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Everything posted by Rhetoric

  1. I don’t think IDK will get merged with DoK anytime soon. DoK just got a new book and that would have been the opportunity if any, especially with the events of Broken Realms: Morathi. I think we are supposed to get used to being neglected just like big pappy Teclis did to us.
  2. I’m working on my LRL list for next year. The focus is Helon, not the busted fox force builds, I will be running Windchargers because I like them. what is the consensus on a unit of Stoneguard in Helon builds? I’m thinking a teleporting anvil from the Windmage teleport spell. Same number of wounds on a 4+ Save as Wardens. But the stone guard are cheaper and ignore -1 rend. Would be interesting the yeet them up the board to block movement etc. are wardens just flat better in a Helon build?
  3. I think you guys should temper your expectations. I am not a GW hater, but they’re marketing and communication is just not on the level of a modern corporation. They constantly say X and then do Y. I give them a pass in the times of the pandemic, but I wouldn’t hold your breath for an article etc etc.. the news and info will come eventually, let’s appreciate the quality of the miniatures when they do get revealed and released!
  4. Yeah, especially if you tell your opponent up front and as long as you’re not running a King AND Volturnos, theres no reason to worry. I’d say go for the rule of cool
  5. 100% agree that magic could be a big feature of the army, however since the battletome came out the IDK hero phase in non-existent. I’m hoping that changes in a new book.
  6. Much hype for Deepkin Wave 2. Really hoping for some new units and invocations or endless spells although endless spells don’t really make sense for IDK. Magic is not our strong suit.
  7. Volturnos Soulscryer - Arcane Tome 3 x 3 Ishlaen Guard 3 x 2 Allopex Leviadon - Reverberating Carapace this gives some points to spare. Not sure how to finish it off.
  8. Played a one dayer and I’m not sure I stand behind Morrsarr in 3.0. it really hurts them only being 1 model on objectives. And -2 rend on the charge is good, but you can still bounce off units. Mortal Wounds are really an issue in this army now, we barely have access to them and we have no protection from them. I wish sharks could give themselves CA’s but It feels like we need another Akhelian hero that you’re not protecting until High Tide.
  9. I played against four foxes and it was ridiculous. Basically impossible to catch the foxes in melee. While they pin you while getting shot by sentinels. Not really a good time.
  10. Got in a game yesterday with my Gnarlroot list. I have to say, I didn’t lose Durthu or my TLA. Heroic Recovery on top of Regrowth plus the Gnarlroot Command Trait on the Warsong Rev is so clutch to the big heroes in the game. Also I got an Unleash Swarm if Spites off that did 22 MW. My opponent wasn’t happy but it was a clutch moment. I tried out Arcane Tome on Durthu for the RR1’s to hit, but Amulet of Destiny might be better for next time. Before 3.0 I was always a stand for Gnarlroot, but the Warsong Rev was the missing piece of the puzzle. Great model with a great scroll. List was: Warsong Rev with Chalice/Nurtured Durthu with Arcane Tome TLA Branchwraith 6 KH with Scythes 3 KH with Scythes 3 x 5 Units Id Tree Revs Spellportal Spiteswarm Hive
  11. What’s everyone experience with Reavers in 3.0? I own 20, but I’ve played them before they were the talk of the town, but was never impressed. I could see the merit of having some more bodies on objectives, but I’m not sure how they stack up against Morrsarr/Sharks on points.
  12. I hear you, I think both flavors of eels are the backbone of this army; but against some armies IDK can be oppressive so it is nice to be able to run something that isn’t Volty, turtle, and eels.
  13. Nice, looking forward to your results. I think Storm Eidolon with Arcane Tome is kind of amazing. And although I think sharks have SLIGHTLY lost a little value in 3.0, I myself have a list chock full of sharks, but I have not played Fuethan flip tide for awhile now.
  14. How do I resist not buying the dragon kit?
  15. The main difference is running 6 versus two squads of 3. So you have two units to move around the board versus one is my main concern. im not sure on the name of the artifact, but my opponent was using a lord celestant on Star drake with the D6 mortal wounds on hit rolls of 6 and he did 12 mortal wounds, plus a few more MW from the Star drakes rain of stars or whatever.
  16. I played my Dhom Hain list yesterday and IDK did not miss a beat going into the new edition. I played The Vice (awesome battle plan) and turn 4 retreat/charge was amazing to get from my opponents objectiveS back to the center on turn 4. I sent two units of Morrsarr and hit one of them with All Out Attack and plus RR1’s on the charge, the 3 man units of Morrsarr were able to clear enemy units on the objectives or kill enough off to gain control very easily. With their blasts, they were kicking out around 15 wounds on the charge. I lost my Leviadon early to a super lucky Dice roll from my opponent and could not win a single priority, but I clawed back. I haven’t tried a six block of Morrsarr, but I’m curious how that plays over MSU units and Rally might be amazing on a six man unit.
  17. Hi all, Lumineth will be my army project for 2022, as I work through the rest of my projects for the remainder of the year. I have just found a list that I am psyched about. I play IDK and Sylvaneth and might be painting a mega gargant right now :). I’m looking for feedback on this list and any C&C is welcome. The list is meant to lean into the models I already have and the models I really like in the range. This isn’t meant to be super competitive. Great Nation: Helon Hurakan Windmage - General Scinari Loreseeker Sevrith Vanari Lord Regent 5 Windchargers 5 Windchargers 5 Windchargera 5 Dawnriders 10 Wardens 10 Wardens 10 Sentinels 5 Bladelords
  18. Hey can somebody take a picture of the Bundo warscroll for me? Running my mega alongside my IDK in a fun match and can’t find his scroll online. Thanks!
  19. A new mortarch was hinted at in Broken Realms with Nagash’s mirrors. That would be so cool. I’m not a Death player but FEC has awesome lore and a really cool centerpiece would be so cool.
  20. Think you should chill a bit on the knee ****** reactions my guy. It was a short story, who knows if and when a number of models are actually being produced.
  21. Yeah, it’s super unclear. I really enjoyed the access to mount traits, I’m hoping we won’t get them taken away by restricting them down to counting as an enchancement.
  22. I’m talking about synergy between Volty/King and other units homie.
  23. I completely disagree. The CA was never what won you games with Deepkin. Now, the clear winner is Volturnos in 3.0, but I think I will explore running a King as general as well as Volturnos. The King/Volturnos is one of the few synergy pieces in the army. And will matter immensely with the RR1’s aura and Bravery buff. The CA is a nice to have.
  24. Has anyone considered a double King build? Now that +1 To hit CA and Finest Hour is in the game, kitting out a King as a hammer might be something with Unstoppable Fury + Potion of Hateful Frenzy. He becomes a source of big damage on the charge with the spear.
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