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Everything posted by Doko

  1. Pag 59 of stormcast eternals 2018 tome. Stormcast in the botton,without helmets,with azyr icons and without gloves etc. To me seems new and very close to my idea of devoted of sigmar\azyr would looks
  2. The new city of sigmar alegiance was leaked also. I copy\pasted it in the city sub forum
  3. All the tome ignore every rule of the "regular" tomes and also cancel every skill from the enemy tome. Btw the new fox as someone pointed in reddit seems it is with a 3+ you do d3 mortals and not do 3 mortals +d3 (as all in my group tougth when we read it) All in all even as lumineth hater(hater of his rules,i am a elf lover and his lore) even to me some units arent very good. Bad units: The new wukong mage 150 only for 1 spell and nothing extra that be good i see him bad. The cavalry archers, his damage output is from 120 units and not 150, if his melle damage of mounts isnt good they are overcosted. The standart(banner boy),if it is only a extra ld in area and the one time per game skill that i read,he isnt very good and useless when the veill lady is so broken doing better job with the ld inmune I dont know units: The twin brothers,a mage with +1 cast doing 2 spells,inmune to shooting(due to be out of the game after the combat phase) and potential to do 10 rend 2 damage at latter turns seems veeeery good(200+ points) but i havent read his cost The fox,at first i tougth he was a joke and too much broken to be real(reading it as 3 mortals +d3) but if it is with a 3+ a d3 mortals , then he isnt so broken. He does maaaaany mortals to many units,and have many extra skills,but is dangerous because you must end at bad positions if you want maximize his damage. Cavalry hero, casting with +1 and 4 damage his non named version and 7 his named version with a -1 to be hit. He is better than the stormcast mage in gryfon that cost 200 but this dude cost only 150. Also a free cp every turn To me he is veeeery good but not broken Broken units: The scribe giving a permanent (as allways in lumineths zero counterplay or dispeleable) bonus to cast,unbinding etc gonna be broken The ballista for only 100 points and at 30+ range have the same damage output that the stormcast ballista at 18" and as the double than stormcast at his same range of 30 and stormcast cost 120. This ballista cost must be 140 New swordmasters,only 120 points and as i put in other post they have the same damage output than fyreslayers with poleaxes with only 2 enemy at 2", and does 50% more damage than fyreslayers for each extra enemy at range. Something as 170 would be more close to balanced Loremaster,ignore the rule from cant teleport inside 9" and also ignore the getting objetives rules and moreover a mage with 3 save and VERY good melle damage
  4. I see more posible a devoted of azyr new chamber(the stormcast pic that we have in the tome that are flagellants stormcasts) before than the brotonian theme
  5. This is only other rule more of the infinite rules that lumineth tome ignore.
  6. Sorry i dont know,i copy and paste here that i read in a other site
  7. For example i can say that the warmachine is better than the stormcast ballista and cost 100 only
  8. Alegiance: Must be hysh Have a +1 casting only to colegiate arcane wizard +1 artefact 1 of each 4 can be lumineth Comand ability : 18" inmune moral Comand trait: fly,+1hit and +1 wound in melle but a -1 save in melle and with a 4+ win a comand point Artefact: with a 4+ revive with 1 wound Other is a +1 cast Other +2 attack a melle weapon Other feel no pain 6+ and ignore spell with 5 Spells: +1 hit against a enemy A 6 feel no pain to a unit Buble of bonus cast and unbinding Seems lackbuster as was every morathi city. I dont see nothing here that be better than hallowheart The battallion is ok, is all buffs to the luminark. Luminark without mage+battlemage on foot+hurricanum with mage The luminark aura of 6 feel no pain is now a 5 and rerolls the dice to see if does damage to units with his bean The batallion seems fun but i dont know if competitive because we cant have the battallion of +1 casting
  9. I said lumineths in global,we dont know even the rules of the new units(i know it because i have seen the new warscrolls allready but i wont post them)
  10. If these units dont get a separate box and have rules in the book as the skeletons or zombies,to me are as they dont exist
  11. I really hope that the last tomes arent the balance that we can hope for 3.0 Dok with teleporting archers snakes shotting twices and doing 50 mortals? Lumineths with rules that ignore every penalty of the game,game rules or deny every enemy rule? I prefer olds times with simple warscrolls and rules because it had less potential of happen things as lumineths
  12. Oh yes new lumineth rules..... A mix of: Fyreslayer forge that give a +1 to prayers---rerolls spells Fec one use in all the game of one comand--free one comand every turn Seraphon garrison scenary(and any low chance extras)--have garrison Again as allways all these rules from 3 diferent scenarys mixed and upgraded in one as every lumineth rules
  13. If they dont change nothing to the blood knight warscroll and we keep the +1 attack to vampires from any alegiance as blood legion i gonna be happy. I dont need better rules Oh the most important before rules,i hope the blood knight cost around 45\55 € more than that and it gonna be a problem for me
