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Everything posted by Rors

  1. I'd recommend an FAQ and access to artifacts so you don't have to play with half a sub-faction. Jokes aside you want shrines as they're already good and idolators makes them better.
  2. That's a nice combo! -1 to hit while you move up and you can afford to position aggressively as anything charging would get itself deleted before doing anything. Does the higher amount of drops in that list cause issues? With such a large invest in every unit for ogors I can see why double turns are extra impactful for the army.
  3. New orgor player here. I just started by picking up the bcr starter box. I'm far more of a casual gamer/hobbiest but I'd like to make my ogor army as competitive as possible (and I don't feel this is that bad as my understanding is this is an upper mid-tier force and will still require skill unlike some demons or sepharon lists). What's the most competitive build people would suggest that I could take to a tournament?
  4. In general most of the warcry units are considered weak. Notable exceptions being the iron gollems and untamed beasts. Golems make great cheap objective campers and a min unit is fine. Beasts have a pre game move so you can push on objectives early or set them up to screen your forces. I think with the artifact that gives d3 units a pregame move a big block of beasts could have some competitive play. Combo one big horde that's guanteed an 11 inch pregame move (+run and charge) with a teleporting horde of Marauders and you have a foundation for an alphastrike list. Or in idolators you could swarm your opponent with battleschock immune beasts who run then get the Marauder charge. Only problem is you units don't do anything on arrival. Idolators really need faq on their rules though as they're barley functional let alone good.
  5. I actually have a khorne prince in my list and karkadrak with helm of many eyes so that I can play activation wars, both get strike first. Haven't got a game in yet but with msu despoilers running a ruinbringers betallion, my hope is to do a bunch of damage in the charge phase then have most of the army strike first. The damage output isn't that great but getting it all in first should help, so my thinking goes.
  6. Take a tzeentch mortal list and Max out your vortex beasts + all the wizards that mutate people, it think it's the Magister, tzangor Sharman, ogroid, then grab the big bird and scribes who can copy spells. What's more fun than playing an army of mutants? Making sure your opponent plays one too. You can make a whole load of mutant thing conversations to 'give' to your opponent to represent their troops becoming gors, horrors and spawn.
  7. Anyone had much experience with mindstealers? I'm painting up one and considering a second to go in an msu despoilers list. A bubble of -2 bravery and strike last seems potentially power combined with the right threats.
  8. I think the cavalry heads from the lumineth would look okay as a swap too as they have that greko-roman feel as well. ANYTHING would look better to be frank.
  9. Twinsouls have the worst face sculpts I've ever seen. They don't look half demon, they look like they're made out of playdough. The rest of the release has me excited to added them into my STD list.
  10. Huh, for some reason I had always assumed STD princes had both mortal and demon keywords. Well that's a shame.
  11. If you could take a regular chaos Lord on either chariot it would be amazing. I'm building 3 gorebeast chariots since they look cool and it's so cheap with the new box. I know there's no way they'll be properly competitive but what's people advice to get the most out of them? Ruinbringers seems the no breainer, but the khorne betallion with multiple demon princes is tempting. Princess strike first and prok the +1 attack which is actually +3 on chariots with multiple weapon profiles, 2 of which are good. It might actually make more sense to run in groups of 2 at that point. Seems like a stretch though, any way I look at it, it's a lot of points for not much output.
  12. The k The khorne battalion says one leader + khorne units, so you can include more than one leader. I haven't tried it, but khorne despoiler demon prices are killy, have a great CA and always strike first. Chuck in a lord and a secrator and you get get a unit of Marauders, warriors or knights into an insane number of attacks. In general though, if you can get your hands on it, blood secrators are great for khorne STD.
  13. Yeah shooting seems to be really hard to ballance. It has the same issues as an alpha strike army because it does damage immediately, so the game can get resolved before any tactics are used. Weaken it too much though and it makes a phase irrelevant. I think there needs to be a 'fog of war' that impedes 1st turn shooting or a serious decrease in average shot range or something.
  14. I'd disagree.. I mean early AoS didn't even have points and back in fantasy battles days the difference between armies was HUGE and often a lot of armies only had one good build. If you look at the tournament results, there's still bias to certain army lists, but there's way more variety.
  15. While I agree that slaves are a bitten tier army, they have some strong options and multiple ways to play that still see results at tournaments. I think that speaker wonders for just how much better GW has gotten with game design. Now that they're starting their own tournament scene and 'meta watch' I think it'll only get better. The gap between the top and bottom of the pile has never been smaller
  16. How much of a boost does Greah's warscroll get over a regular chariot? Extra attack, wound, or is it only the command ability? I'm still happy to keep building my khorne ruinbringers, who are now one of the cheapest money for points army out there. Won't be winning tournaments but it has enough legs (wheels?) for casual play and is extremely quick and cheap to buy and paint.
  17. +1 to hit for anything (including gorebeast) and one chariot gets buffed. Seems like there's better options for buffs but those in khorne you have your gorillas hitting on 2s, rellrolling 1s then wounding on 2s.. I think I'd still prefer ruinbringers though.
  18. I just pre-ordered the box anyway. Even if the betallion is trash I'll put it in ruinbringers. The money to point ratio for that box is just too good.
  19. I've been thinking around build a list centered around a solid khorne battleline. 2 units of 15 warriors, each backed with a lord, sphiranx, and ally blood secrator. Despoiler korne demon price in the center for an 18 inch bubble. The plan is warriors get an extra attack and get to fight twice before the enemy. So the basic warriors have 6 attacks, hitting on 3s (reroll 1s) and wounding on 2s that always stike first. Does this seem like a competitive core to build a 2k list around?
  20. I can't see GW doing this as they've been moving away from rules without models and this is a complete 180.
  21. So LRL have deepkin as allies in the book, but the preview of the 2020 handbook has them as 'desperate allies'. Seems like GW is struggling to keep consistency between different rules and fluff writers.
  22. Fair point. The archers have 30 inches range though so you can sit them back. Couple this will spells to slow the opponent down and it might be enough to remove key pieces before they can reach you. I could see it being a fairly negative play experience though. Or you can just sit a wizard next to telicis. He doesn't need the stones so it's basically auto +4 for a spell a turn to the other wizard.
  23. Your core infantry are wizards. A hero set behind them with twinstones can let them cast first each turn. Doesn't matter if they don't have any use for sunmetal their spell basically becomes give your wizard +1 to cast. It might be possible to set up a caster and two sentinel units in the twinstones bubble. Then you can spam MW with your archers and empower your wizard at the same time.
  24. The general opinion seems thundertusks as huskars or battleline aren't great, anyone had any experience with them?
  25. Band new to this game and just picked up Godsworn. Hoping to get some games in soon. I've entered a (begginers friendly) tournament where you can only use the cards that come with the warband box. Any suggestions on how to build a deck and things to keep in mind when playing them?
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