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Everything posted by Doko

  1. as is average? slan and demon prince are 90€ where these two small heroes are around 60/65€ that is a 50% less money and the box gonna cost the same for sure, so if seraphon and caos boxes had 35% discount(i dont know the number i just said random) then this box gonna be 20% or so
  2. yes but im saying money wise,gonna cost the same than the other boxes but with 25/30€ less in content. the basic dudes gonna be around 45/50€ and the cavalry 50/55 so is more or less the same than the cavalry x2 and infantry x1 of seraphons or even less money
  3. why this city box bring one small heroe(25€) and one small heroe with companion(30/35€) in place of a big miniature as was the slan or the demon prince of 90€? these small heroes should have been replaced for the quimera in the box to have same content than previous caos and seraphons boxes
  4. Also the new nerf to the vampires comand trait to not work on mounts set a new rule for all others armys? I mean,they have copy pasted the rule in the book to say because dont work to mounts, but then following this same answer what happen with other comand traits as my cities of sigmar have that add +1 hit to melle attack to units wholy within 12" if they have charged, then now dont work to mounts?
  5. Rip vampires with the new faq. Got many huge nerfs deleting every viable tournament build. Rigth now only legion of blood won tournaments and one tournament won by vyrkos spaming zombies and the xploit of revive corpse carts. Now the zombies build got deleted because cant revive corpsecarts(was obvious and cheaters who did it) and worse wr cant get in combat units with zombies revive if we wasnt in combat allready. And leguioj of blood.........only have been DELETED, everything that had have been deleted; -gimmick of neferata that lets us get in enemy face our cavalry or big unit was deleted -the neferata spell that wasnt changed for years,now have been deleted and useless in the 99% situations(only usefull against rend2 or more and a nerf against rend0) - the comand trait that let us hit at 2 with ours units now dont work to mounts, so is a nerf of 16% or even more to the damage of the vampire on zombie dragon and a nerf to bk also. Yes leguion of blood needed a nerf,but only the nerf to the teleport of neferata was enougth,now habe been overnerf and vampires wont be competitive. Meanwhile kharadrons,khorne,tzemth,slanesh have similar win rates and dont get balanced
  6. Sure if they do as the vampire lord change where they nerfed the cp but it is free now then is fine. The people are mad for the other situation as manfred or coven throne where GAMECHANGING cp as aoe +1hit+1 wound or one unit +1hit +1wound+1 save was deleted for NOTHING. Nobody like the cp system,is horrible i wish as the priority roll be deleted in next edition, but if i have to choose betwen a great cp buff or loose it?i preffer the cp.
  7. The book isnt trash but also is far of great. In general this book have got a huge nerf to his max potential loosing every multiplier as manfred aura,coven,every legion buffs etc But is easier to play due to have 0 ca,lower combos,lower auras,dont have to play around to get the 6 ward etc. So for good players this book is a nerf from old book for sure because only have nerfs to everything and less tricks,but for "casuals" players this book gonna be great because is easier to play
  8. To me direwolfs are useless due to the new coherency rules,with old coherency they would be good as screen being 10 models,but thanks to this coherency they are only 5 models for screen purposes and black knigths for less points are also fast and 5 models. Bats.......yes maybe i would get them higher,but only 9 wounds gonna die with any attack and his damage even now that have been doubled is low for his cost and cant kill enemy chaf screens,maybe im biased on this unit because in my head this unit had to have some rule to intercept arrows,or -hit enemy shootings to units close to bats etc
  9. As i said in my tier i would put him in tier s this season,the deathmage lore is great so dont mind if he dont have a spell and a ward 5 aura is great. But next season when the foot heroes back to be sniped turn1 i dont know if i would ge him before regular necro
  10. My opinion of units in this new book,what do you think? I dont like the new necromancer dance but i dont know if put it better because the spells of necro lore are amazing. Ohh i forgot the cursed city necro that to me is tier s,that 5 ward aura is amazing and again the necro lore in the book is great
  11. A bomb of black knightsx15 +wk in mount dish out 17 mortals wounds that is great and can be used in every legion because they got the reroll charges with the wk and they dont need nothing more. Maybe inside vyrkos because kastelai have more high rend units as vordrai or blood knigths,nigth is pretty useless now,avengori also is useless.
