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Everything posted by AR605

  1. With this army you want to go Blisterskin Grand Court for the extra movement and only in that Grand Court your Flayers become battleline. The Crypt Infernal Courtier is mandatory for the Deadwatch Battalion, so keep it in the army... but sort out the Chalice of Ushoran (only helpful for Ghouls). I haven't looked up the total amount of points in that specific army, but the rest of the compositition looks good...
  2. That is correct, I think it is stated in the description, but can‘t remember clear enough.
  3. That's the trick 😉 a flexible list to react on anything your opponent could do. As a FEC player we can really flex our unit picks quite often, because there are not many models in the whole range. If a strategy against a certain army type fails, regroup and charge back into the fight with a complete new list.
  4. I would pick No. 3 "Blisterskin / Deadwatch" because the Flayers are an absolut wrecking ball with their mortals. But I would kick the Ghoul King on Terrorgheist out for a second Archregent and a Varghulf Courtier, it's much more flexible with those summons from the two Archregents. Because of the already heightened movement through the Blisterskin Grand Court, I would also remove the Cogs, I play a similar setup and got never a problem reaching any point on the battlefield... Furthermore I would kick out the Royal Terrorgheist and replace it with a sponge of Ghouls... better for objective holding and softening up heavy weights from your opponent. I think the first list lacks ghouls, I would play that list with 3x 40 Ghouls and drown the enemy in the sheer masses of bodys. But take each Ghoul-line only with a Crypt Ghast Courtier behind them, buffing them.
  5. Hallo fellow players, I'm new to the Fyreslayers, but I really like the overall look and feel of those "little" guys. My goal is to build a list around Gotrek, as he should be the centerpiece of the army. With the Vostarg-Lodge taken, I will improve the movement of the units and with the support-heroes I want to thoughen up those battlelines. The overall goal is to keep two objectives with this army: one with the Hearthguard Berzerkers and support, the other with Gotrek and one unit of Vulkite Berzerkers. Allegiance: Fyreslayers Lodge: Vostarg LEADERS: 1x Gotrek Gurnisson (520) 1x Auric Runefather (100) General Command Trait: Fiery Endurance Artefact: Vosaxe 1x Auric Runemaster (120) Prayer: Prayer of Ash 1x Battlesmith (140) Artefact: Icon of the Ancestors UNITS: 20x Hearthguard Berzerkers (400) Weapons: Boadaxes 20x Vulkite Berzerkers (280) Weapons: Handaxes & Slingshields 20x Vulkite Berzerkers (280) Weapons: Handaxes & Slingshields BATTALIONS: Lords of the Lodge (140) TOTAL: 1980/2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Wounds: 145 I really like to hear what you think of this list or how I can improve it. Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understood what I want to say :-)
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