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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. Did anyone catch the bit here about Bloodreavers getting a save? Not sure how I feel about this. https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/1846
  2. Oh, assuming I had a Tzeentch army I'd just fire a single shot from each unit within range capable of shooting at the said unit until I killed a horror. I'm an entirely gamey cretin and honestly quite glad I don't have a Tzeentch army. Also I would um... waste use Kairos for the number of models that came back.
  3. I'd shoot off a single pink horror to force a battleshock test with destiny dice to claim an objective at the end of a turn. Good call Nico!
  4. I like it a lot. Very 90s GW. The Shattered Dominion base looks great too.
  5. Blades of Khorne Battletome up for preorder on the 1st, Overlords on the 8th https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/1837 Have to admit, these look a lot better as grainy cameraphone pictures of a White Dwarf page than they do as high res photos of the GW website:
  6. Surely some kind of baroque crossbow, possibly from one of the Dark Elf kits. You could even keep the ammo drum!
  7. @elfhead I love them, especially the Witch Hunter. They've got more advanced technology/fashion sense, but are still distinctly Warhammer elves; I didn't know it, but these are exactly what I expected aelves living in the free cities to look like, I'm now quite tempted to bash together a unit of Ellyiran Reavers with similarly arcane looking rifles. The only criticism I can come up with would be that the skull on the Witch Hunter's chest piece isn't particularly elfy and undermines the aesthetic - replace it with a gemstone or rune matching the one on his helmet? Also what's blue stuff?
  8. Check out GW's very own Age of Sigmar primer. Totally free, covers all the main beats of the background and features loads of cool art: http://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/wh-aos-primers.html If that's not enough for you, a quick Google reveals 1d4chan's AoS page, which I haven't read but seems to cover most of the bases in detail, though fair warning, will probably have fairly strong internet humour/fan conjecture vibes: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer:_Age_of_Sigmar
  9. He looks like a former boyband star in his 40s, completely dead behind the eyes, and put on a fast track exercise regime and given a boyish wig in a last ditch effort to make a fast buck from his formerly teenage fans who now have teenage children of their own on very poorly thought out reunion tour. Pretty appropriate for Stormcast imo
  10. @Bruticus Looks good, I'll have to have a rummage through my bitz box and see what I can dream up.
  11. Model your brutes with extra long jagged gore-hackas.
  12. Lots of cool pics from some Kislevite forum: http://forums.warforge.ru/index.php?s=94ca8b641ef5e5567014ed7fa32158c4&showtopic=231651&st=180&p=4240126&#entry4240126
  13. Giant disembodied Stormcast torsos, you heard it here first.
  14. Whoops, sorry. Here's an awesome arm shot I hadn't seen posted here yet from GW's facebook page (no repainted old dwarf kits in this picture):
  15. So my dwarfs are now from the Mortal Realms equivalent of a Third World country, right?
  16. @WarbossKurgan - love this guy, the knackered Bret shield from the Irongut sprue makes it.
  17. Double Misfire


    Holy poop deck. Have you got a guide on how you made this thing?
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