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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I feel this is the nail in the coffin for new models/units. I hope I am wrong as cavalry and medium sized ogre units are sometimes overlooked in Warcry... but this still feels like the whole range regarding what is shown in terms of Warcry profiles. They still are my favourite orc based faction by GW I was just hoping for more models. I think this is a brilliant way to bring out Maneaters. I would suspect three a box... but maybe they release 3 boxes with a maneater from each realm, plus the eightpoints for a total of 9 unique models. Here is an example off the top of my head: Box One: Eightpoints: 2 headed chaotic mutant Maneater Azyr: A maneater in patchwork Stormcast armour. (See Chris Peach's SCE Ogor conversion) Shyish: Updated Executioner Ogor Box 2: Aqshy: A firebelly themed maneater Ghyran: I am imagining a hippy themed ogor covered in moss Chamon: Maybe a smith themed ogor based on Hephaestus Box 3: Ghur: Beastclaw themed unmounted Maneater Hysh: An update of the pirate Ogor but a little more gentlemanly. Ulgu: Updated Ninja Ogor These are really cool fluffy rules, I really like the Out of the Mist rules making the Kruelboyz feel like proper ambush fighters and the 6+ ward near objectives for Stormcast making them staunch defenders of sacred sites and artifacts. Lets hope that they can better balance subfactions this edition with no more Petrifex styled auto picks.
  2. Wow the youtube algorithm never fails to creepily monitor my internet activities as this made it into my suggested videos: I have also been considering making a nautical Nighthaunt army with a Gloomtide shipwreck as a Black Coach and Lauchon the Soulseeker as a proxied Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed. However, I would want to have them floating over cracked ice which would be a difficult process for me as I am not a fan of working on bases. As for my armies, I imagine Chaos Warriors in long ships with demonic heads at the prow and blown by cold demonic winds. The Stormcast would ride in ornate metal barges powered by arcane magics. Finally my Beastclaws would just freeze the waters and walk over on their beasts of burdern.
  3. Hey friends, One of the things that has really captured my attention in Age of Sigmar is the varied and fantastical setting. Any conflict or adventure seems possible in the Mortal Realms and the fairly straightforward rules make it possible to easily adapt different forms of combat with a variety of objectives and goals. Yet there is a missing piece of the puzzle which is incorporated into the lore but not the gameplay: Naval combat! The seas are not simply open to naval combat in ships, but also a spectacular setting for the aerial maneuverability of the Kharadron Overlords, the ghastly hosts of Nighthaunt floating above the waves, and the mythical forces of the aquatic dwellers known as the Idoneth Deepkin. Fresh water lakes, rivers, ponds and swamps are the home to many other mythological creatures and beasts, notably for our game the amphibious skinks, the swamp dwelling Kruelboyz and the forth coming river temple of the Lumineth Realm Lords. So my question is how do the seas, lakes, bogs, rivers and other bodies of water in the mortal realms impact your games, lore and campaigns? What type of vessels or sea monsters do you imagine for your favourite factions? Finally would you like boats and naval combat incorporated into the rule set or as a side game in a potentially different scale?
  4. Yeah I am absolutely going to skip out on this service, there is not enough content for me to subscribe. Plus they are just locking things that I would have had access to for free anyway behind a paywall. I suspect that there isn't a big enough market for the content and they will transfer most of the original works to youtube in a few years anyway. In the end they will likely make more money off of ad revenue and expanding their audience with more easily accessed content then from Warhammer Plus. Streaming services are currently saturating the market and I think this bubble will likely burst, so I have little hope for such a niche service. But then again Miniwargamming is still floating with a similar model but they freely use Youtube as a means of generating community and an interest in their content and have a much smaller overhead.
  5. I am sadly banking on the wonky Soul Wars numbers for the Nighthaunt and Sacrosanct Starter sets. Simply because GW did not shy away from it in the past. Luckily Dominion and the new Starter Sets seem to have learned from that particular mistake.
