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Everything posted by OkayestDM

  1. At the bottom of the article it says 76 warscrolls. Additionally - but not related to your question - the images in the article show show several units of Annihilators, either all carrying shields or all carrying hammers. Looks like it's one or the other rather than mixed.
  2. A point of interest. In one of the early KruelBoyz articles (I can't recall which) they mentioned that the 6's to hit becoming mortal wounds was an ability they had regardless of whether or not they were run under their own allegiance abilities. Now, it's entirely possible that what they actually meant was that this ability is one of the things unlocked in Big WAAAGH! once you've accrued enough point. That said, it's also possible that each of the warclans have one or two dedicated rules that apply to them regardless of which allegiance abilities your army uses. It would certainly be an interesting way to design a battletome, and making mixed armies that don't use Big WAAAGH! much more appealing. It might get complicated if they overdo it, but if KruelBoyz get mortal wounds, Ironjawz get Smashin', and Bashin', and Bonesplittas get Tattoo ward saves, that could make for some very fun lists.
  3. I hate to be that guy, but isn't it possible that the new model reveal will be for 40k?
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some wounds increases across the board for SCE Cavalry and monsters. Gryph-chargers might make sense at 5 wounds, but the massive, scaly Dracothian Guard just feel wrong at 5. 6-7 at least. Ignore or reduce 1 rend might well become a trait for all dragon units to account for their scales. Alternatively, the damage value for attacks made against them may be reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1), just like the Drake-scale armor artifact used to do. It's a little hard to gauge with the previewed models, but a wounds characteristic of 8 or 9 doesn't seem too out of the question. If they come in units of 2, that gives one unit about as much health as a Stardrake, which would be intense. I strongly suspect that GW is going to go the bloodknights route and use the same profile for the swords and lances, but you never know. Doubtless the dragons themselves will have very strong melee profiles, and I assume their ranged attack will mirror the Dracothian one. Speed is an open question for me. Dracothian guard currently sit at 10" move (which could certainly change come the new battletome.) Part of me thinks that the new mounts would need to be at least 14" speed to keep the two units different, but even a 10"-12" speed would still prove to be a big deal, given that these models fly. I'm extremely excited. The fact that GW has given us the means to build an all-dragon army is simply thrilling, and I can't wait to get my hands on these models and try them out!
  5. Welcome to the game! Fair warning, Lumineth are one of the most complex armies to command in the game right now. They can be very rewarding to run, but there's going to be a lot to remember. EDIT: Before you make any model purchases, it might be a good idea to buy just the Battletome and read through the rules. This'll give you a good sense for what you'll be dealing with as far as rules and abilities that you'll need to remember, and help you make a much more informed decision before you purchase any models. This hobby isn't cheap, after all. With that said, here are my recommendations for a starter list. For now, I recommend that you either stay away from the temple units (The cows and foxes, and units attached to them) or commit to them exclusively. These can be very fun units that bring different tools into the army, but each also brings along an additional set of rules that you'll have to remember on top of everything else, and the temples are very much a separate entity from the rest of the army. If you choose not to invest in one of the temples, you'll want to buy some Wardens. These guys are your basic Battleline troops, and are one of your most all-around useful units. If you're trying to be economical, you only need to buy 1 unit of Wardens to play a rules-legal 1000 point game (so long as you also have a unit of Sentinels or Dawnriders in your army.) My recommendation, however, is that you buy at least 2, and either run them as 2 separate 10-man units, or one big 20-man unit. Next you'll want to purchase some Sentinels. These are your archers, and you can choose to make one unit of Sentinels count as Battleline for every unit of Wardens in you're army, meaning that with one unit of Wardens and one unit of Sentinels, you have enough Battleline units to build a rules-legal 1000 point list. Sentinels are an excellent unit that can put reliable pressure on your enemy and help make up for how slow the Lumineth can sometimes be. A word of warning, however. Sentinels can be a contentious unit for some players, as their rules around shooting have ruffled a lot of feathers. If you're going for a more competitive build, 2 boxes of Sentinels will do some good work for you - particularly in a 1000 point game. Most of your other troop choices after these have far more niche uses, meaning that anything else you choose to use will come down to personal preference. Dawnriders are fast and very good against most infantry units, but do poorly when facing monsters, heroes, or other cavalry. Bladelords are also good against infantry, and can server as a wound-buffer for some of your more fragile heroes, but don't necessarily contribute as much as you would hope. The Starshard Ballista is a decent and far less contentious alternative to the Sentinels, but it's very slow and can't really hold objectives against enemy units. When in doubt, just stick with Wardens and Sentinels. For heroes, the Vanari Lord Regent is an excellent choice, as his spell can buff several of your units, and free up their spell for other uses. He's also fast and not terrible in combat if it comes to that. The Loreseeker and Cathallar are also good choices. The Loreseeker is a great way to capture objectives early and can be surprisingly durable, though he's designed to be a solo-act and won't necessarily synergize with the rest of the army. The Cathallar helps to mitigate the penalty from using Aetherquartz, and can damage enemy morale, but she's also very fragile and needs to be kept safe from enemy attack. The other heroes are still decent choices, but they're better as support heroes than as your general. If the temple units are actually what interest you, there are ways to run a fully temple-based army, but it's generally agreed that they're some of the weaker builds overall. (That doesn't mean they aren't still fun to run or that you can't win with them, however.) For my part, the temple units are actually my favorites, and if the rules seem overwhelming, they can actually be easier to run. My personal favorite is the Alarith temple. They're very slow, but they're fairly tanky, and that Spirit of the Mountain can hit like a freight-train when it gets into combat.
