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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. They will always look like silly off brand chibi Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers to me. If I did 40k I am obviously going to lean towards Chaos but I feel pretty much the same way about Chaos Space Marines. This is why I always hold out hope for Dark Mechanicum to get support.
  2. Sorry if this is too far off topic, but are these different Space Marine models actually significant or could you paint this one in blue and run him as an ultramarine or in white and run him as a Whitescar? Other than some iconography and some associated lore this looks indistinguishable from any and all other space marines. This is meant to be a functional question, as I have just started Stormcast with Dominion and I expect more and more similar releases in AOS over the years. I already cannot tell the difference between many of the combat oriented heroes in SCE and I expect this to only become more pronounced throughout the years. But I am just going to choose the models I like best for the role that I need most.
  3. I know that this far from a counter to Teclis, but I do love that this vulture riding prophet can lay the hurt on the god of magic and might force make more use of the limited spells at a higher casting power. But so far seems like a really cool unit and I hope that its presence on the battlefield matches my favourite model so far from AOS 3.0... which is saying a lot 'cause I chose the Thunderstrike side from Dominion.
  4. Here's some news AOS still exists: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/09/gobsprakk-uses-swampy-magic-bad-smells-and-a-screaming-plant-to-dominate-the-battlefield/
  5. That would be great and that rider would make a great colour scheme for SCE in general.
  6. With all this Gotrek discussion does anyone else wonder if he will remain avalible to all order armies in the future or be included as part of the much debated Duardin Soup? I hope he stays an open pick but that maybe a Keyword will give him just enough synergy to be taken more often in a Duardin book with out making him even more powerful.
  7. This is a great idea and I play Beast Claw Raiders. As such I will probably still strive for a demon engine just to give some hobby variety but I might proxy a Stonehorn for the meantime to see if I want to run a Soulgrinder 😁
  8. Hey folks, I am contemplating using a demonic engine from 40k as a stand in for a Soulgrinder. I feel that the Soulgrinder looks more like a 40k model anyway, so I thought why not lean into it and choose a slightly cooler (imo) model. I am not particularly partial to the Defilier, Hellbrute or Lord of Skulls and would choose a Soulgrinder over them any day. Between the Forge/Maulerfiend, Heldrake and Venomcrawler which do you think would best fit the aesthetic of a Soulgrinder and Slaves to Darkness with the least conversion work? I am also open to suggestions from other ranges as well.
  9. Hmm... alternatively the lack of BoC in the getting started book could mean that we are getting them folded into a different faction. Slaves to Darkness being the most likely candidate. As much as I would love to bring some Dragon Ogors into the fold, I am left with the immortal words of Switch from the Matrix.
  10. I am good with all of those options. I guess I have a thing for spikes. 🤭
  11. Sorry that I default to the rumour thread but this should also be posted here? I typically like posting such things there as it can then be cross referenced to any rumours, particularly in this case as I am personally hoping this is related to Malerion or the Umbraneth. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/03/the-rumour-engine-3rd-august-2021/
  12. Either this is DOK/Malerion/Umbraneth or Grimdark Batman? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/03/the-rumour-engine-3rd-august-2021/
  13. Lost Kingdoms Miniatures has a fantastic line of Knights including Pegasus riders: https://www.lostkingdomminiatures.com/en/kingdom-of-mercia/319-339-wind-knights-command-group.html#/26-supports-pre_supported @Overread knows of many fantastic artists and possibly can help fined some more winged angelic/valkyrie models or pegasus riders.
  14. I think adding some chaos heads and filing off any Sigmar iconography might be an easy fix. I am thinking of using Chaos Heads on my Stormcast but cutting off their horns and running them as the warriors that resisted the beckoning of the dark gods... but I would have to cut off the heads of any second hand stormcast I purchase which seems like too much effort for me. Luckily I have a while before I get to my Stormcast and have to decide on my flavour of dragon.
  15. Haha, I am on the opposite end and realized that the constant flux of new models meant I could get second hand SCE on the cheap and picked up Dominion to split with a friend... although I gifted the Kruelboyz half.
  16. I am not certain about the unit of two as the body, tail and hind legs look similar in each picture. It is possible that they included an additional set of wings, arms and heads and various options for riders to sell at a premium hoping people will purchase multiples. 3.0 has a number of rules about units consisting of a single model not being able to be reinforced as well and it could apply to units of Stormdrake Guard. I am not arguing that this is the case as my initial reaction was also a unit of two, but the wording in the article is actually fairly vague about actual unit sizes... unless it has been cleared up in an edit? Which happens on Warhammer Community fairly often. I do really hope it is a two model box though as they are amazing and I will likely only grab a single box for budget and space purposes. As for Thunderstrike being SCE Primaris, only time will tell but the reality is simply that each edition there will be a new wave of Stormcast and there will of course be a saturation point. Maybe they will update the sculpts of liberators one day or replace them entirely, but so long as you are not overly concerned about specific models and your opponent isn't an absurd stickler, it will be easy enough to clarify that your old Liberators are a unit of the new Latine Sermo Lightning Fists!
  17. I am genuinely confused as I have been working like mad this last week. But wasn't it confirmed that we had seen all the Kruel Boyz releases? If not I hope we get a full unit of Troggoth riders to go with the new hero, instead of the more traditional wolf/gnashtooth riders. Although, ideally there would be room for both.