  6. I feel we will get them with the next Slaves to Darkness battletome. I assume that they sculpted and designed them around the same time but just did not put them into production as they were making sure to sell out the remainder of their older sculpts. As someone with a surplus of the Older Chaos Warriors and Knights I will miss out on the beautiful new sculpts. Meanwhile, I am still looking for a way to get my hands on a karkadrak without getting even more Warriors and Knights. I am interested to see the direction that Slaves to Darkness goes. It is currently one of the larger factions and with some of the richest history in Warhammer. But it has also slowly had its identity eroded by the release of God Specific factions. I have mentioned a few times but I would love an 1/4 style ally system like Cities and Stormcast but based on the general's mark. I would particularly love it if an undivided general could include Beasts of Chaos as undivided allies. I think in 2.0 there was little restriction for including Slaves to Darkness and Beasts of Chaos in other factions but it was often more difficult to reverse that situation. I think tying alliances to 1/4 based on marks would limit the amount of choices you could take for God Specific factions, while increasing support for undivided factions. This would hopefully lead to greater parity going forward making the choice of allegiance more impactful. Because honestly I ran Slaves to Darkness through all of 2.0 and often felt like was playing the game wrong. As an example a Tzaangor lead Beasts of Chaos Army would be able to include 1/4 Tzeentch marked allies. Therefore they could have equal access to Disciples of Tzeentch or Marked Slaves to Darkness, and could still have access to Dragon Ogors and Slaangors in their own faction. However, a Disciples of Tzeentch general could still include 1/4 marked Slaves to Darkness or Beast of Chaos units but would have to use regular ally points to include Slaangors or Dragon Ogors.
  7. Clearly it is Malerion's puka shell necklace! I would love it if this was a new Khornegor model, I hope like Slaangor though they would do something more interesting than an additional bestial infantry unit. Personally, I hope they Khorne's version of light cavalry and based around Centigors. Then we can hopefully get Pestigors as a chaff unit for Nurgle, that way all the marked Beasts are unique from each other and within their respective god specific armies.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if this change will become a default for most if not all chariots, maybe changing from a 4+ depending on how heavy the chariot.
  9. Yeah I feel like we have likely seen all the offerings available for Kruelboyz by this point. It is a shame as I really love the line but it has a bit of the classic AOS not fully realized vibe to it. Like two very disparate troggoth units, one unit of hobgrots, a singular strange mount... it feels like there is something missing to tie these things better together but everything is simultaneously really cool. Well we will get drip feed support for them throughout the edition and then hopefully a big second wave in 4.0. 😢
  10. I love the new chariot and I am particularly happy about the archer variant, but I feel like ranged units tend to only work with mass units, warmachines or heroes. So I presume the spear build will be a little better as I think based on the rules you will want to charge. I would love to have a heroic option for the Chariot as I want to have a figure like Arjuna within my Stormcast.
  11. Also for what it is worth the Stardrake has been showcased and mentioned in a number of recent SCE articles.
  12. After a painfully long day it was good to come home and see these comments about my naive optimism. 😅 Also I am not a fan of Warhammer plus which adds a little more sting. @HowdyhedbergI suppose I am in the same boat as I am holding off on my SCE until I am done my small BCR army. But I am really excited for the books releasing as I want to know what to expect in the tomes for 3.0.
  13. I am calling it tomorrow will be big announcement and SCE and Kruelboyz will go on preorder... and I will miss all the excitement as I have a 12 hour shift ahead of me 😥
  14. I have Slaves to Darkness, Stormcast and Beastclaw Raiders... the latter of which just like terrain to smash with the new monster rules so I think they will be fine. 😆
  15. I know Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game is a different scale but how would that Dol Guldur set scale with the Warcry terrain from the original set? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/21/ardacon-2021-new-witch-king-huge-terrain-kits-and-the-future-of-the-war-of-the-ring/ The Amon Hen set probably scales better but it is too iconic for me to see it as anything else.
  16. Critters and Keys has arrived in a better form than I ever imagined ❤️ Seriously this dude is the best Stormcast design of all time. Still don't know his deal or if I like the character which will impact things but on a purely aesthetic level this dude knows how to Stormcast! I feel like I will get Bastian Carthalos even if I am running him as a generic unnamed lord!
