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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. hahaha, that is precisely why I asked as that was one of the coolest Chaos Lords... which is a huge accomplishment.
  2. Does that mean there will likely be a hero option mounted on one?
  3. I think it is really strange that so many people assumed that the Advent Calendar was going to reveal all of the models previewed in the calendar. Advent Calendars are typically nice little treats, such as toys or chocolate, and will usually culminate in the biggest reveal... it isn't like on the last day of an advent calendar you find out all of your toys are Constructicons and can combine together or that the last Chocolate is all the other flavours of chocolate mixed together. I think that what we got was more than sufficient for my expectations, but of course I always hope for more. I think I could better understand 40k players being upset as their reveal feels much less substantial (But as someone that isn't into 40k, I really like that box). I hope that they do it again next year as it was fun and I hope that they do not make every day a reveal from only what they show on xmas. As this allowed people to speculate on vampires, freeguild, inquisitors, admech and many other fun pet theories which would not have been the case if we only saw pieces of the Slaanesh release and one individual Dark Eldar model. I agree with @Enoby as I too loved the reveal which may have taken the sting out of the disappointment for me. I mean this Advent Calendar helped us realize the imminent release of GW's new flagship property Critters and Keys!
  4. I understand the anxiety represented in seeing these new models. However, the current edition is potentially coming to an end and this new book is looking forward to a potential new Edition and might be quickly buried by power creep. Even if the edition is not ending soon it seems that struggling armies are being improved in the Broken Realms campaign. There are also other balancing factors we are unfamiliar with like how taking mortal generals might effect and interact with allegiance abilities and unit choices. Going off the other Chaos armies it is doubtful that this will create any massive waves but it is still an unknown. I feel S2D Warcry Warbands look like they will fill numerous niches but in terms of practice rarely see the table top beyond Warcry itself. However, I might simply be naive as I tend to think of armies in such terms of being on top one moment and not the next... but I also am not particularly concerned about winning considering I play Slaves to Darkness. I do think it is sometimes worth being worried seeing new units sans rules, but I believe more than anything this this is a precedent indicating the type of love and care each army will get going forward. So maybe we will get Ironjawz chariots, Fyreslayer Warmachines and Flesh Eater Court Cavalry... only time will tell.
  5. The sculpt of these models are clearly the new Meta, because why play anything else!? 😉
  6. Every time a Screaming Bell rings a Demon Prince gets their wings! Merry Chaosmas, and I hope you have a Gargant of a year my friends! Lots of cool releases likely coming out in the new year and I for one am a fan of the slower release schedule. Meta chasers can have breathing room and hobbyists can focus on their projects at hand. For folks like me for whom this hobby is on the pricier side of our paycheques, it will help us save some funds... but then GW drops some truly stunning Slaanesh mortals on us... (Remember to Breathe and you have enough little plastic soldiers!)
  7. Wow, everything looks utterly fantastic. Lelith Hesperax is amazing and can proxy well into AOS. I can see her being used in a number of Aelf factions and she could easily work for Slaves to Darkness, Khorne and Slaanesh. All around a great model! (I also have a sincere soft spot for Sisters of Battle). I am of course bowled over by the amazing Slaanesh reveals. I think mounted Slaaneshi archers are the Chaos ranged unit I have always wanted but never realized. I really hope that the Slaangor were designed and power crept in such a manner to give BoC a useful new tool!
