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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. The new points are out: Skeletons 80 (-5) Zombies 120 (+5) Torgillius 100 (-15) Deintalos and the Exiled Dead 270 (+50) No other changes. Overall, minor adjustments. Which seems fair, Gravelords are in a good place. Torgillius seems kinda attractive now if you want access to the Deathmages lore for cheap. Deintalos looks like a misprint, that underworlds warband was already probably not worth it before and is definitely not worth it now.
  2. Seems like you're right! I can't find any reference to the rule anymore in any of the faqs or the core rules. So I guess summoned stuff can be battleline again. Honestly, it makes more sense that way anyway.
  3. I'm pretty sure summoned units can never be GV, since only Battleline units can be GV and summoned units don't have battleline roles.
  4. In my opinion, slapping cheap skirmishers into Bounty Hunters is the way to go. Dedicated hammer units don't need the damage boost against Veterans, but by giving it to a bunch of cheap, fast stuff you could potentially have 5+ hammers in your list when it comes to fighting Veteran units. I'm not a fan of gilding the lily by giving a hard-hittig unit like Grave Guard even more punch. They already have the ability to kill everything in the game with a buff or two and their problem is always getting into the target to do so. Just turn all your mobile chaff into hammers instead, tnat seems like it would be worth going high drops for.
  5. I think the biggest change for OBR comes not from point changes, but from the fact that you can't avoid Mortek Guard becoming Galletian Veterans, which I think strongly reduces their tankiness and ability to grind out engagements due to the +1 damage Bounty Hunters get against them. Even a 3+ rerolling save should not be enough to mitigate that.
  6. For sure! I was just talking in terms of getting to fight with extra models in combat. Blood Knights already had no problems destroying infantry before and will have even less problems doing it now.
  7. I was thinking about what I should do as a Gravelords player, and the incentive structure is pretty weird. I'm going avoid having any of my elite infantry be battleline, because it just makes them too susceptible to Bounty Hunters. Big Skeleton blobs are out, because they can't withstand the damage of +1 damage skirmishers. MSU zombies are in, because 20 zombies counting as 60 on objectives are absurd, and they die to a stiff breeze anyway. Also, shoutouts to Direwolves for being on a cavalry base but getting to fight in 2 ranks anyway because they are not mounted. Sorry, Blood Knights and Black Knights, better luck next time.
  8. I'm with you on this one. I would not mind weapon choice becoming purely cosmetic in a lot of cases. Especially when it comes to swords vs spears. Perhaps even move than that, I would like to see weapon ranges being replaced with a more abstracted system that does not require measuring the attack ranges of individual models. The basis is there in the new GHB, it just needs refinement. When 3rd edition coherency rules were introduced, I suspected GW would introduce this kind of rank system with it. Maybe when 4th rolls around they will finally work up the courage to make it universal.
  9. Personally, I think infantry with bad defensive stats will be benefitting from these changes more than other units. The reason being, if they previously couldn't take hits, and now still can't take hits but capture x3 and fight better than before, that's almost a straight improvement. With Bounty Hunters in play, a lot of units will now be able to deal Grave Guard damage, which very little can withstand. So unless you are bringing Phoenix Guard or Blight Kings, don't count on contesting those objectives with your veterans for several rounds. I feel low-save units are looking pretty attractive right now.
  10. If bounty hunters is literally a battalion containing 1 troop-type unit, it's fine. That's just another hammer, and hammers that can deal with 4 or fewer wound infantry already exist. It becomes a problem, though, if most of your army can be bounty hunters somehow. A meta where only veterans can effectively capture or complete battle tactics, but are also blown up by everything that touches them doesn't sound super fun, to be honest.
  11. You made me doubt my self for a second, but it's there on the warscroll (which, to be fair, is very cluttered): These mortals and the wheels attack profile don't look like much, but I find the deliably getting them them makes the Tanks damage go from "bad" to "adequate".
  12. Personally, I have been buying gloss and matte medium from artist's stores and mixing them 1:1 with water and a drop of dish soap in old paint bottles. You can thin inks with those mixtures to make them behave like washes with the appropriate finish.
  13. I suspect the intent is not for the average player to overhaul their army with each season. Rather, it is probably to give people more chances to have their existing armies be good. Like, all those Skaven and Nighthaunt players that suffered during the Monster Mash meta now get to dust off their hordes and wreck for a few months.
  14. If it is real it will probably not be a permanent rule, unlike the Skaven battle trait which is guaranteed to stick around until their next tome.
  15. I agree with this. My Cities list runs three Steam Tanks, and I use them in basically the way you describe. The Steam Tank has lots of down sides, but it is not completely unworkable. It has good bulk, charge mortals and its damage is not bad if you get to attack with all of its weapons. Getting it into combat early is the hardest thing about using it. That's why I run them in Tempest's Eye. Extra movement and bulk turn 1 synergize well with what the Steam Tank needs to be successful. The Hawk Eyed command trait (+1 to wound aura) helps with damage and is just overall nice to have on a tanky, large base model like the Commander. The Zephyrite Banner (reroll charge aura) is a useful artefact, as well, which helps the Tanks get their charge mortals more reliably and mitigates the random movement to a degree. The big problem with the Steam Tank is not that it is completely unusable. It's just outclassed several times over between the units of Cities, Stormcast and the other ally options available.
