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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. Yeah, the vulture is better for the waaagh for sure, I was wondering more how frequently you are getting to use it to its full effects with 3 melee units in combat. It may be my bias as the games I got were mostly with the Big Yellers shooting list which never got much use of it. What command trait would you take with the vulture as a general? I imagine egomaniak may be a little counter intuitive with its high move and i'm not sure its resilient enough to make use of slippery. Maybe super sneaky to set some gutrippaz ahead so they can keep up with the general? Or even just putting some hobgrots as road blockers if you end getting to go first.
  2. It's good to hear you struggled less with your last game. I imagine the games will flow better for you once you start adding more units that contribute more with damage, as your units so far are mostly utility/buff units. Just wanted to ask, how were the Stormvermin doing 2 damage against the Kurnoths? Did your oponente had anything that increased their damage as their attack profile is 2/+3/+3/-1/1 normally.
  3. Are you using the Waaagh a lot to justify giving up the trait? I imagine that egomaniak would be pretty important for keeping the sludgraker alive vs lists more shooting/magic heavy opponents (although grinning blades should already help against those lists). Our Waaagh is pretty good, but I'm not sure it's worth warping your list too much around it.
  4. I'm not sure RAW mean that, as it make it count as a objective for grand strategies, battle tactics and abilities and looking at the warscroll in the App the set up part come before the Abilities section. The warscroll on the book don't have this differentiation, but going by the App I would say you could set up the woods just fine as the setting it up isn't a ability. I fell this will appear in a future GHB FAQ, but until we have that there will be a need to check with the TO before. How your TO ruled it @Landohammer?
  5. I was questioning the same thing yesterday. I played two games so far and Durthu did a lot of work in both of them, as did the Kurnoths, but I felt having both was a little overkill... In my Oakenbrow list he is a no-brainer thanks to the subfaction, but in a list like yours I can see taking him out. I will try my heartwood list without him to see if the Kurnoth alone are enough there. In your list, the Ancient could be interesting as it would synergy well with Spellsinger, but maybe them you could drop the battlemage, as you have just the kurnoth as targets for the charge buff and the hive do it cheaper.
  6. And we got our own sub-forum now! It works really well when you are against a opponent that fail to wipe a unit in one go, specially if they focus too much on the kurnoth/seekers and forget about the rest of your army. On paper returning one model with Verdurous Harmony or the Seekers may not look like much but we are basically getting a 5 wounds model back rather than the normal 1 wound you get with death factions. We can play the attrition game pretty well against some opponents.
  7. Got a test game this week using an Oakenbrow list vs my friend double Maw-krusha Ironjawz. Mission was the ghb 2022 Turf Wars. The list I used: He ended conceding at the bottom of turn 2, has he had just 3 goregruntas, Warchanter and Shaman alive while I had lost only 1 and 2 Kurnoths in each unit respectively. I did a Kurnoth + Treelord tag team as each side of my deployment and Durthu in the middle to threaten his alpha strike. He went first and sent a mawkrusha at each of them Kurnoth + treelord. One killed 2 Kurnoths and the other did around 7 damage to the treelord. I got really luck and rolled 5 6s with one of the Kurnoths units and left both mawkrushas with 3~6 wounds left. Finished both of them in my shooting phase (Lady got a 6 with her lance and finished one of them) and Durthu finished a pig unit nearby that was just outside his reach in the last turn. I won the priority roll and moved near everything to take his other 2 pigs units and a 10 brutes, while the Tree-revs went to his field to threaten his shaman and the lady secured one of the objectives with her dryads. My take ways from this game: - The Treelord are pretty consistent with their damage (around 5~6), but the Kurnoths did all the heavy lifting. Still, the combination of some shooting + consistent melee output + good support ability make them pretty good. I liked 2 of them in this list but I wouldn't go above 2 and could see myself changing one of them (plus the wych) for a TLA. It would require further changes to fit another battleline in tough... - Burgeoning was pretty handy against a alpha strike, but I wasn't super impressed with it. I will try going with Everdusk next time, as the Treelords also have a 6" range to use their teleport anyway and It can give them a nice damage increase. - Not super impressed with Gladius on Durthu, when you get 3 attacks it is great, but when you get 1 its pretty lackluster. Will try the Crown next time as it benefits other units as well and I tend to send more than one unit.
