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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. FEC vs Nurgle would be amazing... but I hope for the sake of my wallet that it doesn't happen. I am slightly tempted to expand into a monogod faction when I am done my Ogors and SCE -- but only after. My cousin plays death and he is really looking to expand into FEC but again only when he is done his Soulblight. This would probably press both our hands as we don't have terrible impulse control but are both terrible at peer pressuring each other with this hobby.
  2. In terms of rules, I think you could easily pull it off with either Stormcast or Cities of Sigmar. Run the big dragons as characters, and the smaller mounted units such as Dracoths or Coldone Knights.
  3. I still find it so confusing how about half the available terrain seems like it is designed aesthetically for Stormcast yet they do not have any faction specific terrain.
  4. I think we will get our Chaos Dragons soon enough. Galrauch needs to return and strike terror into the hearts of these upstart dragons and Kragnos. Extra points if just one head is smirking 😉 I think that they want to have Wyverns be Destruction's answer to order's dragons... if so give us more. The Mawcrusher and now the vulture are good starting points for Wyvern like creatures but lets get some more! I want a flock of diminutive Wyvern ridden by goblins or a serpentine frost Wyvern that stocks the ever-winter for scavanged remains from the ogor warpath.
  5. I hope that you all make this a regular tradition. I would say annual, but a new army every year would be a fairly tall order.
  6. Welcome, This is a great and welcoming forum especially towards the mighty prince of Dol Amroth. Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game is a fantastic game and there are many fans on the forum I played it years ago and I am struggling to resist the call of my favourite fantasy world again. As you dip your toes into Age of Sigmar, I hope you join in with any questions and feel free to share any and all your works.
  7. Hmm, now I want to add a unit of Shadow warriors and a unit of Longbeards to my SCE army but with the rumours of Duardin soup and the possibility of Cities becoming more human oriented make it a more risky purchase. 🤭
  8. Oh this is awesome, I really look forward to seeing the progress! As the bane of both your existence with my constant derailing of the rumour thread, I am really grateful for all the hard work you put in and I am really excited to see your armies take shape! Do we have any word on Kragnos' relationship to Mawcrushers or other types of drakes?
  9. Not to take away from sea serpents and their prevalence, but the Kraken, Akkorokamui, Hydra and the Lusca would all like a word with you! In fact unnamed giant cephalopods are a staple of countless myths and sea faring traditions, the only reason that they may not seem mythological is simply because they ended up being real! The obsession with giant cephalopods has not waned in contemporary pop culture, ranging from Jules Verne and Lovecraft to Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter, people have always had an absurd interest in the somewhat alien appeal of these underwater invertebrates.
  10. Thanks for sharing from a practical perspective! 🙂 This is a company worth a pretty penny and more than capable of compensating, rewarding and uplifting its dedicated and creative staff. I am in favour of drastic social reform. But until that day this small change could go a long way in fostering so much good will. Both with their employees and within the greater community.
  11. I truly believe that society understands the importance of creative labour and venerates creative individuals. The issue is that they are not compensated accordingly, even when entire industries depend on their works.
  12. I have already attested to my personal love of these models, but I think that people have really strange and specific insights on how sentient imaginary creatures should look and behave. They are really cool and other than the adornment on Krondys giving me pause, as I want a more neutral aesthetic not tied to a specific faction. As I intend to proxy my dragon into different factions or use it as wild monster for certain scenarios. I might actually magnetize it as I do have a Stormcast army and think it would be cool for their dragon to reflect some of their iconography. I did have a good chuckle at the smile but it was a really positive reaction as I like intelligent dragons with personality. But I think that view is not shared by everyone, hence the smart choice to include alternate albeit more traditional build.
  13. So I did not see the video until now and the dragons are much smaller than I had initially assumed, does anyone have an idea of their base size or the relative size between these dragons and a Stardrake in relationship to a Vindicator? I was initially concerned that these were in the scale of Smaug or the Khorne Dragon. Now I am thinking they will be somewhat more in line with the price and scale of other big models.
  14. Thank you for sharing this, it is nice to take a break from discussing the rules, models and lore to remember and be reminded that it is people's labour that often create the things that we love. Furthermore, since we pay a premium for this particular hobby, it is extremely disheartening to find out that the money is not finding its way into the hands of the people that make it so enjoyable. It is strange to transition from a discussion about my excitement about a plastic dragon to the harsh reality of the labour practices that bring me that dragon. I really enjoy our hobby and have so much fun with it, but these types of corporate decisions make it really difficult to support the company. This is part of the main reason I only shop at local hobby shops as they often have better practices than a massive corporation like Games Workshop. 😥
  15. Umm... if we get Firbellies as a playable faction this is an ideal way to get a themed Frostlord into the faction. Personally I think that I will run my dragon as a proxy for Archaon for Slaves to Darkness, Kragnos for my BCR and as themselves for my SCE. I also assume it will occasionally dress up as a greater demon from time to time. I know that these proxies will not be accepted by everyone but with my paltry budget and in my friendly games it will open all of my armies up for some really fun alternate lists and give me my dream of finally owning a GW dragon*. *Coldone Knights and Dragon Ogres were the closest I had growing up and I loved them all. I guess the Cold one Knight Champion had a cute little dragon perched on their arm. 😁
  16. After a long wait they have been revealed. Some division on the pose and especially Krondys smile. Personally I am a fan as I like smug Dragons who grin as they burn down entire armies although I am not overly fond of the accoutrements. As such I feel like I will lean towards Karazai for my build which is a shame as I assume it will be the preferred option making my dragon less special. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/26/dragons-are-back-and-theyre-going-to-change-the-mortal-realms-forever/
  17. I have always preferred more fantastical and sentient dragons, particularly ones that have more character and charm than a dinosaur with wings. I think it is partially from Tolkien's works with Smaug and Glaurung having such memorable characterizations. Smug arrogance is a facet of dragon lore I find fascinating and this model captures quite well. I am happy that these named dragons follow that trope and I think are really well executed. However, I find the cartoony smile of Krondys absolutely hilarious and I think you hit the nail on the head as to why. I am partial to it though as it makes me smile in much the same way but I am not a fan of the armour as I prefer to think that Dragons do not need armour. Either way the dragon will pull double duty with other systems and I would much prefer a wild dragon than an armoured one. @sandlemad's post made me notice that Krondys has heart shaped nostrils! More reason to run him as his charms extend past that killer smile.