  16. Two videos by Vince Venturella, always relevant: From my own experience, Green Stuff World Bronze Pure Metal Pigment plus a brown medium produces a decent, if somewhat dull, one-coat bronze paint. Otherwise, starting from a dark, matte brown and drybrushing on bronze paint has produced a pretty neat look for me in the past.
  17. On the other hand, I enjoy the mental image of an exhausted Sigmar as the only adult in the room, trying desperately to get everyone else to grow up and work together for once. For a barbarian warlord turned god of storms, he sure is agreeable to a fault, though.
  18. Using contrast to supplement your traditional painting techniques like zenithals priming, drybrushing and washes also gets you very serviceable results very quickly. I painted this mortek crawler that way in a few hours and got reasonably close to the box art, I feel:
  19. It's kind of difficult to put a fine point on what I specifically mean, but examples have been brought up in this thread. Like Morathi becoming a god, betraying just about all the Order factions in the process and then everything seemingly returning straight to the status quo right after. Everyone is still pretty much allied exactly as before, and it's not even all that clear what difference Morathi being a god actually makes. Similar criticisms could be raised about the whole Necroquake situation, the awakening of Kragnos, the siege of Excelsis, the death of Nagash and the birth of Dexcessa and Synessa. All of these feel like they should be world-altering events, but they end up barely making a difference. I don't know what exactly should be done to make these things feel mofe impactful. But I think the ongoing narrative currently doesn't really feel satisfying. And that is in contrast with the setting in general for me, which is already really fun and interesting and only getting more weird and wonderful by the minute.
  20. Before painting plastic models it's best to prime them using special paint that has a corrosive agent added, which causes the paint to adhere to the plastic better by making it more grippy. Regular paint in turn sticks better to this grippy primer. If you paint a plastic model with regular acrylic paint and no primer, the paint will rub off or peel over time. People often refer to the layer of primer as the base coat, so if you use the term "base coat" this way, then it makes sense that GW could be working on special paint for it (coloured brush-on primer, essentially). But painting terminology is not unified, and some people call the first layer of primer the undercoat instead, and the first layer of paint on top of that the base coat.
  21. I suspected that would be the case from a first glance. But it's fine for now, I won't need the army to be super competitive right away. I think I will definitely pick up Katakros (because how could you not?) and probably another 20 Mortek, and then reasses once I have most of my stuff painted. The new GHB is close, after all, who knows what change that will bring? So I will probably have the following models available before too long: Katakros Boneshaper Soulreaper 20 to 40 Mortek 3 Stalkers/Immortis 2 Crawlers 1 Harvester I think beginning Katakros+Crawlers from there makes sense to start. Then, I think your suggestion of picking up the Soulmason and Horreks Dreadlance makes a lot of sense. The Tithe Echelon box is cool, it just kinda sucks that it has the two heroes in it that I want the least. --- On another note, what does everyone think about the other legions besides Praetorians/Petrifex? It seems to me like Stalliarch Lords and Null Myriad should at least have some play. The Stalliarch army wide run and retreat and charge looks pretty good for a faction as slow as OBR. Null Myriad seems a bit match up dependent, but their spell shrug is pretty powerful and they get that nice infinite rend artefact.
  22. I'm going to start an OBR army from the Battleforce box pretty soon. What would you guys say is the way to play Bonereapers right now? I'd like to use Katakros if possible. Is Katakros + two Crawlers still a thing? Looking through the subfactions, Pertifex seems the best overall once again. Even with Katakros being locked into Mortis Praetorians. How about Nagash lists, since I already own his model?
  23. I have recently started preparing a Soupbound (I am leaving that typo in) game and I was surprised by how excited my players got for the setting of AoS, which people often call "generic" online as a first descriptor. One player who had some Warhammer Fantasy experience got really excited about the possibility of reinterpreting WHFB stories and characters as myths in a new setting. The other two immediately latched on to some of the weirder parts of the Mortal Realms (Kharadron and Idoneth). Everyone was instantly completely on board with the premise of traveling to the underworlds in Shyish and checking on a newly-founded City of Sigmar there. Seeing my players' response, I think the setting of AoS has actually become pretty distinctive and interesting. I think it's still pretty appropriate to be unsatisfied with the narrative of AoS, though. Even though it arguably moves at a faster pace and with more meaningful change happening than 40K and WHFB, it still kinda feels like the whole Age of Death didn't result in very much. Ditto for the events of Broken Realms and the currently unfloding Age of the Beast. I hope the wrtiers at GW eventually figure out how to have lasting and impactful change happen in AoS without an event as big and destructive as the End Times.
  24. Last month I was working on finishing up a bunch of Helstorm Rocket Batteries. So of course I ended up painting a Mortek Crawler instead: This thing is a speed paint and test model. I plan to use a bunch of Ossiarchs as the antagonists for a Soulbound game and wanted to see if I could manage to paint a bunch of them fast. I did all the bone with a zenithal undercoat, Skeleton Horde contrast, drybrushing and washed. The turquoise metallics are contrast paint plus vallejo colour shift paint. After that, it's basically just details that are left. The process works really well and is very quick. I also made some progress on the Helstorms. I pretty much finished the crew and put some base coats down:
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