  8. My predictions: 😊 For AOS: Slaanesh or Death with a slight tease for the other. (If Slaanesh they might repost the same teaser from Halloween, if Death then they will allude to the fact that we have already seen the Slaanesh stuff which will be revealed in full with the next big narrative event). For 40k: A Space Marine Chapter will have a codex announced... I am going to guess Cherry Flavoured Marines... My Wishlist: 😏 For AOS: Malerion, Puritan Devoted of Sigmar army made up exclusively of Halfling Witch Hunters! For Broken Realms: Broken Realms Slambo! For Underworlds: Cool mono-pose updates for old resin models! For Warcry: More Chaotic creatures. For 40k: A full year of pure Xenos releases.* For 30k: A named Space marine on scenic base without a helmet and holding a sword. Alt. build with helmet. I think this is a game about how Space Marines discovered helmets. For Quest: New Quest game about Ungors and Gnoblars visiting a Halfling market! For Necromunda: A cool looking gang! "Can you dig it?" For Bloodbowl: A spin-off game Blood-Polo For Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game: A first age expansion of with a Dagor Bragollach starter set. For Keys and Critters: Boxset announced rats and ravens with more expansions on the horizon! *Somehow this feels like it is far and beyond the least realistic option.
  9. Where is this alternate text? Is it in the address bar? We can possibly crack it to some degree as we seem to know the one Slaaneshi weapon so we can as a base to at least help determine if the code is for either Slaanesh or AOS?
  10. It looks like an icicle hanging from the wooden staff. Cadians are out, Canadians are in!
  11. I think it is impossible to say, but it is clear that things have fallen behind. I think that what we can infer is that a new edition was likely in the summer at the end of Broken Realms but now we are even less sure about that as things are releasing at a strange rate. The Slaanesh Warcry reveal is a perfect example of how strange the release windows have become. On a side note I am very excited for tomorrow's rumour engine advent picture.
  12. If anyone is interested in creating maps or their own realm of dreams, I have always found this map by the great Sydney Sime to be truly fascinating:
  13. Critters and Keys is more than a side game it is GW's new flagship! Although I am swayed by the Slaanesh arguments: I still think that we are getting something death related at some point in the near future. Even if the vampire rumour engine pics are more closely tied to Underworlds or some other smaller game system. I owe this to the strange one off zombie teaser we got earlier. I feel that was to provide hype for an upcoming death release:
  14. Lets be fair and state that there is a fairly good chance that it is likely either Slaanesh or a new Death tome releasing. As we have a lot of supporting evidence for both. I think beyond that it is really just speculation as we cannot be confident as to GW's approach regarding Broken Realms and new Tomes. It could of course be something completely different but there is less evidence for something else. Personally, I am leaning towards a new death book as I share the feeling that we will likely get the Slaanesh release tied into an upcoming Broken Realms book. But I can also state that the inverse could be equally true and the Death models might tie into a Broken Realms book (although, I lean more towards Slaanesh for obvious narrative reasons).
  15. Once the Slaanesh models are revealed in earnest will I truly be able to resist the Dark Temptations? I am genuinely hoping for the Death announcement first simply to avoid having to make a call on Slaanesh! 😅
  16. Oh please, please be unmounted Varanguard! I know it will be something like new Bloodknights but I would love a super elite unmounted Varanguard unit... or at least for a plastic Chosen Kit to borrow the Varanguard Aesthetic!
  17. @Beliman thank you so much for such an in depth an informative response. I will share this with my friends who are interested in KO and we can fist fight over who gets to pick them up. I am thinking in terms of my own interests that it is a 2000pts entry to the army and I would eventually swap things around e.g. use Bugman as a regular admiral and one day invest in an Ironclad. But for now I am just interested in getting the project on its feet. I also just love the army and found the cost of entry slightly daunting and this list helps mitigate it for me or a member my group. 😁 Also I am happy Endrinriggers are the preferred option as I think they are much cooler.
