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Everything posted by KriticalKhan

  1. The Taranis hivemind grows ever stronger, brother.
  2. For anyone confused by a thunder god being represented by a wheel, of all things, it actually has some roots in Indo-European mythology. It's not very common, but perfect for a little extra flavor, and a group of extremists going as far as declaring heresy over using wheels in a practical sense is a pretty good microcosm of most Warhammer lore, lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taranis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharmachakra I'm really hoping we get to see the actual Crusaders in these Dawnbringer Crusades sooner rather than later. I need to know if the glorious poofy sleeves have survived.
  3. I'm going to toss my hat in the ring before the lore talk get mod-nuked, but Warhammer was, historically, a setting, not a narrative. By that I mean it wasn't like the MCU where every piece of new content was pushing forward an overarching narrative, they were shining a light on different parts of the universe where smaller, independent stories were told. The Core Book, Codexes, campaigns, etc. weren't the latest comic telling the next part of Mr Imperium Main Protagonist's (Guilliman....) life, they were meant to introduce you to a faction, show you a cool new place in the world, and said, "Now go have fun." If you wanted a story to happen, you'd read a Black Library novel or MAKE one with your battles with the people you played against. It wasn't "stagnant," it was a setting where players and supplementary material created their own narratives. I say "was" for a reason, as we've seen with post-Gathering Storm 40k and now AoS, that GW has shifted their approach. We're seeing a larger overarching story that gets pushed forward with new content, albeit very slowly, and that is, I believe, by design. GW isn't trying to write Lord of the Rings here, they're still writing something players are meant to set their battles in and authors are meant to write around. So we're not going to get Guilliman reuniting the Imperium and finding all the loyalist Primarchs, or Kragnos ruining Sigmar's plans in six months of releases, because after that happens... then what? You have to keep writing more, and more, and more new, different things to happen in order to keep stuff interesting, and when they want all their characters they're selling to feature in the lore so players keep using them, they can't keep writing dozens of different plotlines around them without ending up in the same situation that DC and Marvel comics are in. Spoilers for them, but it ain't a good one. GW is playing the long game. They're planning releases three, even four years ahead, and they have to write these developments under the assumption that they'll be keeping AoS and 40k around for another 30 or 40 years. Any developments in the "narrative" (and I hesitate to even call it one) are going to be minor, and they're going to happen very, very slowly. Also, Kragnos is like the Avatar of AoS: everyone keeps talking about Kragnos, but only to talk about how no one cares about Kragnos. It's very funny to me that his biggest impact on the community seems to be a meme about him being horny for Alarielle.
  4. "Malerion's faction is sure to release this year," I say, slowly rocking back and forth in my padded cell. The nurses give me my pills through a slot in the door. "You have to take these. It's what the Lord of Ulgu would want," they've learned to say. "For the Shadow Lord," I mumble, then swallow them dry. "Hey, buddy. There's a new model coming out, wanna see?" the nurse asks. He shows me a picture through the plastic window. Past the iron bars, I see it. Another Primaris Leiutenant. I start to laugh.
  5. One of the models teased in the 40k video is for Kill Team. People were saying all the stuff in the AoS video has to be for the mainline game since that was the only logo shown in its video, but the 40k video didn't have the Kill Team logo. I don't want to be the one saying it, but some of the stuff people are hoping for might not be as guaranteed as they think
  6. I am going to thrive in the delusion of this being new Warriors/Knights instead of a single foot hero and a new monster. No one disturb me until the official announcement arrives to crush my hopes and dreams.
  7. Decided to get some Chaos Knights before the kit got replaced. I'm not planning on starting an StD force anytime (soon...), I just really like these models and wanted to get them before they were gone. Just don't tell Archaon I was using this one as an excuse to practice some techniques for my Stormcast....
  8. In the time before time, before Nurgle corrupted our lands with his foul bat-born plague, I posted this guy here before trying to paint him. I didn't like it, stripped the paint, lost the head, then left it on my table, staring at me with his freaky neck stump as I tried painting everything except him. But I'm done procrastinating! I found a new head, cut the hand off, and... tried some milliput sculpting to finish the conversion. My fellow brogres, only the painting remains. Please ignore that I'm only finishing this to procrastinate on the Chaos Knights I just bought, which I only bought to practice for the Stormcast I have ordered, which I only bought because I couldn't wait for the World Eaters to release, which I only wanted to start because I was getting bored of my vampires. Which I only bought to procrastinate on my ogres. Huh.