  12. What the heck they have done to the coven throne????? Was my favourite unit and have been deleted in every single way????? The ca what gave a 33% more damage and 16% save to ANY unit have been deleted Reroll one dice each turn deleted Make useless one enemy unit for entire game also gone(spell to make inmune to the coven and charge the deathstar of enemy) Also damage nerfed from 10 damage old to 8 the new Also a HUGE nerf in points. What use have the new? Spend almost 300 points for only 8 damage model with one spell without bonus(or 2 if we are first) and give two ca to sumoneable units(again nothing for non sumoneables) Also many hype with the new spell,but you must kill a hero with a spell of only d3 mortals. Even if this unit can sumon one vampire lord in turn1 gonna be ****** and so much worse that spend the same points in one vampirelord and belladama. I dont get it,nobody in competitive used the coven throne but was my mvp unit in every game and my most loved unit and have been butchered and done 100% useless with zero uses But mortis engine isnt so bad,lost the bonus to spells but now have one use,charge his skill and then delete the castle of the enemy and small heroes. Its situational but for 210 points wont hurt when enemy havent foot heroes or castle but gonna be the mvp when enemy have that setup.also the veill now at 16" is pretty cool and this season to snipe heroes together spells sound great,i really im seeing this model as autoinclude in many of my theorycrafting builds as belladama is autoinclude in every vyrkos list Also both wk are pretty good now,the foot version is pretty great as buffer and finnally have one use and the mount version make now even amazing the black knigths,110 points each black knigth and made 1 mortal each model is great,a ball x3 reinforced are 330 points that gonna do 15 mortals wounds,sound pretty good and worth give it a try
  13. Oh sorry i forgot these units,i never buy warbands,cursed city etc models so i ignore their scrolls and i forgot even that they are in oir book sorry. Also cado isnt leaked but i guess he wont have any change
  14. We have every scroll allready,only missing the thrones and vengolorian lord that i dont have any hope. Vengolorian gonna have i guess same stats than new lauka vai but his damage continue being very low for his points The 3 thrones i guess gonna have deleted the ca as every ca of our book, i only hope in return get something great but seeing how neferata\manfred\radukar got shafted i havent any hope for them
  15. I gonna try coment changes: In general we lost EVERY comand ability so we have lost HUGE damage and tankiness output buffed. -NERF to our signature passives as we lost the debuff to leadership,attack unit after hero(white dwarf) and then changed locust and a buff\nerf to the revive models and units(buff in some situation and nerf in others) -NERF to every single leguion as we lost almost every passive as +1 wound in vyrkos,+1 save nigth etc Units:i ignore warbands or cursed city -nagash NERFED lossing his only good use that was spam arcane bolts and also lost his ca and nerfed his revive models -manfred DELETED. ca deleted,his +attack of sword also nerfed,deleted his teleport and also nerf in points -neferata NERFED, same damage than before but for almost 50 points expensiver and only got a redeploy 3 units at start of the game -vordrai NERF\BUFF his damage output have been nerfed due to the nerf of his maw and lance when charge also lost the +1 hit and wound but now can attack first also lost calice -radukar the beast DELETED, nerfed around 130 points for same stats(now cant sumon wolfs so the cost of 10 wolfs did old radukar cost around 190) and also now only buff attack to sumoneable units and not all as before -velladama BUFFED,same stats and cost 170 now(lost the rerolls cast due to vyrkos legion nerfs) -vampire lord NERFED, we could stack 1,2,3 extra attacks and also we had these effect in enemy turn,now only can be used our turn and only +1,it isnt a ca so cant be denied by roar but huge nerf -necromancer NERFED, changed of attack twice to attack in hero phase that is a huge nerf -lauka vai BUFFED,she is bad yet due to be named and avengori being useless but for 10 extra points she have got around 20% more damage output and with more rend -lady anika BUFFED, she have +1 attack and also she have one use now that is put a -1 to save to enemy heroes,i dont think be worth spend 120 points for her but have one use now -ratman DELETED, before he had one use that was revive to have one hero for galetian objetives and he lost it because he cant revive now -corpse carts DELETED,had only one use and was the -wound aura and they have lost it -blood knigths NERFED,lost disengage and charge,and got a huge nerf in points for only a +1" to lance and +1 rend in lance,so around 15% nerf in points for same tankines,less movility(and less mortal wounds) and a nerf in damage(around 15% nerf in points for a around 12% more damage of the extra rend in lances) -black knigths BUFFED, maybe one of my favourite units in this book now, for 100 points they do now 3'3 mortals wound when charge -wolfs DELETED, can pile in 6" but due to coherency rules is useless and got a nerf in points and lost +1 hit and wound -bats NERFED,same ****** unit but nerfed in points -vargheist NERFED,same stats but a huge nerf in points only to get hunger that isnt very usefull in 4wounds models -grave guard with shield BUFED, same cost and have now save 4 and not 5+1 -grave guard with two hands NERFED, same cost and now 2" range but with small bases dont care and now changed from 3 hit and 4 wound to 4 hit and 3 wound,so now have 16% less mortal wound output -skeletons BUFFED, they are now very good because revive lost models in entire game,so can bring back models lost in shooting,magic or even old turns! Also