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Everything posted by Mattrulesok

  1. Played my first game of 3.0 today vs my wife's NH. Really enjoyed it, new changes seemed to work really well. Tried out a few things: Stardrake with 5+ ward and a castellant buff was unkillable for a fairly low rend army and although the combat profile still feels lacklustre flying the drake out into the middle of the opposition and just biting out key models (side not ate a Knight of shrouds) and putting out mortal wounds while being a genuine decision point felt nice. I ran 3 ballistas and a lordinator in a grand battery to mixed results, they struggled against an unrendable opponent even with some good rolls but held space in the center of the board preventing some key charges at time for fear of 2 lots of shooting. Tried the vortex but it got dispelled the following turn everytime, endless spells are going to be strong and our current lack of bonuses for dispelling could really hurt us vs strong magic teams.
  2. Hey guys new video up, love to hear what you think. what other videos you would like to see? different factions or even different topics? SLAAAAAANESH http:// https://youtu.be/TyODVgx_SiA
  3. For sure it's always been our choice what size we play on but i won't be surpised if tournaments, clubs etc. move to the smaller board format.
  4. They said official board size for AoS is being brought in line with 40K (60x44 from memory) for matched play. Larger boards are still ok and in reality we all play on whatever size table we have.
  5. They just confirmed boards are getting smaller
  6. good to see stormcast foot heroes are as useless in a fight in trailers as they are in actual games.
  7. I disagree with this point, I don't believe stormcast become less relateable by losing part of themselves. Yes you can say they aren't completely relateable becuae of their superhuman reforging but then that would be true of many major Marvel/DC heroes yet people have no problem relating to them. The stormcast losing parts of themselves through reforging may not be something we do specifically but I can understand, empathise and frankly be terrified of the concept especially. Also people to lose parts of themselves, dementia/alzheimers exists, brain injuries, mental illness and traumatic experience can all alter us as people. Plus I feel like you could definitely build a strong allegory for stormcast losing parts of themselves in service of sigmar with the mental cost (like ptsd) soldiers in the real world experience from service or even just the parts of ourselves we give up for our careers etc. Edit: all that said, Cos regular humans are probably the easier relateable protagonists/faction but maybe more boring?
  8. I saw the suggestion for that rule earlier but in my mind the coach needs to be a powerful buff piece not a transport piece. As well, with the rules id like to see on it, a teleport would make them worse as the ideal position with it's buffs would be center board touching as many units as possible. Teleporting into the corner to steal objectives or facilitate a charge takes those powerful buffs, you have to pay points for, away from the majority of the army but that's strictly talking about the rules i wrote and adding the teleport rules to the current coach would be a nice buff. and you're right nothing stops them modifying ethereal with a rule but honestly improving deathless spirits felt more thematic with the warscroll i wrote and is just as strong.
  9. I actually had a swing at it's warscroll, thoughts?
  10. I think when if they re-write the Black Coach warscroll they should just look at what they did with the IDK leviadon, a powerful support piece that create a strong buff within a bubble (obvs not +1 save for NH) that is also able to do plenty of damage in combat if you get it into the right matchups.
  11. That models amazing, whats the chance they move one of those major American tournaments to Western Australia? like a 5/10?
  12. hey, i made sure to give you guys a shout out this time.
  13. Hi team, back with another ludicrous aos video, hope it's ok to post another one on here, thanks for all the support so far any thoughts/feedback let me know
  14. Every company is different obviously but to throw my 2 cents in, I've worked with a few companies around limited edition/easily scalpable goods. In general I'd say most companies don't care about scalpers as much as they care about the purchasing process feeling fair and avoiding bad PR from it. There's no magic number but there is a 'good' level where it speeds up the sell out time, creates a little fomo but customers don't feel ripped off. Obviously Cursed City feels like it's got serious scalper issues but I'm not sure if it's any worse than other releases or if it just feels worse because of the extra attention.
  15. The funny thing is I'd be much happier to buy a collectors style book for my factions that was just artwork, lore painting guides etc. You know, the stuff they already put in battletomes to pad them out. It's the addition of the rules that makes them feel like a bad purchase because you know they will be invalidated in the future. As for feeling stable with your purchase, fixing some rules won't throw out anything too badly because you would only be fixing the broken units and if you spend $500 on models because they are broken and an auto win then too bad.
  16. I don't think they will make them illegal but power creep is real and most of the older models already feel underpowered and will only feel more so with time. liberators are already down to 90 points and have a profile that is about the same as a freeguild guard, they are weaker than most factions basic battleline and shouldn't be. Outside of aetherwings, gryphhounds and the ballista, Sotrmcast shouldn't really have any units below 120-140ish points. Time will tell what GW do with them, im hoping with AoS being a smaller game than 40k they still feel the pressure to continue supporting the previous generations of models with new rules.
  17. Nah that's ******. People have been asking for warscroll rewrites this entire time and the way they introduced the new models and lore suggests we aren't getting them and instead getting new models to buy that replaces our old. The concern and grumbling in this thread is completely justified. We've all spent money on models and an army that are slowly becoming obsolete and 'just buy new models' is not the solution we want. I want to buy models because I want them not because I can't play properly without them. This is all to say we don't yet know what is happening with the new tome, if we get warscroll rewrites etc. It might just panic for nothing but GW doesn't have the best history of support when it comes to their posterboy factions.
  18. I like the new sculpts well enough but i have some issues with them, less to do with the quality of the sculpts (they're great" and more to do with them looking so different in an army who's aesthetic is blocks of almost identical soldiers (or at least that the aesthetic i like from it) Im probably not going to rush into purchasing the new kits so i can see if they do continue to update the rules for older sculpts or just push them aside in favour of the new sculpts. I've no intention of collecting an army i feel the need to continue upgrading to keep it relevant, of course ill continue to use hem in casual games where it doesn't matter but im wondering if i need to look into a different army to fulfill playing competitive.
  19. -some competent stormcast that aren't brettonian inspired -vague hints of aos 3 -another mobile game
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