  8. I asked one of the Mods about it last weekend, we would get it but could take some days.
  9. Walk rulling say it happen at the end of your movement phase and don't substitute your normal movement in that phase (if it did it would say "instead of making a normal move/retreat"). So, as long as you didn't run/retreat, you should be able to shoot with them after it. In the situation you described looks like you didn't move them at all, so you should be able to shoot with them after the teleport.
  10. I really like your list! The only thing I would say is for you to pay attention in your pratice games to see how much bounty hunters actually is relevant for them. I still have to use Kruleboyz with the new GHB, but in the other games I got with my Sylvaneth so far the bounty hunter damage didn't matter that much. I either ended doing much more damage than needed (the unit would be wiped even without this extra damage) or my opponent avoided having GV units to not give free Victory points/tactics. If you end having the same impression, changing the bounty hunters for a expert conquerors could be a good choice.
  11. You can always teleport the Lady (as she is always ww 6" of herself) and the Kurnoths as long as they are contesting a objective (which ean they are within 6" of a objective per core rules 18.1.2). By what I see, everybody agrees on this. What people disagree about is if you can teleport to them, and consequently if you can teleport the Lady to any where and the Kurnoths to objectives directly. Its a matter if their abilities are considered always on or just after you set them up. Those are the cases I would advice you don't use until we get the official FAQ.
  12. There was a long discussion on the Sylvaneth whatsapp group last week abou this. The consensus was that we need a FAQ to clarify this. Until them I advice you to use the worst interpretation (you can teleport from them but not to them) so if this is the intent rule you don't fell it has a nerf.
  13. Anyone got to play in smaller points range with the new tome? Next month my LGS will do a 750 points tournament (core rules battlepack) and I was considering going with my Nighthaunt. Using what I have so far I build this list: Basic idea would be having the Torment+Chainghasts supporting the Chainrasps and the Dreadblade with the Bladegheists, so I can have discorporate on both units if needed. Other than the units in the list I have a Executioner, Kurdoss, GoS, Spirit Hosts and Banshees which I could try to include. Maybe changing the Dreadblade for a Executioner with Hatred of the Living (as far as I know no one else will go with a Death faction)?
  14. I still need to test both but here what I got so far that uses lots of revenants: - Dreadwood spites spam. The arch-rev is there to buff the spites with her command ability, could change the general to her if you prefer a more mobile warsinger rather than a bigger base bubble. - Dreadwood a little more mortal-wounds focused. The battlemage spell is basically the spitehave charge bonus but much easier to cast. - Harvestboon alpha-strike lite. Basically use the pre-game move to set up a turn one charge and combine it with the warsong bomb. The Ancient tree allow easy strike and fade and treesong. Gave him the gem to try making him a anvil unit, which the list lacks a little. In both lists that use a battlemage I imagine it would be easy to use spare revenant torsos and heads to make a revenant battlemage to go with the theme.
  15. Do you want a revenant exclusive list (no treelords/Kurnoths/dryads) or are you ok in including some of those units as long as the focus are the revenant models? I have some Dreadwood and Harvestboon that are most revenant models, but neither use them exclusively.
  16. The weekend was super productive, finished a test for my Gossamids and a general color scheme for my Nighthaunts. Now just need to replicate both many times...
  17. Not exactly subpar, I think they are a good support unit but that don't work well when spammed. They are a tech unit, you take them for the stomp + stopping pile ins, but those effects loose effectiveness in multiples due to the constrains they have. I would consider taking at least one in Oakenbrow as a battleline and I can see two working if you are really good at positioning, but 3 is too much. Yeah I think Durthu is the one that truly benefits from Oakenbrow effect, but I'm not sure taking 3 of them the correct way to go either. It sure looks like a funny list and I expect it to be more effective them the one with 3 TLs and the Ancient. Personally I would first try 2 Durthus + a TL and add a Kurnoth unit in place of the 3rd Durthu. It should give a better board coverage and Kurnoths gives a extra teleportation point while on Objectives. You need enough pieces so you have 3" or more part of the terrain between your model and your opponent model. If i remember correctly just 1 tree is not enough for this, but 2 trees is.
