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Everything posted by Boar

  1. So Battleshock does not appear to have unit size modifier and Inspiring Presence is limited to one per phase. Interesting
  2. Now with pics/videos around we now that in fact that those are "reinforcment points" for all intents and purposes. So battleleine unit doubly reinforced will deduct 2 points/slots from Reinforced units allowance.
  3. It is cap after summing up all modifiers. It's elaboreted in note next to point about modifiers at beginning of core rules. So yes only increased defense is capped, rend is not
  4. One rule is max for all army (4 for 2000pts), and second limit at unit level where battleline unit could be reinforced 2 times, and non-battleline only one time. There was rest of that particular page on teh internetz somewhere However what @Enoby just posted would mean that Chaos Warriors in particular will be available in sizes of 10/20/30. Which if true will still allow @drcraterto run his duded as he likes them.
  5. But you cannot make one blob that way, max 2 reinforcments per unit
  6. Loonboss on Mangler Squigs had 10 Bravery, healing every turn LOL
  7. Ha interesting point, wonder if it will survive first FAQ?
  8. But are they, it's not really explicitly mentioned?
  9. Yeah right. There is strange thing about this CA tough as in rumors it was 9" at the start of charge or something. And one playtester few deays ago talked as if that's actually the case. So maybe WarCom article didn't get rule right?
  10. It appears so far that there is no limit on stacking save, only to hit/wound Interesting point, it's certainly harder to use them. That means if you want to use Fanatics you need sacrificial 5 Hoppers f.e.x. OTOH +1 to hit benefits them massively
  11. And so Lord on Karkadrak will have look out sir, unlike this greenskin. Orruk stupid, Chaos smart🙂
  12. I am not sure, is that really that different to what we have now? Will depend on exact wording but maybe units that lose f.ex. armor save below certain treshoold like some grots and rats will lose it later? Tough it's still kinda worked that way before hmm... Unless it means all attacks from all enemy units, in such way it would impact everyone So strange, need more data
  13. It's at -1 to hit, and it uses up resource. It will be really painful only on handful of units/situations and those should probably be addressed at level of warscroll/points. And if points go up and max size of units will go down than you will get much less for this CP than people are thinking right now. So like wrote it's bit too early for getting depressed after looking into Palanthir. I like that rule, this is something new and I hope it will be good addition to game in long run. And slain is just game state of model, you who are reading too much into that and that leads to dissapointment.
  14. Pitched Battle Profiles is table at the end of Battletomes with points, battle roles etc.. It was that way ie. separate booklet last year.
  15. This, and if 40k is any indication it will only influence to hit and to wound rolls
  16. Throggoths have 2" range, and bases slightly smaller than 2" so they should be mostely fine. Gluttons less so It certainly looks that way right now, maybe there will be something else, that will influence that? EDIT: like point increases perhaps? If not it's time to stock on Marauders and Phoenix Guard
  17. It was in battleshock phase not any phase so similar.
  18. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/07/stormcast-eternals-in-the-new-edition-elite-versatile-champions-of-order/ A bit about Stormcasts and next rule blurb
  19. I mean their alliance is part of ongoing narrative, what's so unexpected about that?
  20. Yeah they are good at that from what I hear. Tough that was from 3rd party. Anyway glue fixed that issue so I am fine.
  21. Two sets, in both those parts are OK, tough one base was damaged. Perhaps kit is vulnerable to bad transport as it's pretty tight packaging.
  22. Battletomes and FAQ/erratas are source of rules, that's what I think. Azyr quite often get's things wrong
  23. GW stated that books will be compatible. And I saw many, many rumors and none of them were about warscrolls obsolescence. There is nothing that would point to such outcome as @Kurrilino is claiming
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