have now 1 rend if have more models than enemy,80 damage for 3'3 rend1 damage is very poor but better than before and they are one great tank unit now -zombies DELETED,they are useless now,lost the 6" pile in to ignore overwatch,run and pile in,get models in combat etc and also lost the mortals when hit. They are useless now because they are slow,have 0 damage and if we want tarpit units we have the skeletons now that are better,so zombies in this book havent any use So thats all,in general i fell this book is a huge nerf from the old as we have lost almost every multiplier passive,buff,ca and the scrolls in general have been nerfed also. After read entire changes i only see good or usefull the new spells,vordrai in kastelai lists,belladama,vampire lord,skeletons,black knigths and grave guard In general im sure this book gonna be worse in competitive than our old book that is a shame because we are almost in the botton of win rate tables allready. Of course this book isnt ****** and useless and have some decent combos,but nothing better than our old book. I gonna be glad of read your thinking about the changes
  16. Yes fyreslayers now after 3 buffs in points and one edition that is made 100% every rule for fyreslayers(dont shoot heroes and spam heroes) are good. But for 8!!! Months after the book fyreslayers went from 52% win rate before of th book to 28% win rate after the book. So yes fyreslayer book was and now continue being the worst book of this edition. Next season when our heroes come back to be deleted turn 1 we gonna come back to our old 30 win rate
  17. Glad for you guys if you find positive things on this book becase im very down after read it. In general we lost around the 80% of our old habilitys,gone the -ld of units,the extra d3 models in each ld,the +wound and rerolls of vyrkos etc EVERYTHING have been gone and replaced by useless things or nothing. Zombied doing mortals? Gone and now only when they die doing useless every combat buff and imposible buff his mortals wound output. Necro doing attack twice? Gone for only a attack in the casting phase What have positive and good this book? I only see the old book with 70% less habilitys and nothing new,no new tricks etc. I only am somewhat happy with the new spells because they are very good but that it is all
  18. This new book first glance have almost every old trick and passives deleted and almost nothing new. But finnally the skeletons are good now
  19. Ok i gonna post even when i said to mods that i wont post again never because i think im pretty sure you are speaking about me. First,plz dont be so rude and call him toxic for this commentary because its is true that he said and i really dont care or take it bad. Also following the disscussion and as my last post(this time for real) i must point.......watch the win rate pics posted.......where is fyreslayers a 3.0 new book? Yes at the botton together goblin,skavens,slanesh etc.... So even if it is true that i have been toxic,negative,repetitive,rude etc seems i was rigth and fyreslayers book have been a big nerf to the army and rigth now they are slow,hit as wet noddles but cost as the more elite of the armys. This gonna be my last post even if im quoted i wont post again,but i gonna read you yet because i love the rumors even if the 90% are fake. So take care and have fun
  20. I also think that dawnbringer crusade gonna come as the next starter box edittion. But as you said gonna be a mix with stormcast,gw wont release a starter box that dont have posterboys(40k never had a box without marines and aos also have had stormcast in every single one) Some as the old boxes of firestorms as tempest eye with dwarfs and stormcasts. I guess 2 humans heroes with 2 humans units and 2 sc heroes with 2 sc units and then the bad boys,i wish skavens with new models
  21. Dont get your hopes very high because fyreslayers with new book have 38 win rate. So not all tye new books are good
  22. Yes seems the case, a 9'7 army got buffed to 10 so seems seraphon\belakoe\nurgle\nighaunt level now. I dont get how every new 3.0 book got deleted the 100% of the comand habilitys but the most cancerism ca of the game that is shooting twice of morathi havent been deleted,heck even got 0 nerfs. Why fyreslayers couldnt get this designers team lol
  23. So a mediun\botton army as fyreslayer got nerfed in their book and is botton now with 40% win rate but a top tier army as dok get his book and only get buffs across the board with 0 nerfs........as always great job balancing as allways
  24. Yes this was true before,now sylvaneth getting new units have broken this(also we could say kruelboys being new units for ironjaws). Only poor fyreslayers gonna have to wait others 3\4 years before expand his huge 2 non heroes boxes with other foot hero but while certain elfs get his 99 temple with the 100th new kit
  25. The fact is no,i dont like anithing about the direction of aos. Each edition is worse from 0.0 First the free sumon of 2.0 Then the f.......... Joke of 3.0 coherency and the zero sense double 1 on cast and you cant cast more. The balance of armys,the number of new units for some armys as daemons with 999999 new units or elfs while dwarfs get nothing. Also i loved fantasy and 0.0 armys,but almost every new aos army since 0.0 only have been over the top ugly armys(i think only vampires is great and even then they ****** the vengolorian lord) There is a reason that all my armys have similar theme(fantasy) city of sigmar,fyreslayers,vampires and stormcast(i dont like it neither dislike but i got it very cheap with starters editions) So you got it rigth and i atually dont like anithing about actual aos and i cant wait for old world with a glimpse hope be more fun and balanced than aos and release beautifull not over the top models
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