  18. I'm skeptical on a all treelord Oakenbrow list, but the Kurnoth spam Heartwood as some legs in this GHB. Only proving ground and 2 of the 8 battletactics ask you to have a GV unit (and one of those 2 tactics simple give you a extra point rather than require a GV unit). To be honest by the couple of games I played so far, you loose very little by not having GVs. Generally you have more incentives to bring very little GVs units than things that ask you to have a many of them. I think even in those spam lists, having at least 1 tree-rev unit is beneficial, as they are a good objective pressure tool and are pretty easy to defend to avoid giving easy battle tactics to your opponent. I agree with you that trying to leverage the multiple teleports would be the natural way to build around the TLs, but I not sure building around them is the correct path to take even with Oakenbrow. The glade give us 2 main benefits: lets you practically ignore the Treelords damage table and make the generic TL battleline. Ignoring the damage table is REALLY good on Durthu, mostly because he actually do damage with his attacks and that is his primary function. It is much less interesting for the generic Treelord and the Ancient, because they do very little damage even on the top of the table. They do a mean of 5 damage to a 3+ save and around 9 damage to a 6+ save. Sure the damage is consistent thanks to the effect, but its impact is very low on both of them. Lets look at using the treelords as battleline them. This is a little harder to measure as it is more of a flexibility tool, freeing you around 100~300 points you would be required to take (considering dryads here as they are our cheapest battleline). Lets ignore the obvious reason you would like this (loving treelords and wanting to run as much of them as you can) and look at what you actually gain by including treelords. Wounds, move and save wise they are pretty much equal to a MSU hunters unit, the unique difference here is the TL always counting as 5 models in objectives. I already said their damage is pretty low, so lets look at their abilities: - Groundshaker is good, but mind that it is a monstrous action, which mean you can only use it with one of your treelords per turn. It is a good ability but it has diminishing value the more units with it you have, as some will not be able to use it. - Spirit paths is pretty valuable as well, a free teleport make them pretty mobile and adds to our great field control. - Lash and Tangle can be really good against big units if you position yourself correctly, but I has a downside of only working if you actually hit a unit with a melee weapon. This combos really well with Groundshaker, stomping enemies even in their turn (as without the strike last they could choose to activated the pinned unit first and pile in as normal as the treelord didn't do damage to it yet). With good positioning you could slowly destroy a unit while taking very little damage back. To me all those abilities point to using them as a support unit, they give two valuable debuffs (strike last and no pile in), but by themselves they will not kill a unit (low damage). They also have a problem of having diminishing returns, as you can't use multiple stomps and Lash and Tangle can be hard to use when you need to hit with all of them before your opponent activate a unit. So Treelords have some merits, now how about the Ancient? He has the same damage profile (statistically), loose the Lash ad Tangle ability and gains the free tree + becoming a hero and a wizard. I will not discuss the merit of becoming a hero and wizard as this is already to long. I will just say that while this isn't nothing, he is not much better than our other hero wizards when it come to casting/spells. Its is a nice perk and can be a nice upgrade for on of the treelords, but the main selling point of him is the free wood. It not having a range is REALLY strong, as it gives us even more board control where we need it. To make the most of it you need to have a plan tough, as the ancient is pretty expensive. The TLDR is that 1 or 2 treelord is good on a list, 3 is a little too much. To me Oakenbrow most relevant effect is keeping Durthu a threat, which let you build around him with traits like Gnarled Warrior. Adding 1 or 2 treelords to fill the battleline, as they have good abilities has its uses but don't expect they from benefiting from the glade effect all that much. The Ancient main selling point is his free tree, so avoid him unless you have a good plan that need the rangeless tree.
  19. Not sure how competitive this would be, but would be the first list I would try to make Alarielle work. Basically you have the wych bomb + board control with the wych and the arch rev + 6 Kurnoths as another threat. Gnarlroot and Dwindling make Alarielle a much more reliable caster. You can fill the battalions with what you prefer (hunters + conquerors + extra enchantment or battle regiment for the one drop). - Army Faction: Sylvaneth - Subfaction: Gnarlroot - Season of War: the Dwindling - Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs - Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Branchwych (130) - General - Command Traits: Spellsinger - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome - Spells: Verdant Blessing, Verdurous Harmony Alarielle the Everqueen (840) - Spells: Verdant Blessing Arch-Revenant (120) BATTLELINE Tree-Revenants (110) Tree-Revenants (110) Tree-Revenants (110) OTHER Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Scythes (500) ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Spiteswarm Hive (40) 1 x Chronomantic Cogs (40) TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000
  20. I don't think it is treated as a unit, but I doesn't matter as the Skullroot check if the enemy unit is near a wood do increase its damage, not itself.
