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Everything posted by KingKull

  1. Would anyone be so kind as to post what the 4chan rumor was about? It seems I'm not the only one not knowing about it.
  2. Very much obliged for the elaborate yet very digestible answer, my friend is going to be very happy. He's let fears of being "that guy" for getting into lumineth get the better of him (although he very much isn't - we play 40k on a regular basis) and I thought some outside info from a more knowledgeable source would help soothe him since I didn't manage to on my own.
  3. Not very familiar with AoS but a buddy's looking to getting into LRL and is rethinking it due to claims of OPedness. Would anyone be so kind as to give me a quick summary of why LRL are considered OP? Much obliged in advance.
  4. Gosh I hope you're right. This is why I fell in love with 6th ed wood elves in the first place - influences from folk tales (even quoting in-universe Bretonnian ones), Goethe's Erlkonig, Herne the Hunter and the British Wild Hunt, the Sidh, Mound People etc - all brought up in a diverse yet uniform and believable melting pot of ideas. Another thing that prevented me from diving into Sylvanteth was retconning sprites to be bugs exclusively - who remembers little green knights riding on owls or weird hedgehog-babies and wooden stick-horses?
  5. I've been holding my breath for a Wild Hunt AoS army for too long now, here's hoping that the Beastgrave warband isn't just a cruel tease that'll never turn into an actual army/more models (looking a t you Darkoath)...
  6. Greetings, fellow hobbyists! As the title says, I'm writing a research paper for a subject at the university (anthropology student), and hearing about your experience with a couple of hobby-related topics would be incredibly helpful. I'd especially love to hear about the experiences of long-standing veterans, but anybody's input would be greatly appreciated nevertheless. The things I'd like to know about are: -How did you get into warhammer? How old were you when you got in? What drew you to the worlds of warhammer? -If you have children (or know about fellow hobbyists with kids), did you try to get them interested in the hobby in any way? Did your hobbying catch their attention spontaneously? -What are your personal thoughts on the Warhammer: Adventures series? Have you bought of any of the books for your kids (or those of friends, relatives etc)? Do you know about any parents/kids who bought/received Warhammer:Adventures books without being a hobbyist themselves? If the answer to any of the latter is yes, how did the kids react to these books? Thanks for taking a moment to read this post, and I'm looking forward to hopefully hearing from you! Cheers!
  7. There is literally I could wish for more than this. Archaon has been one of my favorite characters ever since I got into warhammer as a kid some 13 years ago (and I wasn't even playing WoC back then) and I'd love to play him, but in no way can I stomach the new Dorghar.
  8. I agree with you on the armour smiting part, but even with that taken into account, there are still some glaring inconsistencies with the range's design language as it's being presented to us, and I didn't want to go into greater detail with my original post since there's so much of it that it might become a thread of its own. If we were to disregard awkward unique doppelganger models, we're still supposed to believe that a helmet, a partial chest plate and a shield (talking of Golems, and supposing that it's the same chaos warplate material), yields the same amount of protection as being encased in armor from head to foot with a big-ass shield to boot, and that somehow a hulking humanoid with tremendous weapon-arms and the champion with Spine-crusher thing hit as hard as the regular Iron golem foot soldier, but that either of those (supposedly) do less damage than the much more sensible weapons of the chaos warriors? God dammit.
  9. Gotta say I'm not happy with the warcry warbands as core. As people already mentioned, it's gonna be very weird seeing multiples of a very specific and characterful model in a single unit that's supposed to be little more than "cannon" fodder, and in retrospect I wish that instead of Warcry they developed a six-unit Darkoath sub-faction (generic barbarians, range barbarians, beastmasters, gimmick barbarian unit etc.). In addition, if the warbands' rules remain the same, I don't see any reason to take any other band apart from the Golems, as the potentially rerollable 4+ save on a cheap horde unit seems almost too good for objective camping (not to mention additional immersion breaking here, as a group of dust-bathing nobodies has the same armour save as warriors clad in chaos warplate).
  10. To be honest, I've had tremendous fun playing Necromunda so far (so much that it outmatched my group of friends' desire to play 40k, our "main" game for about a year or so). Granted, I never played the old necromunda, but from what I gather I feel that the current iteration is much more enjoyable, both regarding the revamped bands' aesthetics as well as the rules themselves. So, if GW were to revamp Mordheim at all and make it in any way similar to Necromunda, I'd be a happy camper.
  11. Here's to hoping that's true. While I very much like the idea of using my untamed beasts as marauders (although a lack of an unifying "unit-like" visual identity makes me a tad less entousiastic (beastmaster, lion, harpoon guy etc)), I suppose that it diminishes the chances of a marauder remake along the lines of Darkoath (the models that actually got me interested in AoS after a long period of POST-WHFB passive grumbling).
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