  6. I mean, they're for sale, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're selling . . .
  7. I think it's been hinted (possibly in a White Dwarf) that the River Temple reveres some kind of pachyderm.
  8. I like what I'm seeing. Stormcast are looking like they're going to be a little sturdier and a little more deadly in general. I especially appreciate that they gave Stormkeep armies damage abilities on the defense. I'm also happy that they gave their Redeemers the ability to secure objectives more easily, as it compensates nicely for the fact that the army doesn't benefit from Scions.
  9. Possibly, but I don't think they'd make one-turn enhancements for an army.
  10. I agree. It'll never happen, not in a million years, but I 100% Agree. I think we're missing something important about the Kruel Boyz. Yes, the abilities listed aren't necessarily staggeringly exciting, but that Dirty Trick rule that's -1 to wound in the first battle round is only one of several. We don't even know how those work. It could be like IDK where there's just a specific Dirty Trick active in each round, or it could be like the KO Code where you get to pick and choose which tricks you use and tailor them to your list and strategy. Or it could be something else entirely. Kruelboys also have a lot of monsters, and there's no reason to suppose that they won't be pretty decent, especially considering that some or all of them will also be benefiting from that MW on 6 ability. Which could be huge! Stormcast definitely look like they're getting some good rules, but nothing here is outrageous. Perhaps a bit flashier or spicier than what's been shown for the Kruel Boyz so far, but hardly game breaking. Stormcast have always had decent MW output, and that didn't do them a ton of favors back in 2.0. They're still gonna be slow, which is a big deal, even with reduced table sizes (and their drop from the heavens ability looks to be the same as it was last edition, so still not game breaking.) I'm really excited about what I've seen for the Kruel Boyz. They look like they'll be a tricksy tactical army supported by big stompy monsters, and I see plenty of damage potential in there. I'm also really excited that Stormcast look like they're finally going to be the mighty and deadly warriors that they've always been portrayed as. I eagerly await the release of their battletomes!
  11. Special models within a unit (such as musicians or standard bearers) are always treated as also having the standard weapon of the unit, regardless of whether or not it is shown, and thus also contribute to the fighting.
  12. A surprisingly apt expression when discussing Tzeentch . . .
  13. The ol' noggin is whirring now. The Lord Imperitant provides a solid game buff while synergizing with the new Thunderstrike armor. I wonder if our updated heroes will function similarly? With so many units stepping on one another's toes when it comes to the role they fulfill, perhaps our heroes will pair with different units or conclaves and allow them all to shine in their own unique way? Perhaps the Knight-Azyros and Knight-Venator will offer a small boost to Angelos units? There's already speculation that the Lord-Celestant would synergize with Paladin units, and it would make sense for the Lord-Castellant to boost Redeemer units. There's a lot of potential in here. I'd still want the units to be solid on their own, with the hero boost kept simple and straightforward but impactful (like, you know, one unit porting in 7" instead of 9"). I know it doesn't pay to wishlist - or to read into something as minor as a single statline change - but I've been starved for anything to get me excited about the new battletome, so I'm indulging myself a little 😛
  14. Well, that would certainly distinguish it from the Stardrake, but if true it's quite a departure from the normal Stormcast mount-and-rider setup. It's also possible that there are mounted and unmounted variants (which would be pretty cool.) Regardless, odds are good we'll find out tomorrow.
  15. 4/4/-1/1 isn't necessarily a stellar profile, but given the range increase and the buff to the melee profile, I can get behind it. Besides, in all fairness, Stormcast aren't exactly hurting for decent shooting. It'll be a lot more attractive if they keep the run and shoot rule (and honestly, I can't imagine why they wouldn't.) This is very promising. If the rest of the SCE can expect to see similar treatment, our army may finally be fun again! Edit: Also, they merged the blade and axe into one profile (which I'm happy about.) Odds are good we'll see the same thing with Liberators and Sequitors.
  16. He's the secret unlockable hero for completing each faction's main storyline.
  17. Yeah, Malerion's a hard one to figure (appropriately, I suppose). I feel like DoK currently has a strong identity narratively, particularly with Morathi's ascension, and I can't see her happily sharing power with her son, or visa versa. I also agree that Malerion will likely appear later in the narrative. Narratively, it would make sense for him to hold back a bit and wait until he sees what the Era of the Beast has to offer, both in terms of dangers and opportunities.
  18. A single Decimator can easily get upwards of 6 or 7 attacks, even if they're facing 32mm bases. 30+ attack on 3+/3+/-1/1 is nothing to sneeze at, and then there's battleshock, which they penalize the enemy for. Granted, Decimators have little value unless facing a horde, but they sure shine when they do!
  19. Very importantly, if he eats a unit champion, that unit can no longer cast spells.
  20. I'm looking forward to seeing the updated stats for units like Prosecutors and the Tauralon, and hoping that the rumors of a pegasus cavalry option are true. Part of me wants to assemble a flying force with the Prime, Yndrasta, and the rest all together, if only for the visual.
  21. If they actually refresh the Eshin line, then I'll finally take the plunge on the Skaven. An army of Ninja-Assassin Rats-men? Yes please
  22. But they'll never have those sweet mustache guns! In other news, I'm definitely starting to feel the yen for more news. The fluff pieces on the GW community site just aren't doing anything for me any more.
  23. I mean, with the newer helmets, they're kind of already half way there . . .
  24. So, this is a crazy thought that's been rattling around in my head for a while. With all of the SCE shields now increasing saves, I wonder if the Stormcast are going to get some kind of allegiance ability for their Sigmarite Armor that allows them to reroll 1's to save across the board. Don't know if that's actually going to be a thing, bit it would be an appreciable boost to their overall toughness (save of course against mortal wounds.)
  25. As they are now, you may be right. Hopefully, the new battletome will give them that extra bit of punch they need to be worth taking. August can't come soon enough.
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