  21. Just got my Gossamids today! Will try to get all of then done for july.
  22. Yeah you said pretty much what I think about Winterleaf! If you are still used to play with our old tome I don't think the 6" bubble is that much of a problem to be honest, as it was pretty much the normal back them. With two units of kurnoths I think its pretty workable to keep the everdusk buff on most of the times. While I agree that his ability is REALLY strong, I don't see it being super desirable outside of Spellsingers builds. The problem is the same we had on the old book, a good opponent will easily denial your wood placement and limit your ability to place it in his deployment zone. As soon as that happen you will have to place the wood in the middle of the board and in this situation you could have done near the same with the acorn. As @Trickflo said, there is a lot of heroes that are at the same point range and offer away more utility. The free range wood is strong, but not enough to justify his actual pricing for most of our lists. He needed to have something else going on, like a extra cast, or a actual good spell, even doing more damage than a treelord would be a start, I guess.
  23. @readercolin summed everything pretty well, you hardly gonna need them unless you are interested in the lady of vines. Still, one of the older start collecting is not bad, specially if you can find the last 4 dryads online to get to a 20 model unit. 20 should be more than enough if you ever want to include a unit of them as screen/objective holders. Yeah, I find hard to justify even the first TLA, imagine the second! The battalion don't even give a good benefit for all the hustle he asks, sadly. Winterleaf may end being our strongest subfaction actually, the problem it is super meta dependent as it is basically a counter-effect. If things like Nighthaunt or KO become common, I imagine winterleaf + everdusk can be a rally hard counter to those strategies. Harvestboon and Dreadwood are mostly if you are interesting in spamming the spites or the lancers/seekers, they have their value just are a little more niche in the lists you can fit them in. 1 - From my understanding of the core rules, doing a pile in is part of what you for a unit to fight, so I assume you have to do it to attack even if you don't actually move any models from that unit. 2 - Sadly no, if you use their ability you can't use it again as the rule you pointed say. 3 - I think it is a buff, was pretty hard to get any mortals with swords before, now it give them a clear role as the "mortals kurnoth". It sucks they become a nombo with everdusk, but the scythes profile is better for extra hits anyway. 4 - I think they are playable now, but I bit niche. They damage output is pretty low still, even lower than the Lancers. They strength is they are monsters (now that this isn't a drawback anymore and there is no way to prevent roar) and the anti-pile in ability can be pretty strong with careful positioning. I wouldn't take them outside of Oakenbrow or Winterleaf, oakenbrow to make them resilient anvil that don't loose damage with wounds an winterleaf to lock the opponent in unfavorable combat position. I'm not sure I understand you question, you want to know if its possible to block the line of sight with less than 3 wood pieces? What block the line of sight is the wyldwood ability, which requires to be at least 3" between the units that passes though the woods. If I'm not mistaken, 2 pieces is already enough to get the 3", but just 1 piece probably isn't enough.
  24. Never look too much on the warscrolls that come with those boxes, most end having a couple of changes from the ones you see at the battletome.
  25. Well change her trait to Spellsinger then! It will help her control the board better. If you can change the artefact as well, I would recommend going with the arcane tome rather than the acorn. For some spells you may not need the dwindling reroll, so having a extra spell to use it on is clutch. Also, with the extra spell you can summon a wood as well. Don't expect much from the bow hunter, they need a good amount of buffs (+1 to hit, +1 to wound) to perform well, but you have half of them already with the arch rev. Don't put too much pressure on yourself as well, not only you are playing in a point range that is hard for us to get all the synergy we want, but Sylvaneth can be a pretty hard army to learn to play with. I always say we are a "Board control" army, in the sense we control the board it self with our terrain and teleporting units. While the new tome boosted our damage, we also got even more tools to create asymmetrical fights. If you can, avoid going head on against you opponent (unless you have some advantage/plan by doing so), let them come and pick his force piece by piece.
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