  18. @EccentricCircle So in the article above it states you can legit take an all Dragon army now! ❤️
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/02/even-more-dragons-are-coming-to-the-age-of-sigmar-and-now-theyve-got-riders/ Well I am officially in love!
  20. Utterly Amazing I could not be happier! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/02/even-more-dragons-are-coming-to-the-age-of-sigmar-and-now-theyve-got-riders/
  21. I think it is possible to do both, simply by expanding the current armies to include newer subfactions. I had previously created a thread on soup armies and I realized that I am a fan when using soups to introduce new sub-factions, but I am not always the biggest fan of souping currently established factions. Having new subfactions added to pre-existing factions will expand the armies that currently exist, and also let Games Workshop actually introduce many of the teased parts of the lore while also giving people more freedom to choose what they want to collect. I also like when there is some direct tension between subfactions as it gives more reason to focus on a specific subfaction and also for mirror matches to have some more characterful fluff in terms of their reasons to fight. Here are some of the potential soups/expansions that were discussed in that thread: Malerion's Umbraneth /DOK: To start, I think this is the most obvious and fitting. I think having Witch Aelves and updated dreadspears form the basis of the army with the lamian and draconic Aelves as the more specialized units could help create a great aesthetic unity that harkens back to WHFB with an AOS twist. Kurnothi/Sylvaneth: I am so confused why this has not happened yet. Some people have mentioned that Kurnoth and Alarielle are not on the best of terms but the Kurnoth Hunters and Skaeth’s Wild Hunt indicate at least their followers are willing to work together. Tyrion's LRL/IDK: I feel really weird about this one, but I would love for Tyrion to make amends with the IDK and create a coalition force with rules that prevent Teclis from being run with the Deepkin. However, despite liking the idea narratively and the aesthetic diversity it would create, I feel like the Deepkin would lose their gameplay identity which would be a terrible shame as they have such cool and interesting rules. As such I doubt this one will happen. Dwarf Soup: I think this is the most controversial and also the most likely to occur. However, I feel most of the issue for me comes from Kharadron being a newer faction with a distinct aesthetic and fiercely independent identity in the lore. However, the current lore set up has been really interesting. I also feel that Fyreslayers and updated Dispossessed together will give some serious WHFB vibes. However, what will happen to City Duardin? Grotbag Scuttlers/Gloomspite: I feel this is an obvious choice and likely to occur. I just want the gobbos to wear tricorn hats and wield rusty cutlasses. Chaos Dwarves/S2D: I think this would be the safest way of introducing a beloved army that historically did not have the best support. Tying Chaos Dwarves to Slaves to Darkness will allow dedicated followers of Hashut to field their forces in peace while also expanding one of the most iconic armies in a new interesting direction. I also want this to happen on purely selfish terms. I think of all my proposed expansions this would be the most likely to break off into a separate army eventually. Dawnbringers: I was certain this was going to be the updated name for Cities of Sigmar. Despite what people have been mentioning about it being a human oriented faction, the lore clearly makes reference to Duardin and Aelves taking part in the crusades. I still think it is going to be a rebranding of Cities of Sigmar but maybe with a greater emphasis on alliances. The only thing that gives me pause on this matter is that the recent Stormcast rules still obliquely reference Cities of Sigmar.
  22. I could easily imagine starting a Thunderscorn Army. They mix chaos, ogors and dragons my three favourite things in the warhammer universe. I have decided that in the almost impossible scenario that they souped BoC with S2D I am going to add Dragon Ogors to represent the bestial side of Chaos. I am personally hoping that depending on the mark of the general S2D can take 1/4 units of their chosen mark with undivided taking Beasts instead. In a weird way for my own sake Dragon Ogors are every bit as an iconic part of Warhammer as Skaven, Seraphon or Blueberry Stormtroopers. There are some amazing 3rd party options for Shaggoth's and I feel like Kragnos can fit the bill in a pinch.
  23. Yeah, I really appreciate this forum as a place for friendly and positive discourse. It is not always perfect but the community is wonderful and the Moderators do a terrific job. But when I peak my head onto other threads, I often become dismayed by my own hobby and want to sell all my minis... but luckily my own community here and in person are much more inclusive and positive. ❤️ I actually like the current Chimera overall, but it's strange pose and the placement and proportions of the heads are not ideal. I don't know why GW went through an era of Chaos Beasts that looked like they were falling forward... I feel like Galrauch, the Manticore and Chimera are all decent sculpts but got really trashed on some Gargant ale.
  24. They did update both Skeletons and Zombies recently and both were plastic. I do really want new Bullgors as they are my least favourite plastics in the BoC line but they are not the worst offenders in plastic. If any plastic kit needs an update it is Night Runners: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Skaven-Night-Runners But overall my top hopes for updates for Beasts are plastic Centigors and the Shaggoth. I also feel like we might see the Jabberslythe, Cockatrice and Razorgor get retired in favour of some new chaotic monsters*. I think they will do it in a way that gives old fans the ability to use their resin kits but maybe giving them new identities and updated sculpts in plastic. *Also I am still confused as to how the Chimera fits into the faction now. I feel like it is maybe going to become more of a general pick for Chaos factions with ties to Warcry.
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