  14. Gw never have done any woman pretty or sexy, every woman model is a men with long hair Dok wyches are the more close to a normal woman that gw never have done. Usually the solution for proxy is ask to you rival. But out of gw stores usually nobody gonna stop you of use any girl with two daggers as a wych
  15. I dont know,i am not a person that look deep in characters,i am a "otaku" who grew with saint seiya and others old animes. So when i look any hero for my tastes,he must have honor(even the bad can have honor),big armor(if it is posible full armored better),and if he is great figthing or cool better. A hero that is weak,or a coward,or havent any armor(hello new ratmen,new vampiress or cursed city rakutar) arent appealing to me. I know im "easy" or "simple" but i dont want deep history for my heroes,i only want play with the miniature cool looking with his big armor and badass weapon knowing that he is a big warrior of honor. I dont feel nothing spending money and playing with a weak looking vampire,with 0 armor etc (as new vyrkos vampires) Its only personal tastes,and gw is giving us many diferent archetypes vampires for every taste so all us can be happy
  16. To me tha i am new to vampires: Aborash:badass hero who could figth hundreds(or thousands?) Free people alone and not died,killed the biggest and badass dragon he alone,and moreover only drink from bad persons. Neferata: lost in a 1vs1 againsth kalida in end times,only stay at shadows and is a scheme\political character Manfred:a weak hero that loose every war and combat that he does,and a coward that run away at every chance with no honor only to live other day.ohhh and he was the fault of end of fantasy in end of times. Vlad and isabella: i dont like these romeo and juliet historys but it is interesting. I love the tougth of vlad as a berzerker going into figths, dieing and then come back again to die again haha. I have 34 years old and call me simple,but i LOVE the epic and heroic aborash,but i HATE the coward manfred.
  17. Yes,i gonna grab one before the tome but i gonna wait to see next reveal,i wanna know if we gonna get one new dragon or not. If we wont get it,then i gonna grab one skeleton and fec star collectings(i need get to 80€ to avoid transport fees so i need more than only the skeleton start)
  18. Sure decimator at 100\120 would be great even without all this that you have said. Of course put new swordmasters at 180 and they gonna be close to balanced but very posible gonna be 100\120 as every other melle unit in lumineths
  19. For context,swordmasters are mage,have -1 to hit and ignore spells at 4+ ohhh and a "little detaill" of does mortals with 5+. So yes decimator are worse in every aspect than swordmasters and cost 170 where seeing the lumineths cost this unit likely gonna be 100\120
  20. Thank for the note. And yes im being sarcastic..... Because they have the same profile than fyreslayers hearthguard berzerkers poleaxes(2 attacks at 3\3\0\1 doing 2 mortals with 6 that is 100% the same than doing 1 mortal with 5+) doing only 2 attacks with 2 models at 2". It is imposible even fighting vs a small unit of 10 models dont have 3 models at 2". So with 3 attacks eack they do a 50% more damage than fyreslayers. So fyreslayers cost 120 and arent mages New swordmasters are mage and have the same damage than fyreslayers with only 2 models at range,and then the damage increase a 50% for each extra model at range. And fyreslayer are one of the best unit of the game. So people saying they are bad dont have done the maths or i dont get how a fyreslayers poleaxes unit that does extra 50% damage for each model at range and is mage is called weak
  21. They are mages(every useless mage with 0 skills only for cast one spell allready cost 80+) They have two options of weapons: 1-does around 4 damage with 2 rend 2-vs a horde unit easily they can do 6 attack each model,that is 30 attacks. For a total of 13 damage and 5 mortals wound!!!(or 10 mortals selfbuffed) Also likely gonna be 10 wounds with save 4 and -1 to be hit ignoring spells with 4+ This unit cant cost less than 180 and even then they are veeeery powerfull
  22. Btw sisters of the watch and freeguild crossbowmens have overwatch and with no penalty. and i dont see city even close to competitive spots. even the best city lists havent these two units. So i dont think this gonna be so broken as any thinks,the broken units as sentinels or snakes gonna delete all at range and this wont change nothing,but maybe be a little boost for the other ranged units that arent even close to the snakes\sentinels performance
  23. My irondrakes would be happy if they can overwatch
  24. If new skeleton kit gonna replace the old kit. What gonna happen to the skeleton horde start collecting? Gw wont keep it if the skeleton kit is disscounted and replaced for other. So i dont know what do,start my vampire army getting this start collecting?but i have fear because it isnt safe even if all the units gonna stay in the tome but if i wait to see the tome to see what units are there maybe be too much late and the start collecting is deleted allready
  25. I know i gonna be alone.....but for me all these vyrkos vampires are UGLYS, as a 0 in my tastes. I love the armored vampires as vlad,manfred,neferata,potato leaked vampirelord or the shadespire vampires(even the berzerker with wings) I hope i can play without any vyrkos vampire or i gonna proxy them with the shadespire that are god.
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