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Bosmer Nightblade

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Everything posted by Bosmer Nightblade

  1. 1000000% this. I was just having this discussion today with a GW stockist. I just don't get why anyone tries to play AOS competitively. The rules aren't suitable for a competitive environment, and worse, you're relying on random dice that any moment can destroy the best tactics. I, like you Izalith, get my competitive kick out of online gaming. I've also done Dark Souls and Bloodborne pvp, but I've put serious time into Destiny 'trials' (it may not be the best game now, but you don't find much tougher pvp challenge out there than trials), League of Legends, Smite, Overwatch. Age of Sigmar is a game with rich lore, models that you paint, on a scenic board, where you play scenarios trying to tell a story. The game is entirely suited for a narrative experience. Each to their own, but narrative should be viewed as the default for this game and competitive should be the thing we view with a puzzled expression.
  2. I can't find the video for this on Facebook. Their page has nothing on it
  3. I think it's 2 hours at adepticon, but gw is doing a preview roundup on Facebook live to close it off.
  4. Ask GW to cover the costs tbh. You're already doing the playtesting for them, and this forum generates a lot of hype for them on the rumour thread and just by the amount of community discussion going on on a daily basis. A few hundred a month to represent literally thousands of their community is a nothing cost for them. A total no brainer.
  5. This is literally the best paint job I've ever seen. And I've been in and out of the hobby for 20 years. It's not just the detail - pro paint jobs take that for granted - it's that this exudes 'cold', and it's a beautifully subtle paint job that doesn't fall into the trap of sticking some garish colour contrast all in the name of 'making it pop'. A whole army like this would be something to behold indeed.
  6. Maybe the chaos Herald will be Be'lakor. Love his model, but he could do with an update, and his current warscroll is squashed into daemons of chaos, which only everchosen can use. Who better to be the ultimate chaos herald though? He crowned archaon in the old world, and he exists under aos although hasn't really made an appearance. He doesn't have ties to any god in particular so plays no favourites. And everyone loves Be'lakor. Wishful thinking i know. A man can dream:)
  7. In one of the images above, there's a points value for khorgos khul. When did he finally become a character independent of 'mighty lord of khorne'? Where is his warscroll?
  8. Yeah basically that part is the bit that sounds all too familiar. Everyone has been wanting morathi slaanesh cult for ages so I can't tell if source is as much of a fan as everyone else and hoping that's the form the release takes, or whether they had any special knowledge about the actual release details. No clue on this part
  9. I'll cry if it doesn't happen lol. I guess gw can do things in whatever order they like though in the end. I have a few more things from the same source. I didn't include them as I think they might be pure speculation on their part. Having said that I don't know. So the above, assume that I have every reason to believe is correct. The below, take with a big pinch of salt: - Morathi to have own slaanesh-style faction. - More generic model update for slaanesh, like 'vanilla' slaanesh (as in not some other elfy or anything else mix) Those two I think they were just speculating on, but I couldn't be sure.
  10. Reason I'm confident in this one is because every time we meet I'm like "slaanesh???", and they're like "don't know". Finally, after countless times asking, I got a lowered voice "summer", with the other associated info I put in the post above. Still no guarantees I guess. Nothing is certain, but it's the best rumor I've got.
  11. Yes they are. I thought that was obvious too, but they really wanted to point it out in a dramatic "surprise!" moment anyway
  12. Got a rumour. Not gonna give source, sorry. Rumour is as follows: New Duardin at Easter. Realm of shadow supplement set for "summer", to include slaanesh and whatever has happened to the elves. Finally (part of same rumour) a reminder for us all to look at the image of the winged daemon looking thing in the original aos book where it says "what is going on in ulgu(sp)", and to remember that malekith combined with his dragon to become malerion. Source has been semi-reliable previously for me. Has had knowledge of things in advance, but not too far in advance. Seems confident about this, and laments that their job prevents them having fun spamming the rumour forums with the rest of us
  13. This is nice. Has a very retro feel to it but done with modern skills. I like
  14. Or how about one without any style of battletome, like aelves.
  15. So: Barrel - check Muzzle - check Trigger - check Ammo clip slotted below - check No space for bow strings whatsoever on the vertical design because it wasn't thought through properly - check
  16. I'm really not interested in yet more stormcast The models are ok, but not something I'll be buying. GW we have a LOT of factions left without love right now and I know you wanna force stormcast to be everyone's thing, but this is a step back. This is that time in a party centric RPG where you get -10 rep despite having had a run of getting everyone almost to max. Faith not destroyed, but no more like this please until you've at least got the other bases covered.
  17. If it's AOS then I won't feel so bad putting a mech soul grinder on the field
  18. Make new stuff OP. Profit. The staple of online gaming for years. No reason why GW won't use the same trick.
  19. Bosmer Nightblade


    Heheh. Mine are 7, 5 and 3. The 7 year old is full of attitude lately......
  20. Bosmer Nightblade


    Dez, is that you I see in that picture looking tired as hell with a slightly haunted look holding that baby?
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