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Everything posted by NkfPanda

  1. Has the new Blood Bowl Spooky Team gotten anyone hyped for a new Death faction?! Imagine a new Death army with werewolves vampires and pumpkin heads?! Haha and if not I’ll get nighthaunt when they get a new tome 😁.
  2. I know what you are saying. I wish they were too. I loved the lore regarding them but the models really through me off and if I don't love the battleline I usually won't invest in the army. I really want to get into death and am currently waiting to see if something happens with vamps. The FEC look isn't for me either and Legions look awesome and if I knew they were going to get a cities esque book I would invest in them but I don't want to put money into them yet. Vamps late 2020/2021?!
  3. Really hoping for a new Death faction this Halloween and not new Skirmish game models! (Cool games but no one in my area really plays them much)
  4. Thanks! I may be purchasing this after I finished my new Neffy audiobook.
  5. There is a BL novel called Dark Harvest that looks really cool. I haven't read it or given the audio book a listen though! An AOS fantasy detective would be so cool though! Geronimo Stilton for adults haha. As far as rumours go not much for AOS right now but that is a blessing to our wallets. Although I am on the lookout online for a well painted Death Army with Manny and Neffy :P.
  6. A new KO book is coming out in August which I am absolutely stoked for! Hoping to get more of an insight into KO daly life and see what Captain Brokrin is up to. Will be drinking Bugman's while reading.
  7. We aren’t 100% yet but KO are looking good! When big tournaments start happening consistently again we will know.
  8. Is anyone low key happy AOS releases are taking a little longer at this time? I wish I could give @KingBrodd his Giants and all you Lumineth Players all your minis (I play Deepkin so I still hatez you all because Teclis SuCkZ). Between finishing off I think over 3000pts of Deepkin and now I am finishing up my KO it gives me another 3 months to save money for real life and also focus on becoming a better player. I am still stoked for new releases but just trying to think on the bright side with all the 40k stuff going on and the snails pace AOS is having with releases right now. Still I am hoping for Vampirates or something Vampire themed! Maybe a new Deepkin Tome to make turtles great again. *Wait to make turtles great for once*
  9. Double Ironclad? By Grugni's beard one pint on me for everyone!
  10. I am really hoping for an updated Legions of Nagash tome similar to Cities or a new Soulblight army. I have time as I am focusing on my Deepkin and KO but I really would like to get into a Death Army at some point but the minis for the Bonereapers don't do it for me. Here is hoping that even if the models we have been teased are for a skirmish game something is one the horizon (or nightfall tee hee).
  11. When I was younger Warhammer Fantasy was way too confusing for me at the time to play or want to learn but I loved the minis for Brettonia. I would love for them to return and get the AOS treatment as well. Personally if they returned in some crazy way where they were big bads that would be cool to me as well. I think there are a lot of opportunities there to bring them back in a flavourful way.
  12. Semantics and pedantic rants if changed to physical exercise and positive thinking will equal a happier life - Volturnos I would lovvvve anything for my fishy boiz! 😍 I would have been happier for a huge points drop for my murder turtle and Eidolon over new models. For such an old book we are doing fine but I wouldn't be mad if a new battletome came out this year. Maybe a new tome and Embailor model. Or make Lotann not suck.
  13. I played 40k when I was 15 (16 years ago) and at the time I always wanted to play fantasy but it was just too confusing and convoluted. AOS seems like a much simpler and vastly superior gaming system for most which you can see in the way it is growing. As for the lore, it is getting better all the time! I do love the Old World setting a lot but for me AOS lore is becoming awesome. I try to read novels for the armies I collect (Deepkin and Kharadron Overlords) and that gets me pumped to play and collect.
  14. If I wanted to really go hard in the paint I would be using more Morrsarr but our other eels have their place. I find they are super versatile, quite inexpensive points wise and if you go first are great at holding objectives with the 3+ cover save. They are also very helpful I think with the shootier meta we have now.
  15. Now that the King is down 10 pts I am going to be running this for Semi-Comp: Akhelian King (240) Isharann Soulscryer (130) UNITS 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170) 6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (340) 3 x Akhelian Allopexes (300) BEHEMOTHS Akhelian Leviadon (310) BATTALIONS Akhelian Corps (100) I am ok with taking the tax on my turtle Franklin for the gain in FUN. Hoping to focus on this list and even take it to a few local tournies down here in Ontario, Canada or cross over the border eventually when the Rona calms down. If someone wants to go Super Saiyan I can always add more Morrsarr but the turtle is just such a good boy so I will probably just keep running him with the Corps. Fingers crossed this year for a new tome!
  16. Bruce Buffer: "Heeeeereeee we go!" I love my fishy underwater aelves. If someone doesn't like my fish aelves that is ok too. If someone wants to play their Lumineth Aelves that identify as Idoneth Deepkin that is fine as long as they follow the rules in the books as Lumineth Aelves via the battletome. Proxying is ok, we can agree to that no problem. If someone else doesn't want to proxy that is fine with me as well. On a serious-esque note if someone values diversity in their hobby that is fine. I value diversity in magical spells and creatures and monsters for my little plastic toy game I enjoy called Warhammer. I love vampires and elves and dwarves the most; if someone likes to diversify their models with different genders and skin colours and that makes them happy and relate to the game more that is awesome. I think diversity in Warhammer is a great thing because part of the fun is relating to the models and lore. As mentioned before they are your models so paint them how you wish and what makes you happy.
  17. Volty is the more comp option; I use a traditional King though because I am not a fan of the Volty model and I didn't want to convert. Otherwise Morrsarr 100%.
  18. I am with all of my fellow fishy boiz. I was really hoping for some drops but funny enough 10 points from my King allows me to add in another Allopex to my Semi-comp corps list lmao. But ya points should have been dropped big time on the Eidolon and Turtle. Hopefully this year we get a little love with a new tome. I wonder if there will be a faq regarding our boats and only being able to field one whole or two halves. I have a feeling that is coming.
  19. Does Arkham even lift tho? Look at those beautiful arms on our bestie Mannfred with emphasis on MAN. Manny knows best and he’s just ignoring that bully until the entire Soulblight army is released...then he can deal with that lil bish 😄.
  20. Thank you Manny for helping end the time of WHFBfor the superior game of AOS we appreciate you and your bald head :).
  21. You can find them on the KO Facebook group and some on the Chumphammer twitter feed :).
  22. So the Eidolon and Turtle did not go down in points. Hmm. Hmmmm.
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