Things got so cheap and almost spammable that there might be so many ways to build an efficient army. If you bring bow sneks you can ally an allopex with a rotarius net launcher to protect them more. Even normal snakes and their new crystal touch is awesome.(shame it isnt worded in a way that woul allow you to proc it twice per turn with CA from the Queen of slaughter) You can focus on heavy Sisters of slaughter because different temples are nice and competitive with each other. You can still bring Morathi but she is not so good anymore imo (if yo ucan bring almost 3 hag queens on their cauldron for the same price) Doomfire warlocks 5 of them are underrated imo - just imagine those stats they have on any other wizard in the game for 120 points. Yeah sure their 2 innate spells are whatever but the doombolt 14 Move characteristic + one to cast and unbind. Witch elves are 10 points per model if you need some nice screens. From a casual standpoint this book gets eve better because you can truly play anything and feel like your army will have some rules to support your unit choice. The only downside I can see is that after the new tome and BR supplement being so close together DoK will get another update maybe in late 2022? But it is upside that what you have wont be changed for quite some time and you can enjoy your army.
  11. I hope the pandemic will end and everybody will be able to play this game in person yet again! (+ we would get more stats that way btu that is a secondary concern) LRL seems to be very hard to play army and they can appeal to different types of player. They just look super cool and my favourite aesthetics is Moontains and Wind spirits and big hammers and silly hat (and then you have the traditional/Vanari aesthetic for different players) butat the same time if I were to play them competitively I would be looking at Teclis and waiting for our next release and if he gets another spell lore making it almost 20 spells you should memorize.
  12. It needs to be said that Those were stats from Feb 2020 to Feb 2021 (TTS only) and even though the LRL came out in June 2020 they were the second most played faction in that time period! Syar is the best performing one and then some silly Zaitrec vey spammy builds. Conclusion? I would really like to see how wide is gap between top and bottom players for the faction. The spread would be very interesting to see.
  13. Competitively speaking with all these point cuts and lumineth being a popular faction I think Morathi is not worth it. You can just bring more stuff for her cost and she got a slight nerf too.
  14. FCE are gonna get new rules in the next Broken Reqlms supplement Teclis book, presumably its release date is gonna get announced this saturday.
  15. "I'm not in favour of constantly bringing back old characters for no reason except nostalgia, but as long as it is in my favourite faction I am fine with it" ftfy and thats how we are here with not many interesting and purely AoS new chars. (Props to Katakros, Neave, Volturnos before he has becomea stool for Morathi)
  16. There are some big point decreases but it feels like the army is moving into this deathstar type of an army. Hagg nar + blood shield sneks are quite survivable and their crystal touch + stalker MW on 6 is insane. Also morati being able to doubleshoot 1 unit 20 sneks thats like 20 MW on average per turn on to pof their normal 3+ 3+ output. It really is an age of shootmar. Which is sad. Also shadowstonkers for 100 is insane. being able t oprotect the flanks by the virtue of starting on the bettlefield (opposed to 80 points khirenai) and then TP to snatch objectives is ridiculous.
  17. People who wrote the book should feel bad. The same goes for people who slap stats on the models. There is some serious disconnect with them and their game. Usually a great design is when even if you fail you can get a dopamine kick (blood tithe) but this book often times just kicks you donw - You mean that by playing the Invaders and endangering 3 of my generals I can get as much depravity points as for using just 1 of them?If you dont charge into the fray with your super slow sorcerer you are losing on the efficiency. Who wrote those? Slaanesh is my favourite God and there is a massive unexplored design space (especially in the mortals part of the faction) where is the self mortal wounding yourself in order to gain benefits? There could be tons of interesting mechanics for doing that then juggling those self inflcited wounds with lords shuch as Lord of pain etc. Any mechanic that would allow you to build up, bath into the excess and empower the mortals. Make the hosts support just your mortals if they want to play pure mortal factions. More interesting spell lores - It has been 30 years of slaaneshi WHFB and we dont have an iconic slaaneshi spell (imo) Making your summoningmechanic the core of the army makes this army less accesible and limits the playstyles. How is a mechanic that discourages you from fully finishing units if you can (and if you do you get punished by getting no depravity points) thus leading into some feel bad moments when the not dead unit strikes back make sense? Whoever wrote this book does not understand player psychology whatsoever. Implictly punishing players for making decisions is one of the worst things you can do. I feel bad for whoever is gonna be their next book.
  18. I think you are better off taking Scathcoven instead of Vyperic guard. 1 CP once per game is worse than being battleshock immune on 4-5 units.
  19. hear me out. "Unmodified hit rolls of 1 targetting this unit cannot be rerolled and the attacker suffers 1 MW for each one of them" Flavourful rule that would signify that if you ****** up while fighting DoK you are gonna get spanked by them.
  20. Both battletomes (Hedonites and DoK) feel on the lazy side. I fear that GW thinks they can just patch this product in the future with a broken realm like release. Really weird that 40k battletomes change and tweak more than AoS ones these days. DoK (ubderstandably) have lost their battalion with the stormcast but nothing new was added back. I would expect that a 3 billion company would come up with a battalion for DoK and CoS/Idoneth, PS I still think Hedonites might be a good army (not OP) but there are elements that will make longterm players feel bad when playing this army now and it is a very restrictive battletome for new potential players (rule wise, model wi$e)
  21. Have they nerfed orgy of slaughter hard? You cannot even pile in and you can target only a unit that hasnt fought if Im reading it correctly so I dont know why would you use it.
  22. Glutos + a bunch of blissbarbs in their aura and some other skirmishing units could mean zou just keep summoning tides and tides of demons T2 onwards.
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