  9. I don't want to sound rude, but anyone who thinks BoC should be in Destruction knows nothing about BoC. Read any page from their battletome and you'd know they're tied to Chaos at the deepest possible levels, even beyond some of the god-marked armies. And I'm sorry for even alluding to swearwords on this good, Sigmarite forum, but Chaos is in their name, ffs Back to an actual rumor, but does the idea of them getting souped with S2D have any real teeth? I'd honestly believe that GW forgetting about them for some stuff is more likely.
  10. -Doombull -Beastlord -Tuskgor Chariot -Razorgor -Shaggoth -Jabberslythe -Cockatrice -Centigors And that's ONLY the resin kits. Pretty rough considering how many plastic ones have not aged very gracefully, to put things kindly. I don't see GW doing such a big refresh right off the back of two other ones, so I'm not sure if a BoC update would be anything more than a new battletome. Since they were mentioned on their own, I doubt they'd even get a VS box with a new plastic hero. But who knows, I don't think I've ever had a single accurate prediction. If my track record holds true, then you guys will get the exact opposite of what I just said. So a complete BoC redo is pretty much confirmed. No need to thank me.
  11. Congratulations! You get a single monopose kit that removes any options it might have had before
  12. It's always funny to me when people here talk about MESBG as if it's on the verge of being discontinued and desperate for support when stuff like this drops just as often as any Warhammer content. Just reminds me of all the 40k fans who only ever hear about our game through old Fantasy players and act surprised when they find out AoS HASN'T been on its death-bed since release.
  13. It's happened before plenty of times. Other websites still have accounts that can be tracked, even if there's no personal information involved
  14. I remember some people seeing the first teasers and thinking it would be an Old Ones army/cross-game Seraphon model update that worked like Daemons of Chaos. Can you believe it? Imagine getting your hopes up for something like that, haha. Definitely wasn't me, though. Nope.
  15. I don't like slinging around the whole "soulless" thing very often, but comparing the new Emperor's Champion to the old one is... oof. As for Kruleboyz, I'm still of the opinion that they are not, and were never sold as being, their own faction, and judging them on their own is an inherently flawed way of looking at the release. It's like getting angry that the Lumineth Wind-Temple units don't have enough variety to make an entire, well-rounded army out of them. Complaints about the Kruleboyz not fitting in aesthetically and the general structure of the Warlcans book are entirely valid*, of course, but I just can't sympathize with the idea of being upset about not getting another cavalry unit in an army that already some. *I still think that Bonesplitterz and Spiderfang should have gotten a combined book. Lord knows they look better together than they do in their racial tomes.
  16. Didn't the short story with the ogre and Mouth of Gork feature smaller vulture riders? I'd bet on them getting some kind of DArK mIrRoR to the new dragon riders with those instead of Gnashtoofs.
  17. That's exactly what you should expect from the faction designed to be the milquetoast mass-appeal posterboys. In a setting like AoS, the "mundane" exists as an entry point for the extra-weird and as a way to contrast how strange everything else can be. And on a note completely unrelated to any of that, with these dragon guys and the coalition rules, Bretonnian CoS proxy armies just got a whole lot easier to make
  18. I don't know how many more times we're going to have to see that 4chan rumor debunked for people to stop bringing it up. Half of what it's said has been wrong, and that's for the immediate releases. The only stuff left to it are army releases multiple years out that anyone could guess. Grimdark Live never substantiated it, nor did they say it came from a source they trusted. They were only repeated what was being said by others. It has absolutely no merit worth discussing.
  19. Can I be naively optimistic and hope that all the previewed stuff will be out within a 1-ish month timeframe from when the pre-orders start? How long did it take for all the post-Indomitus Necron and Space Marine stuff to drop? I NEED that giant vulture
  20. Shhhh..... This is no place for logic or reason. We only do hype and self-inflicted delusions. Anyone want to bet when we're getting the Firebellies expansion? It's bound to be any day now.
  21. It's going to be pretty weird seeing Warclans after this update, given that it'll essentially be "Kruleboyz (and friends)". Their range has got to be nearing the old one in terms of size already, right? And they might still have a few more units on the way. I can't imagine the Stormcast book getting any thicker, but with the Space Marine codex for 9e as an example, I guess I don't have to
  22. I don't want to say it, but those faces are straight out of Furaffinity. I'm sure there is a very particular audience who will enjoy these guys a bit more than they probably should.
  23. For my own sake, I'm just going to assume we won't be seeing anything until 2024 at the absolute earliest.
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