  17. I remember that a number of people were really excited and happy when this character was announced but then GW later edited the page to include male pronouns: I do personally like the idea of gender fluidity in terms of Stormcast reforging. Let the Stormcast be their true selves upon being reforged. Sigmar is reforging the soul and that should reflect the thoughts and feelings of the character in respect to their identity. But importantly nothing can stop you from creating the lore that fits your models. If you have put money, time and effort into creating your faction then the lore you create is the canon that matters to me. No one can stop you from creating personal lore for your own characters. But that is not to let Games Workshop off the hook they still need to do much better in terms of representation.
  18. I hope his model is a pair of feet ending in clouds around the ankles... implying that there is more towering above the battlefield. But I still want it to be biggest model in the range.
  19. The Soulgrinder is also an undivided demon although it can be marked. I have always wanted shades as an undivided demon type. They would be available to summon by all chaos types but they would be the demons that have not taken true form. They exist within the shared unconscious of the chaos gods and upon proving themselves may be given true demonic form. I also want Raptoryx' to gain the demonic keyword. This would give undivided demons: Shades, Raptoryx, Soulgrinder, Furies and some plastic 'ruinstorm' demons and you have very minor undivided demonic faction. Finally have Be'Lakor learn the ability to create undivided demon princes as heroes/generals. Alternatively give Varanguard demonic and mortal keywords to showcase their blessings.
  20. See this is how you do rumours: time frames, exact models, information on form of releases (such as Dual Boxes and Kill Team), build options. Even if this is not legitimate, there is enough substance to actually discuss what is being presented. The only thing holding me back from supporting it was there is no info about Primaris Aelf Vampirate King Malerion and his new sick converse sneakers!
  21. I should have clarified that I do not think it is a PR move but rather that this sort of marketing is becoming more commonplace. Namely if this is a PR move it is a very, very bad one. In other words this reeks of 'a fanboy' who is attempting PR for the company they love.
  22. Everything is so frustratingly vague in that thread. Chaos Dwarves 2022, but no hint at their lore, what they look like or how they play? Tau and Eldar are getting new models, but what are they? A large number of the posts just seem to be defending Games Workshop against fan backlash and the boycott, making me suspect this is either a fanboy or a PR move, but either way we are not getting anything substantial in terms of reveals. 😔
  23. Thanks for the advise everyone. 😇 My Stormcast Army is a ways off as I need to finish up my Beastclaw Radiers before starting it. This gives me more time to consider the various options that you have all suggested. While also giving me a chance to see the actual points for my SCE which all seem to be increasing, likely limiting my choices. Although according to the warscroll builder I can run three units from Cities with what I currently have for SCE. @MarcvsSomehow I didn't even consider the fact that in losing Scions of the Storm how much more valuable Shadow Warriors would become. In my head it was a redundant rule, but I guess I was not considering the trade off of Stormkeeps. @readercolin I do really love the Phoniex model and I hadn't considered the Sisters of the Thorn which would be great as they provide a cavalry and mage option. I suppose a final option would be to build a Cities Army using the two Cities of Sigmar Start collecting sets and then freely borrowing between Stormcast, Dwarves and Elves in a Last Alliance styled selection of models. Although, I am already imagining how mad my partner would be if she saw that many more minis show up in our apartment.
  24. I am thinking that I will make a Stormkeep list that will include a unit of Dwarves and Elves. This idea is mostly to get the most of the hobby and give me some more models for tabletop RPGs. But which units do you think would make a fun addition to Stormcast? My current list is the contents of Dominion, a unit of easy to build Sequitors and the Knight Incantor that came with the magazine in 2.0. I am probably going to round out my traditional Stormcast list with a Knight-Draconis and a ballista. In terms of city units, I am partial to the aesthetic of Shadow Warriors and Long Beards, but I do not feel either would fit well within the units I have currently. I might do Sisters of the Watch and Irondrakes to get more shooting into my list.
  25. I don't want to have to sell one of my armies for Malerion... yet!
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