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Everything posted by mrteige

  1. First update of the month. Got all my IDK bases done and got the last models put together. Now they are ready for the rattle can
  2. I just threw it into warscroll builder and you will have 400 points left Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin - Enclave: Mor'Phann Leaders Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (330) - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight Isharann Soulrender (80) - General - Command Trait: Lord of Storm and Sea Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers (70) Battleline 30 x Namarti Thralls (320) 10 x Namarti Thralls (120) 10 x Namarti Reavers (120) 10 x Namarti Reavers (120) Behemoths Akhelian Leviadon (340) - Mount Trait: Ancient Battalions Namarti Corps (100) Total: 1600 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 98
  3. I have some projects i want to get to and I now have the time for it. I commit to: - Painting Warcry Catacombs terrain If I have the time I would like to: - Prepping my IDK army (Build models that are still not build and get everything basecoated) - Paint my Splintered Fang Warband
  4. Here is the final army. Im so happy to finally have it all painted up. 2 GKoTG 1 Abhorrant Archregent 1 GK 1 Vargulf 2 CI Courtiers 1 CH Courtier 50 Ghouls 15 Flayers 3 Horrors/Flayers (Horrors with baby wings) 10 Dire Wolves 3 Endless spells 1 Charnel Throne So because of this thread I now have finished painting 2 armies. Love the motivation and lets see how many armies can be finished this year.
  5. If we go by the rules you play with 1 faction so either Gitz, Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz or ogres. You dont mix and match. That being said you could mix and match if you opponent is cool with it
  6. Reached my goal for this month. 30 Ghouls, 1 Ghoul King and 1 Crypt Courtier. Now my FEC army is complete. (those pictures will be posted soon )
  7. I was thinking the exact same thing when i saw it. Its gonna be great.
  8. Im planning on using the phoenix kit but then remove the ice part and add vines and leafs. I want it to be a forrest phoenix instead of a frost phoenix
  9. I could but i have another idea for a phoenix
  10. So i just made my version of a Dreadlord on black dragon. What do you guys think I call it "Shard and his pet Owl"
  11. That picture just made me want to buy a SoB army. great work
  12. i think +5 is the most i have ended up with
  13. We may not win the tournaments but we WILL have the most fun... So I guess it depends on what you want out a tournament. We all know that destruction wont win, so raze some havoc, have a laugh and hope for a "best destruction" award
  14. When i need a break from painting FEC i build bases for my Seraphon army. Got a little over 50 bases done yesterday. 60 skink and 4 stegadon bases to go
  15. I have a lot of miniatures i didnt paint in february so they will carry over to this month So this months goal will be: 30 ghouls 1 ghoul king 1 crypt horror coutier
  16. My go to army right now is: 1 King 1 Scryer 3x3 Ishlaen guards 4x2 Harpoon Sharks 1 Turtle so i would go 3 boxes of ishlaen guards
  17. isnt that always the thing with FEC.? You either feel really good or really salty. 😆
  18. I have been doing everything i can to avoid painting Ghouls. 😂 So for now i have done up some bases for my Seraphon project. Milliput, a rolling pin and some GW vines. what dou you guys think?
  19. The reason why im not so worried about 9 flayers in this list is the massive amount of movement they have. Otherwise i would tend to agree with you
  20. I have made close to the same list with a ghoul king and 9 flayers instead of 2x6 flayers. My thinking is that this will maximize the Smash of the Smashbat. Pleace do let ud know how your list works out
  21. I have finished my GKoT and my Vargulf. Next up: 30 ghouls (I have dreaded this moment 😂)
  22. I will commit to paint the following: 1 Ghoul king on Terrorgheist 30 Ghouls and if I get the time I will try to paint 1 Crypt Haunter Courtier 1 Ghoul king 1 Vargulf
  23. i would go with Metalrippa's Klaw and mean un
  24. I reached my goal for the month and now i'm adding on to it. Finished: 1 Fomoroid Crusher 7 Brutes WIP: 3 Gore Gruntas 3 Brutes 3 Morgok's Krushas
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