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Lich King

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Everything posted by Lich King

  1. Arcane Bolt change : cast it then unleash it at the top of any phase . Within 12” it’s one mortal wound - within 3 “ it’s D3. Nagash can combo this like the new article states that’s probably why his points went up
  2. I totally agree with you - I guess their ownly reasoning would be those guys never truly died , were just harshly injured. And somehow muster up the spirit to fight - although yeah I am using your body now as my zombie … weird ..
  3. I believe the heroic healing is done at the top of Hero phase where the rest of your hero stuff would be in the middle of it
  4. Get rid of double turn , get rid of battalions. Only allow scoring from the 2nd battle round and up. Maybe give that thing to monsters - those are really the only changes that should’ve been implemented .
  5. Points reduction needed - however they do gain the nice buffs from Legion of Blood - since that’ll be deathrattle only.
  6. Aos just needs to keep rules more consistent across the board. Simply having Blood Knights being able To declare another charge if they wipes out the unit on same turn - and being able to pile in and attack later is more consistent with the Ironjaw rules .
  7. Yes but what about an Avengorii bloodline - can say Mannfred or Vhordrai count as the necessary Battleline for that faction? Being Vampire Monster , and the other having Zombie Dragon Keyword? I’m guessing no then since they get nothing of other bloodlines ?
  8. If you take a Named Character - they still get the bloodline’s keyword and therefore Battle Traits right? They just don’t have access to Command trait and artefacts. I see for example Legion of Night for Mannfred but if he goes in the Kastellai Bloodline he gets access to Kastellai keyword in addition to those two battle traits ?
  9. Warcom article is up - Deathrattle have amazing play in this game . Also - why Is there art of Morghasts alongside Neferata? I swear I feel like those will be faq’d in as they should ( they are deathlords)
  10. Two notes : how does the new vamp lord fly? Lifted by bats? Also - many of our warscrolls gained significant buffs in the Save department : 3+’s. I’m mostly bummed about the spells nerf but again : 3rd is around the corner. I’m sure this was written to coincide with that .
  11. We need to see sub allegiances and wait for 3rd. This book was obviously written for it ..
  12. It’s still second edition so for now ....
  13. If it doesn’t have a model it won’t be in the book . This is a model sales company . With 3rd around the corner - it’s highly likely unit champions ( our Kastellans) will be able to use command abilities .
  14. Mannfred’s old command ability was really amazing. I’m glad that this is very powerful if that one is going away, it was my favorite classic ability hands down. If he has both ...😏
  15. Morghasts are still my favorite models GW has ever done,they need to be at least ally-able.
  16. Yeah I’m bummed about base sizes. I recently finished 5 of the Finecast ones to a decent quality and they are on the standard 60mm by 35 cav. Really am not going to rebase because they’re pinned down and all - if worse comes to worse if someone needs to face mine on 75s then I can slap them on top but for most games shouldn’t matter so much...
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