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Everything posted by mrteige

  1. What do you guys feel about Gotrek in IDK armies again.? Think he could be viable with the massive points drop and the increase of monster that i think we are going to see in 3.0 Have you guys thought about him?
  2. agreed. All my projects are on hold until i get a hold of the Kruleboyz but need some more gore gruntas and brutes as well. just to be able to make all builds within IJ
  3. i have 50 painted up and i should paint up 25 more just to be safe...
  4. Max out shields, drummers and banners and all of the boys get 2 attacks (champ gets 4)
  5. I was thinking that Manfred should be one of the generals. Was also thinking wolves (have 10 of the old ones so that work great) would Zombies or Skellies have a place in an army with these guys?
  6. I am a FEC player maybe looking towards building a SG with a Vargheists focus (i have 18 flayers) how would you guys go about making a semi/full on competitive Vargheists heavy army?
  7. that could be SO dope.
  8. I plan on adding a lot of IJ parts to him to make him fit into my existing IJ army. Love the model and love the things we have been told about his rules so far. cant wait to add him to my greenskin force
  9. I've had the same thought + how to convert him a bit so he looks a bit more like an IJ
  10. Dont know where to post this but... ... Kragnos?!? Who is in??? Personally I cant wait
  11. yeah he can get whatever artefact you wanna give him
  12. I am running the list with 1 battalion. This is my list: I'm not sure what i'm running to the tournament. If I can get my IDK shark list painted up in time then that might be the army i'm taking. Otherwise its between Hollowmourne FEC list or a Bloodtoofs IJ list
  13. If you go Hollowmourne i would for sure make the Vargulf the general for the extra punch. I am also thinking of running a Hollowmourne list for Battle of Copenhagen so would love to spitball ideas if you want to
  14. unfortunately your army is ilegal because you need a Vargulf for the battalion. I would probably look to take out the GKoZD and 10 ghouls (from the 20 block. 20 ghouls are nice to summon in but i wouldnt bother paying the extra 100 points for them). Then i would add 1 Vargulf, 1 Abhorrant ghoul king, 3 horror to the unit of 3 and an extra command point. That should get your army to 1950 points and that will almost always give you a triumph
  15. Here is an update for my main goal for this month. I have gotten all but 8 doors and 1 weapon/shield rack done. A lot of drybrushing and washing. quick and dirty
  16. I have gotten my side project done. Bases for my IDK army are now done and all minis and bases have been primed. Now its time for paint. Some of the models have the base layers of paint done to make them look "under water" so that will be the theme when i get to it.
  17. Thx. I will take some pictures when i get my last 4 sharks home from my gaming club so i can pin them to the bases. Then you will have an idea how it all will look even though not all of the army is painted
  18. I hate the flight stands so this is my solution.
  19. Cant see why you shouldnt be able to do that. the spell states that you cant move in the subsequent movement phase. It doesnt say anything about the hero phase.
  20. The Pillars: https://www.ebay.com/itm/RESIN-Terrain-Pillar-Columns-Ideal-For-40k-28mm-Tabletop-Wargaming/224084338235 The smaller bits on the bases https://www.gamersgrass.com/basing-bits/358-basing-bits-temple.html
  21. I think that Bloodtoofs are the more comptitive pick at the moment. The auto teleport and the ekstra inch of charge range is SO important to this army. Havent played Choppas but would do it in a "just for fun" game. Ironsunz are good but just not my main choice anymore
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