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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. Tasty thread. Black, done well looks good with anything and the spare venator bits + prosecutor prime = Knight Azyros is so simple, but looks so damn good. Keep up the good work!
  2. Grombrindal rules for AoS and Siver Tower, shamelessly ripped from The Jabber Tzeentch's twitter. His AoS rules look like great fun, he'll be a must take in my Dispossessed force. Any idea what his points are for matched play?
  3. I'm holding out hope for a Deathlords book in the style of the Everchosen one, with a load of 'generic' undead battalions (skeletons, zombies, direwolves, vamps ect) with the Deathlords keyword above the name, allowing you to take them in a Deathlord allegiance army, and 'big' battalions like the recent Sylvaneth Wargroves for each individual Mortarch (and possibly a kit allowing you to make three new Mortarchs...).
  4. Errant Questor rules for anyone who can squint:
  5. I don't see many people painting eyes on the 7th ed miners and he looks awesome, very focused imo. Maybe judge whether to do the eyes or not based on the individual model for a mixed unit going forwards?
  6. Excellent thread. The quality of painting on your Stormcast is inspirational. The Marauder and plastic miners gel surprisingly well, can't wait to see more of them painted up and marching into the Mortal Realms alongside your Stormcast.
  7. Hadn't seen this posted yet, background for the Errant-Questor: Looking forward to seeing his rules, hopefully he combos with a lot of interesting stuff.
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