  18. I hope I can build Krondys without the armour... 🤔 I think Karazai the Scarred will be available for all of order and be a massive beat stick. Krondys, Son of Dracothion seems like he might be limited to Stormcast but have magic. Also with two heads in the box I might actually try my hand at giving ol' Glaurauch a shot! I think this is also a good sign that Chaos will get a dragon. I feel like in terms of big monsters we are going to have a great edition. Between a focus on destruction and a return of Duardin to the forefront all I need now is an unaligned magical unicorn and I will have my big Ghur hopes fulfilled.
  19. Still strange that they are doing this as a rolling change? How was the reboxing done in 40k was it one army at a time with just a handful of units changing at once?
  20. Honestly it is my biggest fear regarding AOS and Warhammer+. The ability to look at Warscrolls freely was a great source of joy and helped me become interested in different factions. I loved looking up units in my friend's armies and getting a feel for their units and sending them warscrolls from my own army to explain complicated units. I can understand wanting to lock that information behind a paywall of sorts but it overall hurts my overall excitement and interest in the game personally.
  21. So I do not see any warscrolls for the new orders or dominion? Are they updating the warscrolls on the site or are free warscrolls going to be no longer available? I remember in 2.0 I think there were older Warscrolls for a period that took a while to update so I am still hopeful.
  22. I would absolutely love to see the Light of Eltharion in that style of game.
  23. I am from Canada so the Islamic Golden Age is something that I learned about mostly through University and even then in a limited fashion. But it is something that piqued my interest but I mostly know it through art and culture and less in terms of direct historical sources. I assume that in general GW might shy away from Araby in general for the reasons you listed. But it would be a real shame as I think it could be one of the most complex and varied armies in the old world. Thankfully Games Workshop tends to avoid making the faiths in their games direct adaptations of real world religions. I know very little about Ainu cultural tradition or history but what little I have read about them is fascinating and their traditional attire is a painters dream, but well beyond my skills. For my own purposes I would want them to borrow elements from both my Chaos and Stormcast armies and present them as the culture that both armies derive from as in my mind they were once one army that took opposite paths. I will confess I do not read enough Black Library fiction having only flipped through a few Gotrek and Felix novels and one Mallus Darkblade story. I primarily get most of my lore from Battle Tomes and Rules books but Broken Realms has gotten me more interested in checking some more stories out as I loved the lore in those books. Although in response to the recent IP debates maybe I will finally get around to reading some Michael Moorcock instead.
  24. @Loyal Son of Khemri you do not need to defend your love of bears! I think that we have a lot of shared aesthetic inclinations and I think that Kislev are really aesthetically pleasing but as a general rule I am rarely drawn to primarily human factions in fantasy. But the idea of armies that feature humans working alongside supernatural and fantastical beings and creatures interests me greatly, hence my interest in the frost weapons. I also think this is why I am drawn to most Chaos factions as they pose an existential question about faith as the evidence they have for Gods comes purely from interactions with Demons. The fear and terror of knowing that an experience with the divine can drive someone's faith but what occurs when instead of facing a benevolent loving god it is a terrifying set of malevolent extradimensional terrors? I really hope that we have build options for frost weapons and regular steel weapons so that those of us who are using them for AOS can play with the more magical side of the army. For example the amazing three pronged spear in the following image: As for Araby, I am really fascinated by the Islamic Golden Age but it is also something that is often overlooked or ignored in most fantasy literature and games. The idea of playing an army that is adept in science, medicine and art with unique cultures and ideologies and varied troop types and tactics makes me really interested in picking up the army purely for the human side of the army. However, as you point out the portrayal of Araby is often more problematic and it is likely that they will not be represented in the best light especially regarding cultural stereotypes. Also, despite loving the human side of the army I can hardly think of a cooler centre piece than a mighty Djinn. Also I selfishly hope that Chaos Dwarves are in AOS and tied to Slaves to Darkness. It will give me access to one of my favourite armies and also keep them around for the foreseeable future as a subfaction of one of Warhammer's most iconic factions. Although I will be happy no matter what if they show up, even if I was somehow unable to use them allies. Also, I have something of a diverse cultural background and some parts of my background are over represented in these types of stories... and other parts are typically entirely absent.
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