  18. Hey Everyone, I have been toying with the idea of picking up the KO battleforce and Bugmansson (and proxying him for Gotrek for the time being and eventually as an admiral when I can afford to expand). So I have been toying with the idea of running an inexpensive KO list. I also have some friends that might want to pick it up and asked me if I could make an affordable list we are in a new army stand off. Would this list be at all playable given the right Skyport to help fulfill battleline requirements? LEADERS Brokk Grungsson Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar (220) Endrinmaster with Endrinharness (100) Gotrek Gurnisson (520) UNITS 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130) 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130) 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130) 5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120) 5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120) 3 x Endrinriggers (100) 3 x Endrinriggers (100) 3 x Skywardens (100) BEHEMOTHS Arkanaut Frigate (220) TOTAL: 1990/2000 So essentially one would need to get the Battleforce, a Start Collecting, Buggmansson and a second unit of Thunderers? I am not overly invested in the list being competitive but rather just being fun to play with. I know Gotrek can be a beast in friendly games, but he will also be several miles behind the army. I also assume that Endrinriggers and Skywardens can fly with Gunhaulers? Also the secondary unit would be there to provide a bit of support to Gotrek as I assume I would want the Endrinmaster inside the frigate for repairs and 11 units would slow it down? Sorry, if this is a silly post, I get oddly nervous posting any army lists. I just think this is a nice entry point into the army and a good way to have some order representation in my collection. Or if a friend beats me to the punch, a nice addition to my little circle of friends armies. I do think that one of my friends might feel like I am stepping on his beard if I go for Duardin... but I do love me some dwarves so it is a tough call.
  19. Seems we aren't getting any FAQs because Bugmansson needs to remain meta to save Xmas !
  20. Oh wow! My excitement for the Chameleon skink entirely overwrote my memory of the priest*. My apologies! *if it was carrying a key on the other hand!
  21. I feel like we need to create a Critters and Keys sub-forum and if it isn't released we can create a petition to get Critters and Keys to become the new Mordheim! I also feel like these recent rumour engines are proving my ignorance of 40k as literally every medieval and fantastical weapon is somehow has more evidence as being part of that game system than AoS. I would not be surprised if it gets revealed that all of AoS has actually been a Space Marine chapter the whole time.
  22. I wouldn't rule it out but the bases in underworld warbands tend to be pretty homogenous and the Chameleon Skink is on a small tree whereas this is on a piece of stonework, that looks at least at upon first blush, similar to the bestial leg, rat, and crow. However, considering how little we are seeing of this model it is possible that there is some sort of tree incorporated that we cannot currently see. We are getting something death related by the looks of things the question is what exactly is the release? I feel that it looks like a traditional remake of Legions of Nagash/Vampire Counts as we have hints of Vampires, Bats, Werewolves and possibly Zombies. I have seen next to nothing indicating Pirate/Nautical theme. And I am still not confident that the blades belong to Vampires and could easily be related to the Slaanesh release, Free guild, 4Ok or something else entirely. They are simply too generic and until the dagger with the skull I could have easily imagined them being LOTR related. I mean isn't it confirmed we are getting some death warbands for underworlds? Maybe that is part of the confusion particularly as scenic bases seem to be a huge part of that range of models. So I am in a fun place where I have specific hopes for a truly Baroque return of the Vampires of old, whereas others want Vampirates... but the truth may be stranger yet... no matter the case it is fun speculating and come the reveal I will be sad that I can't speculate further. But will return to hyping up Malerion with every rumour engine...
  23. I tried to get the 40k app and subscribe but found there to be so many loopholes for a service that ought to be free and accessible and found that really jarring and off putting. I like that AoS has a smaller cost of entry as Warscrolls are freely available alongside the core rules and our list builder can be accessed on their website. The army books and expansions are a necessity for learning the allegiance abilities, battalion requirements, spell lores etc. but if you are starting out in this already pricey hobby you and a friend can take your start collecting box and get a gaming going in a few hours. I have always felt there was a lot of gatekeeping in 40k now I feel that extends to GW as well as the fans. Which is so strange considering the openness of AOS as a ruleset and community are precisely what drew me back to the hobby.
  24. I think the real question is whether this critter has a key? 🤔
  25. Yeah, I will confess it hurt seeing Morathi lose to a meme-marine (as much as I do love the Noise Marine). I also think that our votes might get a little more split as it makes sense voting for a cool demonic Primarch when the other half of all 40k releases seem to be various different takes on Space Marines.
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